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Showing posts with label FACEBOOK FRIEND REQUESTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FACEBOOK FRIEND REQUESTS. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Facebook never allow its users to add friends more than certain limit. Friend suggestions will appear on the side of your Facebook account. The more you add, chances are more to get banned. You may get a ban of 2 days, 4 days, 7 days, 30 days or permanent ban from Facebook. Also there is a Friend limit of 5000 for an account. My Facebook account hit the limit and now, many friend requests are pending for me. In this post, I will explain an easy, simple and quick way to add more friends in Facebook.



How to get Thousand Friends on Facebook

  • While opening a Facebook account, add maximum details, like School of study, work, place etc. Please make sure that such details will not hurt your privacy.
  • After opening a Facebook account, go to Find Friends. Never add friends from your Email directly. Instead of that, make a Contacts File for all contacts from all your email address by importing from Yahoo, Gmail and then save it in your computer. Upload this Contact File to Facebook while adding your friends. Some times, this contact file may contain more than 500 known friends in Facebook. This huge friend requests will trigger banning your account. So immediately after sending friend requests, logout of your account. Then login after at least seven days. You can see some of your friends added you. Please wait for another week to do the process again.
  • Now you can see many groups in which your friends have joined. Join such groups and manually place a request for friendship on the wall of such groups.
  • Try to join many groups that is related to your profession, place of work or thoughts. Share funny, outstanding thoughts or pictures through your wall and share it to all groups you have joined. Share a common view to become friends with all members in the group.
  • Always like and appreciate worthy posts / pages from your friends and friends of friends.
  • After doing all these, never use Friend suggestion to add more than five friends in a single day.
  • Once you have initiated a conversation, never forget to add the user on other end.
  • Actively participate in Chat rooms and you can first request your chat partner to add you.
  • If you plan to SNO,( Social Networking Optimization), then making a profile of a female, will be ideal. Try to add some attractive photos which could make a profile visitor, add this profile on first visit itself. (A survey found that 40 percent of Indian Female Facebook profiles are intended for SNO and are made up of fake photos and details)
  • In a thirst to get more friends, never make an ugly profile, filled with explicit materials. Some news is coming that Facebook decided to intensify its profile review system from January onwards and any such fake profile will be deleted with immediate effect.

Friday, October 14, 2011


As I have gained more friends in Facebook ( now I reached limit of 5000), I have faced multiple issues like, missing my old pals, missing valuable links, and piling up of unworthy links in my Wall. I have joined many groups and the notification from there is getting dumped in my mailbox. How to come out of this. I have decided to make a cleanup session for my facebook. But from where I shall start?



facebook securityIf you wish to do this, start from Account Settings. Click first on Security, then Notifications, and Apps. I simply tightened my security and disabled almost all notifications other than updates from Facebook. Under all Notifications, I clicked on Groups and disabled notification emails from Groups. ( after doing this, my total daily email number reduced from 140 to 44). When I checked my Apps (Applications) then I wondered seeing many applications, that are of no value to my blogging use. Trimmed one by one and finally figured 8 useful applications.





Go to Privacy settings. Control privacy when you post, default privacy (customize it) , and control how you connect with people you know before. Never allow people to Tag you. If you like to get tagged, then keep the tag notification “ON”. Allow tagging may lead to tag explicit images on your profile. You may limit the audience for posts you shared with more than friends. Control what is shared with apps, games and websites.



Control your friends by categorizing them into Lists. Delete friends whom you doubt as Fake Accounts. Never give your personal data to any friends. Also, never share your password.

 facebook cleanup

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


This article will help you to add your Facebook friends to Google Plus. This require some easy steps to do and a Yahoo account. With the help of a Yahoo account, you can add your yahoo friends and Facebook friends at the same time. Simply follow the steps given below.


Step 1) Login to your Yahoo account and then go to Contacts tab and click on Import Contacts. (You can see a Facebook Icon/ Gmail Icon-look the picture given below)

 facebook import

Step 2) Select Facebook button and start importing all Facebook friends to your Yahoo account. If you already logged in to your Facebook account in the same browser, then importing will start automatically. Otherwise, when the login screen of Facebook appears, login with your username and password. After completion of importing, all your Facebook friends will be added to your Yahoo contacts. You can see that your number of contacts increased.

