Seumur hidup aku, ni lah pertama kali aku masuk International School....dari luar tak nampak macam sekolah pun...tapi bila masuk dalam, MasyaAllah memang tak macam sekolah!! ehh!![😝](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/https/mail.google.com/mail/e/1f61d)
Beza sangat lah dengan sekolah aku dulu kan...haha~ untung sangat anak² yang dapat belajar kat sini....sangat untung...dengan facilities yang menarik, sistem pendididikan bertaraf dunia, tenaga pengajar juga bukan calang²...mereka perlu ikuti kursus mengajar dari semasa ke semasa....
Parents mana lah yang taknak hantar anak ke sekolah² yang terbaik kan??
So hari tu, dah alang² sampai sekolah ni, teruja lah nak tengok sendiri keadaan dalam sekolah...nak tengok rupa kelas² dia macam mana...since aku datang hari Rabu, weekdays, so boleh la jumpa pengetua, guru² and tengok sendiri anak² belajar dalam kelas....yeyy!
Seven Skies International (SSI), Kuala Lumpur merupakan satu projek sekolah yang dipelopori oleh sebuah organisasi yang memberikan pelbagai khidmat masyarakat, Mercy Mission.
Seven Skies International (SSI) dipimpin oleh pasukan yang terdiri dari kalangan pakar pendidikan yang bersama mencorak, menghasilkan dan memberikan pengalaman pembelajaran yang unik.
Seven Skies International Programme is a unique concept that provides a holistic curriculum for the comprehensive development of a child. It is unlike other schools in that it is activity based and involves experiential learning. With us, the child learns not only about academics but also Islam, the most important aspect of a person's life.
An ideal 1:18 teacher to students' ratio in the classroom facilitates effective implementation of the action-based curriculum and ensures your child is able to absorb the material quickly and easily. We aspire to make your child a lifelong learner, a responsible individual and an independent entrepreneur.
KINDERGARTEN (3-5 years old)
The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum focuses on providing a creative and caring environment fostering a 'play to learn' atmosphere. Through an infusion of games and play with a focus on developing Islamic awareness early in their childhood, the children develop a positive approach to their external environment.
PRIMARY (5-11 years old)
The primary of middle school is the center of Seven Skies educational focus, in line with the statement of our pious predecessors: "For the next seven years, teach them." Education in the primary or middle school is broken up into class learning, focusing on core academic and Islamic modules, and house learning, focusing on character and moral development.
SECONDARY (11-16 years)
Teachers are essentially mentors and friends to our students, helping the students connect their skills and strengths to the curriculum and extracurricular pursuits of the school. This unique relationship fosters a stronger bond between teacher and pupil, providing them a friendly caring environment during the challenges of their teenage years.
So hari tu, dah alang² sampai sekolah ni, teruja lah nak tengok sendiri keadaan dalam sekolah...nak tengok rupa kelas² dia macam mana...since aku datang hari Rabu, weekdays, so boleh la jumpa pengetua, guru² and tengok sendiri anak² belajar dalam kelas....yeyy!
Dr. Tawfique Chowdhury is the Chairman and CEO of the Mercy Mission movement. He started Mercy Mission in 2005. Since then, Mercy Mission has flowered into one of the world's fastest growing social service machines delivering innovative educational and social service programs to millions of people across the globe. Mercy Mission currently operates in Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, France, India, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Qatar, Sri Lanka and South Africa.
As a world renowned Islamic Scholar, Dr. Tawfique is also experienced in business professional having been a CEO of multinational IT company and an Emergency Specialist Doctor in Australia. He is also a corporate trainer, business coach and mentor to many successful people worldwide.
Being a prolific speaker, Dr Tawfique has travelled internationally sharing his knowledge in many countries worldwide. He is an acclaimed speaker, social entrepreneurship, business and corporate strategy, and organisational development.
In the Muslim world, he is well known for specialising in Islamic legal topics, particularly in Islamic finance, personal law and Islamic Medical Ethics and his opinions in this matters are eagerly sought. He is and continues to be a well known media contributor on various TV Channels worldwide and has recently been ranked amongst the top 500 most influential Muslims in the world by TheMuslim500.
He currently resides in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, with his wife and seven children.
Dr. Tawfique founded the Seven Skies International (SSI) back in September 2014, an international school located in Kota Damansara using the Cambridge syllabus and International Curricular. SSI also provides modules for character development and moral upbringing for students in general.
Dr. Tawfiq sendiri yang bawa aku tour satu sekolah...dia bagi aku tengok dan experience sendiri sistem pengajaran yang dijalankan di sekolah ni...macam mana interaksi antara guru dan anak² murid etc....
My first impression:
kelas pertama yang kami lawati ialah kelas Agama Islam...benda pertama yang aku perhatikan ialah susunan kerusi meja....dorang dah asingkan siap² pelajar lelaki dan perempuan....dah kata Islamic School kan? eh setiap kelas pun lain² susunan kerusi meja....haa sila teruskan membaca
More, sistem pendidikan kat sini melibatkan two-ways-communication....idak la cikgu syok sendiri bebel sorang² depan...cikgu akan selang seli hujah² nya dengan soalan²....once cikgu tanya soalan, hahh berebut² pelajar angkat tangan untuk jawab soalan! aku perasan, ada yang gagap² untuk menjawab, tapi cuba jugak! paling kagum kat sini pelajar² juga diajar menghafal al-quran....terbaikk!!
