
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Showing posts with label Blue Monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Monday. Show all posts

Monday, July 4, 2011

Patriotic Vintage Goodness and God's Blessings

I'm so thankful today to think that I have the freedom to jump into my car, drive wherever I want to go and buy whatever I want to buy or not buy anything at all.  I am so thankful that I have the freedom to worship where and how I want, and to worship WHO I want, and that no one can tell me otherwise.

I am so thankful that I have food to eat and clothes to wear, that I have a lovely home and friends.  I am so thankful that I have the freedom to live where I choose to live and to do the things I want.

I am so thankful that I have the choice to have as many children as I want and that I have the availability to keep them healthy.  I am so thankful that food is plentiful and close at hand.

I am so thankful for the beauty all around me.  For the clean air I breathe each day, and for the clean water that I drink each day.  I am so thankful that God allowed me to live HERE, in the United States of America where I am free to be who I am.

I am so thankful that the men and women of this present day have chosen to give of their lives and their time here on this earth to put themselves in the line of fire for MY freedoms.  I am so thankful for the men and women in our history who have sacrificed their time, their limbs, their minds, their whole bodies and their only lives to fight for the freedom we enjoy today.  THIS is AMERICA...the home of the free and the brave,
and if you look anywhere else in this world, I know that you will find bravery and dedication, but you won't find the freedom and the peace that we have here...no, this is AMERICA, a place that God Himself has blessed.  Do you see His Hand on us?  Do you see His guidance and His blessings?  If you don't, take another look, because I dare say that you have a home, food, and clothing that most other countries could only dream about.  We each live in a mansion compared to others, we complain that the air conditioner isn't cooling enough, or the soda doesn't have enough fizz, or the movie we want to watch on t.v. has already started.  Let's take another look at what we enjoy each day and realize that it is GOD that has given it to us to enjoy.  It is not us who have fought for it, nor have we earned it.  It's a gift.  Just like the salvation and faith that God offers to us.  It isn't earned by us either.  Would you take a moment today to thank God for his mercy and grace to you?  Thank Him for his blessings and gifts to you...thank Him for the freedom He has allowed us to live in, and thank Him for His precious Son who died for His children.
Thank You Father for your most AWESOME gifts to us, and for this country we call home by your grace.

May God bless you this 4th of July and may God Bless America!!!

I'm adding my link to the Mosaic Monday party at

Blue Monday at

Show Off Your Cottage Monday at

White Wednesday at

Whatever You Want Wednesday at

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Just Couldn't Resist...

This is Mabry.
A Blue Piebald Miniature Dachshund.
He has two brothers who are Isabella (a light milk chocolate) Piebalds.
They were so cute I just couldn't resist sharing these pictures of them.
I'll be joining the Blue Monday party at
He's blue you know!!

Maverick is on the left, and Malcolm is on the right.

These two boys (above) are available for sale on my Miniature Dachshund website here if you are interested.
Mabry has already sold.

I was just looking through some of my older pictures from past posts and found these two shots of some wonderful lace medallions.  I think I'll be putting a few of these in the Giveaway Pile!!
Do you like them???  (Sorry, but the puppies aren't part of the giveaway!!)

Don't forget to enter my Giveaway, the details are available here

A whole roll of lace edging, One pair of green clipon earrings, a piece of embellished metal, hand made roses made by me and a small heart shaped pillow (also made by me), buttons, seam binding, doily, and a ceramic air freshener that is beautifully decorated. More items will be added as the month goes by, and I will be posting more pictures of the items in later posts. Stay tuned!! Lots of ways to enter all month long!!

Click here to be taken to the Giveaway Post to enter.  You can also enter each Thursday during the Pearls and Lace Thursday parties.  Be sure and read all the ways you can enter!!
I'm adding more and more items as I come across them....you never know what I might find!!

Blessings, Doni

Monday, October 25, 2010

I Heart Blue! and Only a Few Days Left for the Giveaway!

When I saw this button with the GORGEOUS blue stones, I knew it was destined to be part of a very special pillow.  I worked and worked and finally got it just right. 

The laces and edgings are all vintage and some are handmade.  The 3 crocheted roses were made by me.  I've been crocheting roses while I watch t.v. in the evenings and have a Mason jar full of them!  I can't wait to see how they look on the pillows I'll be making.

The embroidered flower was from a doily, and its edging of white lace was so pretty, I just had to use it!

Did you know buttons are really difficult to sew onto a pillow especially INSIDE a crocheted flower???

Don't forget the 100th Post Giveaway I'm having!  Only 3 more days left to enter.  Be sure and check it out

I'm joining in the Monday parties listed below!
Be sure and check them out!  There are some INCREDIBLY talented people out there!
Blessings, Doni

Mosiac Monday at
Today's Thrifty Treasures at

Show Off Your Cottage Monday at
Just Something I Whipped Up

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I've Got The Blues and My 100th Post Giveaway Continues!

The Color Blue
There's just something about cobalt blue...I don't know if it's the deepness of the blue, the almost black aspect of it's shading, or the lighter parts that grab me, but cobalt anything is gorgeous to me.
The color of the sky mixed with the color of the ocean, light shining through them to make them look like sapphire jewels.  Blue Beauty!
These appear to be broken cobalt bottles that have been tumbled to make them into what I was told are rocks for the bottom of a fish tank!

I think my new relish dish is the prettiest way to display them...and no fish are needed!

Hmmm, perhaps I need to add a few of these pieces of Blue to the Giveaway???
If you want to join in my 100th Post Giveaway, just click here and it will link you to my Giveaway post where you can read all of the ways you can join.  It will also show you the entire Giveaway pieces.
Hurry and join me!  The Giveaway ends October 28th.

