
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Showing posts with label Pearls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pearls. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Pearls and Lace Book in a Beaded Bag Idea

The Good Ol' Days!
When women dressed up, did their hair and makeup, and carried beautifully beaded bags for a lipstick and compact.

Nowadays those gorgeous bags are eye candy!
Here is my collection (so far), and a new twist on a possible wedding gift idea.

You can see the You Tube video here.

This was a truly fun project and I hope you can use this idea for a gift to make in the future!  
Thank you so much for visiting!


Friday, January 22, 2016

Lace Book Bridal Bouquet

"Bridal Bouquet"

Hello!  I hope you are all doing well and having a great new year.
I have been busy making a project for a challenge!
Donna Little is having a January Challenge and Giveaway that is located here.
Thank you Donna for hosting this challenge!
Many of the pieces that I have included in this lace book, I purchased from Donna! 

Images of lovely vintage brides in their gorgeous finery, holding huge bouquets of flowers with beautiful long streamers of ribbons.

The textures, the colors, the beauty!
I tried to include them all in my latest lace book.

A little bit of a story goes along with this book, and those of you who are always on the hunt for something for your lace book will enjoy this.
I live in an area where antique stores run along the main streets of downtown.  I have been in them many times, and on one my trips I saw a huge bolt of velvet.  It was a creamy vanilla color, but had some age spots and a bit of water damage to it.  So I passed it by.
And that night I couldn't sleep.  
Now I spend a lot of time on the internet and on you tube looking at lace book videos.
HOURS of videos.  I especially love looking at Margaret Tomasso's creations and she has inspired me greatly.  Click here to see her You Tube channel.  There are so many talented ladies out there!  I've learned so much from you all!
But then I saw a video Margaret did that had velvet.
And I passed up that roll of velvet at the store!!! OH NO!

Fast forward to the next available day I could get to town!
It was freezing cold, and it was just after the new year.

I walked in to the store, bee-lined it to the vendor's area, and it wasn't there!!!
OK, I thought.  So it's not here.  Maybe she took it home and I can find out from her if that's the case.
So I mosey around snooping behind her boxes and displays, and then....
Hidden behind a display!!!

Now this bolt of velvet was heavy, not a full bolt, but PLENTY of fabric to have on hand for a really long time.  BUT....was it yellow, or was it cream????  If it was yellow, I would not be getting it.
I looked for a price on it, and couldn't find one.
Up to the front of the store I go, carrying the bolt of velvet.
The lady at the front was soooooo nice!!!  Of course she would let me carry it outside to see the color in natural light!  She followed me out to see it herself.  "What are you going to do with it?" she asks.
"Make fabric and lace books and flowers with it" I answer!!

It's cream!  NOT YELLOW!!!  A beautiful, creamy vanilla oh so perfect with laces I couldn't be happier.  But wait, there's more.
The price issue.
We can find no price.  So she proceeds to call up the vendor, can't reach her.  Tries another number, no answer.
"What would you offer for it?" she asks me. 
I show her the damage, and then offer $10.00
"That's fair" she says!
It's mine, and now it's made into a beautiful lace book of bridal bouquets!!

The roses on the front of the book are THAT velvet!!

The front and back (above) are covered with that creamy velvet.

I have recently started purchasing wedding dress appliques and a few wedding dresses to cut up and use for my lace books.  They are just gorgeous, and I have used many of the materials and fabrics from the dresses to make long trains for the bottom of the book!  They hang down and drape beautifully.  

My stash of doilies has been depleted quite a bit!  Tons of ruffles and laces were used along the edges of the pages to make the book nice and full.

 Pages 1 and 2 of the Bridal Bouquet Lace Book

 Pages 3 and 4 of the Bridal Bouquet Lace Book

 Pages 5 and 6 of the Bridal Bouquet Lace Book

Pocket page

The Bouquet page
lots of beautiful streamers of ribbons, pearls, and lace.

 Pages 7 and 8 of the Bridal Bouquet Lace Book

 Pages 9 and 10 of the Bridal Bouquet Lace Book

Back Cover


This was such a fun project!  It took me quite some time to get it all put together, but the process was amazingly fun.  Wedding dresses and appliques along with laces from long ago, vintage and antique, were used, along with many trims both vintage and new.  I now have a huge collection of trims that I can utilize for my books.
And let's not forget the pearls and bling!  I have put some lovelies in the book and it all seems to make it into something very beautiful.
I'm seriously considering selling it...what do you think??

Thank you so much for looking!  I hope you enjoyed it!
Blessings to you all,

Saturday, July 18, 2015

More Lace to Share With You.

The Rest of the Story!

My last post was the Where Bloggers Create Party, hosted by Karen Valentine.  If you'd like to see what I shared on that post, scroll down after this one, or click here.
The gist of my post was sharing what was IN all my drawers and storage jars.  Some of the photos I took were mosaics of the photos I will be sharing today.  My favorite lace appliques!

 These tiny bits of lace pieces thrill my heart!  I can't imagine how many women over the centuries spent countless hours weaving bits of thread into these little wonders!

The photo below is one of my favorite storage boxes.  It is half circle shaped, and covered in a gorgeous faded fabric.

I keep my favorite boxes in a special spot, on my desk.  I know that the contents of these special boxes are kept away from windows, safe in their vintage boxes where on special occasions, I can take them out, gaze and stare to my heart's content, or use a certain one for a journal or wall hanging.

I hope you enjoyed a closer look at the specialty pieces I've been hoarding!  I had a wonderful time getting them out and arranging them to share with you!



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