Next, kami melawat makmal² sains...
ya ampun canggihnya dikkk!! ahkak dulu umur 16 tahun baru belajar apa yang awak belajar...kat sini umur 9-10 tahun dah buat eksperimen Kimia, Fizik...pfft!
yang ni pulak kelas Bahasa Inggeris...ekceli bukan semua pelajar kat sini dah mahir berbahasa Inggeris dari sebelum dorang masuk SSI...kiranya macam Zafirah tu, aku tak ajar dia speaking kat rumah...tapi takde masalah pun nak hantar sekolah ni...paham? more, aku perasan, cikgu² akan tetap berbahasa Inggeris walaupun ada yang terkebil² tak faham apa cikgu cakap...
Bahasa komunikasi di sini memang 100% English....bebudak ni otak macam sponge...kalau dah hari² dia dengar cikgu cakap bahasa Inggeris, lama² dia sendiri akan adapt dengan bahasa tu dan akan mahir juga berbahasa inggeris...aku tengah cuba ajar Zafirah cakap English ni...kot dapat masuk international school senang la nanti...kihkih
kelas character development
ICT lab...
3D printer....jakun tengok printer ni tu tepek dalam blog jugak...bagi korang pun jakun sekali...haha~ tu yang macam model² atas tu lah hasil rekaan 3D yang pelajar² ni buat....canggih kan?? ahkak pun tak gheti dikkk! ahkak reti edit gambar guna Photoscape je...tu pun takat edit² lighting boleh laaa...nak edit bentuk² camni bagai tak boleh baca printer tu kang...cayalah dik!!
Nanti nak buat homeschooling dengan anak² aku macam ni lahh...menarik kot!!
SETIAP KELAS dalam sekolah ni termasuk lah kawasan kindergarten FULLY AIR CONDITIONED!! aku rasa sebab tu kot uniform sekolah dorang ada jaket / kot...tambah dalam ICT lab tu, aku duk dalam tu 10 minit pun dah gigil²....haha~
Last sekali kami ke kelas kindergarten....kanak² seawal usia TIGA tahun dah boleh hantar ke sini...
Zafirah tengah 'panaskan enjin'...biasa la memula jumpa kawan baru....dah lama kang kau tengok la dia takmo balik oke! grrr
Aku kagum betul tengok style teachers kat sini mengajar...walaupun dia tahu Zafirah tak faham bahasa Inggeris, dia tetap berkomunikasi dengan Zafirah 100% in English...memula aku risau jugak Zafirah boring sebab tak faham apa teacher cakap...surprisingly, bila aku tinggal kan dia dalam few hours kat sini, elok je dia get along dengan teachers and her new friends...dia dah boleh jawab soalan² teacher bila teacher tanya, "are you hungry? do you want to eat with me??"
eh bukan tadi tak faham English ke?? cayalah teacher! cayalah Zafirah!! mama is proud of u!
Aku kagum betul tengok style teachers kat sini mengajar...walaupun dia tahu Zafirah tak faham bahasa Inggeris, dia tetap berkomunikasi dengan Zafirah 100% in English...memula aku risau jugak Zafirah boring sebab tak faham apa teacher cakap...surprisingly, bila aku tinggal kan dia dalam few hours kat sini, elok je dia get along dengan teachers and her new friends...dia dah boleh jawab soalan² teacher bila teacher tanya, "are you hungry? do you want to eat with me??"
eh bukan tadi tak faham English ke?? cayalah teacher! cayalah Zafirah!! mama is proud of u!
kebetulan masa kitorang datang, dorang ada kelas baking cupcakes...dapat la Zafirah join bake cupcakes dengan kawan² baru and teachers baru...yeyy!
berlumuran lah tepung satu badan! kat rumah jangan harap mama nak bagi main tepung! bahahahaha
masukkan adunan dalam cup dan sedia untuk dibakar!! harum semerbak satu kindergarten dengan bau chocolate chips cupcakes...yummeah!
Masa nak balik Zafirah request nak bawak balik cupcakes...siap mentioned nak 3 ketol oke! hahaha~ err mama pun teringin nak merasa cupcakes yang dia buat tu sebenarnya...ngeee~ dalam kereta baru boleh makan...segan nak makan depan teacher...kahkah
nyumm! sedap oke! well done teachers!
Amacam?? menarik bukan?? ramai kawan² aku teruja tengok live update aku kat IG and FB....aku rasa korang pun mesti banyak soalan nak tanya pasal sekolah ni kan??
Maklumat lanjut korang boleh klik link² bawah ni:
Website: www.sevenskies.edu.my
Facebook: Seven Skies International
Instagram: @sevenskieskl
Atau korang boleh datang sendiri sekolah ni dan lihat sendiri dengan mata kepala korang facilities yang disediakan, boleh terus hubungi pihak sekolah di talian 03-6151-6952
atau boleh juga hantarkan emel ke info@sevenskies.edu.my
eh nak LIVE CHAT pun bolehhhh! klik je kat website yang aku bagi tu tau!
Terima kasih sudi membaca!