I'm linking up with these Monday parties:

Mosiac Monday at

Today's Thrifty Treasures at

Blue Monday at

Show Off Your Cottage Monday at

Metamorphosis Monday

Just Something I Whipped Up

Have a wonderful Week!!!
Blessings, Doni

Monday, September 20, 2010

Blue Thank You!

What a special gift!!! 
Melissa at Piney Rose sent me these beautiful Blue items after I won one of her giveaways last week!
Aren't the lovely???
The heart-shaped box is so sweet, with tea things pictured on it, and the blue teapot is the perfect color blue to go with my blue kitchen items!!
Look at the napkin too...it's so perfect with the blue flower and blue edging...
Thank you so much Melissa!!
Be sure and check out her blog...she is a very talented lady and has a recent craft item that has been published!! Her adorable spools are delightful!!

I'm joining in the Monday Parties listed below!
Mosiac Monday at

Today's Thrifty Treasures at

Blue Monday at

Show Off Your Cottage Monday at

Hope your week is wonderful!!
Blessings, Doni

Monday, August 30, 2010

More Cooling Blues Around the House

I just must thank Laura from Ontario (her blog is Laura's Rose Garden) for sending us here in Texas her cooling weather!!! It has been only in the 90's this last week and we even saw some lows reach down to the 60's!!! WOOOHOOO! (can't you picture me running around outside waving my cowboy hat and smackin' the horse?) (Actually, it's a whole lot more likely you'd see me waddle around and smack a mosquito!!)
We've really enjoyed the 'cool spell' and look forward even more to Fall!!
I was hoping to have a lovely table all set with my newest white china that I bought off of ebay, but after a whole month of waiting, IT"S STILL NOT HERE!!!
Yes, I called, I nicely pestered, and she had all types of reasons as to why my china has not arrived, but as long I remain nice and she does to, well I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. 

I can't wait to see what it will look like put together.  I am not the type to set the table for dinner, but I love love love what I see on so many of your blogs.  Tables set with gorgeous china, flatware, glassware, real flowers, lovely centerpieces, etc.  Maybe I will take some lessons from y'all and see where it takes me!!
Hope you are all having cool breezes and may you have a lovely week!
Be sure and check out Pearls and Lace Thursday #17 here and see my beautiful hand painted bowl I recently acquired.  It's worth the click!!!
Join me here on Thursday as well for Pearls and Lace Thursday!!!

I'm joining these parties for a delightful blogging Monday!!
Be sure and check them out and join us!!

Mosiac Monday at

Today's Thrifty Treasures at

Blue Monday at

Show Off Your Cottage Monday at

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Cooling Blues

It's soooo hot here...and no sign of cooler temperatures.
So, the blues in my home help us to cool down...at least that's what they say.
I know that the cool blues and greens tend to calm, cool, and make us feel better, whereas the reds and oranges heat us up.  I have always loved blues.  And purples!!

These pictures are from some past posts that I made into this mosaic.  They range from crisp cobalt blues to the baby blues in the table napkins.  I guess our eyes just favor certain colors.  I remember as a kid I loved red.  Couldn't get enough of it.  Now I just love the cool colors!  I sure am glad about that this summer!!
Hoping you all cool off soon and that fresh breezes of fall come to us all soon!
I'm linking up with the following parties for Monday!! Come on and join in the fun!

Mosiac Monday at

Today's Thrifty Treasures at

Blue Monday at

Show Off Your Cottage Monday at

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Delicate Florals and Blue Rose Doily

I was so excited! I found this gorgeous teacup on ebay!

I just HAD to have it!

The blue doily was a garage sale find locally this past weekend, and it has a sister in brown and pink.

Both are so unique!

The teacup interior is beautiful and delicate, but the outside is just a single gold line.

I forgot to take a picture of the mark on the bottom!
It's Limoges, made in France, and has a number marked 817
Also, initials of AOH, but this set is NOT hand painted : (
It's a transfer! Needless to say, it's pretty!

Be sure and get your posts ready to join us here for Pearls and Lace Thursday!

I hope to see you all!

I'm joining all of the parties below, and hope you will go and check them all out!

There are some fabulous blogs out there! Have fun!



Today's Thrifty Treasures at

Show Off Your Cottage Monday at

Tuesday Tea for Two at

and Teapot and Tea Things Tuesday at

Sunday, July 18, 2010

More Blue Blessings!

I wasn't watching Felix The Cat,
BUT, my heart DID go Pitter Pat!!!

The same garage sale I told you about where my husband found the hand painted china had these 4 cross-stitched napkins, outlined with blue. They were so sweet I couldn't pass them up!
And at the store we found before the garage sale??
This was where I just about lost it.
There, on a shelf up high, as part of a display for all the world to see,
just sitting there waiting for me to eye them, were FIVE
of these lovely delicate handpainted beauties:

I stood there and watched for my husband to come my way so that he could get someone to help me get them down.
The lady got a ladder, and not very carefully started to hand them to me.
"Please Lord, please don't let them break" I prayed!!!

"Oh, aren't they cute" she says. "Yes, I thought so too" I answered. Carefully I cradled them next to my heart all the way to the front.
I paid for them and conquered the urge to holler

What a blessing to find!!

I couldn't wait for Pearls and Lace Thursday to share them with you.
(But be sure and come back and join me for this week's Pearls and Lace starting Wednesday evening. I'll have Mr. Linky ready!!!)
I decided that Monday Parties were the perfect chance.
Hope you all have a wonderful week, and please visit all of the parties listed below and check out all the lovely items that the participants are sharing!!
Make new friends, but keep the old
One is silver, and the other gold.
(can you tell I was a Brownie??)

Today's Thrifty Treasures at

Show Off Your Cottage Monday at


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