Step 3) Now again open Yahoo mail, CONTACTS tab.  Click on Actions. Select Export all. Export as Yahoo! CSV, and save it on your Desktop.


Step 4) Now login to your Google Plus account. Click on circles and then on “Find People”. Under that tab, click on “Upload Address Book”. Then select the Yahoo! CSV address book, that you have saved on your desktop as per Step 3.



Step 5) Once the upload finished, you can see all those people are on the Circle dashboard. Click on each person and drag them to your desired circle. You can select many contacts at the same time and drag them on to your favorite circles.


Cool, isn’t it?


More to Read:

Thursday, January 20, 2011


We were trying to know how to make 1000 friends in Facebook in one week. As you know, more friends means more marketing potential. Recently, many of our readers complained about stupid action by Facebook in rejection of sending Friend Requests. The name of a friend will appear in Friend Suggestion section and when you click on “ Add as Friend” then another Popup will appear to say that you cannot send a friend request. The system of banning more friend requests is a nice move to avoid spamming of accounts and to create a real group of people. Other than Friendster, all other social networking sites are having such temporary banning on unusual sending of friend requests. In this post we will let you know the system of friend request sending by Facebook, so that you can add more friends in one day itself.

Understanding Facebook Friend Request system

Facebook friend Request system works based on two factors. One is the initial 30 plus friend requests, allowed upon the opening of an account. This will grow up to 50 direct friend request system, if you are able to get at least 5 friends through importing contacts from your email.

The other system starts from the second day of the account opening. The normal friend request count is 10. But after sending 10 friend requests, your account will be valued according to the number of mutual friends with you and your new requesting account. For example, you are sending friend request to a new account, in which you have 3 or more mutual friends, then you can add nearly 10 new friend requests in which the mutual friend count must be more than 3.

While sending request to accounts that have 3 or more mutual friends, if you accidentally send request to an account which have one mutual friend, then after two more account addition, you will see this message.


This message is just a warning,that if you continue sending new friend requests to accounts that have  mutual friends, less than this Warned account, then you will be temporarily suspended from sending messages or sending new friend requests. At this point of time, you will get another warning message as given below.


Remember that Facebook Friend request system focus mainly on frequency of confirmation of your requests and number of Mutual Friends.

How to avoid the ban of sending friendship requests.

If you get a Warning Message that “ Are you sure You know….”
  1. Confirm that request by clicking on I know.
  2. Wait till someone else confirm your friend request, and then restart Friend Request.
  3. If the same Warning Message appears, then logout, and clear cookies in the browser. Login after 10 minutes and start sending Friendship Requests.
  4. Please let any of your friends, to confirm  your request.This will boost the ranking of your account and you can send more requests. You may create a Fake account to confirm friend requests to boost your ranking. Or you can join any Live chat application, and ask anyone to confirm your request.
If you get a Warning Message that “ This request cannot be sent”
  1. Wait till someone else confirm your friend request, and then restart Friend Request.
  2. If the same Warning Message appears, then logout, and clear cookies in the browser. Login after 10 minutes and start sending Friendship Requests.
  3. Be very careful to select friends who have high number of mutual friends.
  4. Clear all the existing requests like, Games Requests, Friendship Requests, Join Group Requests to your account from other accounts.

If you get a Warning Message that “ You account has been temporarily banned from sending friendship requests”
  1. Sometime Facebook ask you to clear all pending friend requests. You must do it and start adding friends after two days.
  2. Also,logout, and clear cookies in the browser. Login after 10 minutes and
    clear all the existing requests like, Games Requests, Friendship Requests, Join Group Requests to your account from other friends.
  3. After one ban, be careful for next one month, because your account will be in “Black Surveillance”

So, start adding more friends. Please comment us, if you feel that Facebook changed the above explained system.

More to Read:

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