I'm so thankful today to think that I have the freedom to jump into my car, drive wherever I want to go and buy whatever I want to buy or not buy anything at all. I am so thankful that I have the freedom to worship where and how I want, and to worship WHO I want, and that no one can tell me otherwise.
I am so thankful that I have food to eat and clothes to wear, that I have a lovely home and friends. I am so thankful that I have the freedom to live where I choose to live and to do the things I want.
I am so thankful that I have the choice to have as many children as I want and that I have the availability to keep them healthy. I am so thankful that food is plentiful and close at hand.
I am so thankful for the beauty all around me. For the clean air I breathe each day, and for the clean water that I drink each day. I am so thankful that God allowed me to live HERE, in the United States of America where I am free to be who I am.
I am so thankful that the men and women of this present day have chosen to give of their lives and their time here on this earth to put themselves in the line of fire for MY freedoms. I am so thankful for the men and women in our history who have sacrificed their time, their limbs, their minds, their whole bodies and their only lives to fight for the freedom we enjoy today. THIS is AMERICA...the home of the free and the brave,
and if you look anywhere else in this world, I know that you will find bravery and dedication, but you won't find the freedom and the peace that we have here...no, this is AMERICA, a place that God Himself has blessed. Do you see His Hand on us? Do you see His guidance and His blessings? If you don't, take another look, because I dare say that you have a home, food, and clothing that most other countries could only dream about. We each live in a mansion compared to others, we complain that the air conditioner isn't cooling enough, or the soda doesn't have enough fizz, or the movie we want to watch on t.v. has already started. Let's take another look at what we enjoy each day and realize that it is GOD that has given it to us to enjoy. It is not us who have fought for it, nor have we earned it. It's a gift. Just like the salvation and faith that God offers to us. It isn't earned by us either. Would you take a moment today to thank God for his mercy and grace to you? Thank Him for his blessings and gifts to you...thank Him for the freedom He has allowed us to live in, and thank Him for His precious Son who died for His children.
Thank You Father for your most AWESOME gifts to us, and for this country we call home by your grace.
May God bless you this 4th of July and may God Bless America!!!
I'm adding my link to the Mosaic Monday party at
Blue Monday at
Show Off Your Cottage Monday at
White Wednesday at
Whatever You Want Wednesday at