
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Showing posts with label Roses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roses. Show all posts

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Vintage Photos, Laces, Hearts, and Dried Roses

Nostalgia, Blessings, Remembering, Growing.

It always seems that when I work with my laces, I'm thinking of people who lived long ago.
When I touch the beautiful designs made by hands long ago, it connects me in the NOW, with people from the PAST.  And it makes me think.  What will people in the FUTURE think or know about me?
Am I leaving something behind for those who will come after me that will be of value?

I know I am.  Because I'm a living, breathing, human being of value to God, and so are YOU.
We have a purpose here.  We have a place, and we have HIM.

My value?  Only God knows the real value, but I can name a few that I see.
To my husband, my children, my church family, and my friends.
You see, things would be a lot different if I wasn't here.
And that's what I guess I'm getting at.
I almost wasn't.

These vintage photos are just so sweet.  Beautiful children who lived long ago.
Their pictures left behind for others to value.
But the people themselves, they had value, and they probably grew up to have their own children, and then THEY had children who may be those of you who are reading this today.

Being you today is a gift from God.  Life is a gift.  And it's God's to give or take.

The old things I collect and love to play with are truly just things.  They have little value.
And as I grow older, I seem to be able to pass more of the items I've cherished on to others.  Realizing that it's the OTHERS who have value!

I'm so thankful for photos.  They are the visual history of our world.  Truly, a picture is worth a thousand words!  And the photos I cherish of my loved ones from the past as well as my children from today make my life happier.  Those have value.  Because THEY had/have value.
And some day when photos are all that is left of me, I hope that the people seeing them will realize that life is precious.  That life if of value.  That THEY have value!

Mankind is always trying to do or make something that will keep their NAME remembered.
I don't care if my name is remembered.  I want them not to remember my name, but my JESUS!!
And the VALUE He puts in THEM!

I almost wasn't born, I was not wanted. And in a day and age where life is now an item that has little or no value, it makes me incredibly thankful to the ONE who gives life.  And to the one who decided to go against her parent's wishes and give me a life. 

Each of you who are reading this have been given a miracle.  LIFE.
Live it for a purpose.  Live it because you are special.  Live it because YOU HAVE VALUE!!
And thank the ONE who gave it to you.


Sunday, June 14, 2015

A June Evening

A June Evening

So I've been busy!  Did you happen to notice that I've changed the background and the template of my blog?  It took me a long time to learn how, but it's almost just how I want it.  I hope you like the changes!

It's been raining off and on today, but for the most part the sun has been shining today.
It was a quick weekend with so much going on, but I went into my craft room this evening and these goodies were ready for me to share with you, so I turned the blinds open, and it was marvelous!
The light was fantastic.

I have put myself on a spending hiatus, not purchasing anything new for months.  Until this last week...then I had to have some pink and cream goodies to add to my stash!
And speaking of stash, do y'all want to see more?
Karen Valentine is hosting yet another year and I'm almost ready!
I decided to work on the INSIDES of my storage pieces and concentrate on closeups of the lovelies I collect.  If you always wanted to peek inside the drawers, then next month is the time!

Remember when something as simple as a length of ribbon came with an embossed metal crimp to hold it together?  Seriously, even the wrapping that we usually tossed in the trash back in the day is now a piece of nostalgia!!

A pink headed corsage pin.  Now that's classy!!

Tiny details.  So lovely.

The velvet flowers with the rhinestone centers are a new favorite!  I must start looking for more of these lovelies!!

Click on the image above to go over to Karen's blog to find out the details about the party.  I plan on spending a LOT of time looking through blog land at all your creative spots and gleaning ideas for my own room!  I hope you'll enjoy visiting here again for the party!

Blessings to you!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Crocheted Buttons and Dried Roses

Finding beautiful things is sometimes rather easy, but finding beautiful things that are AFFORDABLE is hard!
When something catches your heart, you have to ask yourself if it's worth the price being asked.
I always ask myself if I am willing to pass something up even if I love it, would I always think about it in the future and wish I had bought it?  In other words, will I kick myself for NOT getting it?
If my answer is yes, then I go ahead and get it.
If it's not that big a deal, I don't need it!!

So, I couldn't live without these:

Seriously, who can crochet this small??

I love to dry my flowers, and over the years I have kept MANY flowers by drying them.  The white roses from my husband for a past birthday are so brittle, I might have to dispose of them soon, but they still bring back the memory of a lovely dinner and a huge vase of white roses!

Garden roses of different hues are favorites to dry.  And free.

If you've followed my blog for long, you will know I have a fascination for tape laces.  This piece of fragile loveliness is also a new find.  

The china pieces are red transferware that I find gorgeous to use in my craft room.

This piece is really humorous to me.  A picnic on the castle grounds, men lounging on the ground in suits and women serving them in long dresses.  Hmmm, how times have changed!!

My last post was this years version of Where Bloggers Create and I shared my craft room with you.  If you'd like to see it just scroll down or catch it at the top of the sidebar.  Many thanks to each of you who have visited, pinned, and commented on my room.  Nadine my dress form and hostess has finally caught her breath.  She says to tell you all how much she loved your comments!!
As did I.  Y'all are such lovely people!  Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and make my day!

And welcome to all my newest followers!!!  I really look forward to getting to know you!
Blessings to you all!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Sweet Vignette to Share

I'm all finished with my craft room, with the photos, and with my post.  All I have left to do is
Are y'all ready??  Where Bloggers Create party will be here on Friday!!!
So, with only a few days until the party, I would like to share a few photos with y'all of a vignette I have displayed in my room.

I try to dry some roses each year as they bloom in abundance.  Extra rose blossoms dry beautifully when hung upside down in a dry dark place.  I still have some from almost 10 years ago!!

As you can see, I have two chairs in my craft room.  One for me, and one for YOU!!
Please come back and visit my craft room starting Friday for the Where Bloggers Create party.
I have a HUGE post of photos of my room to share with you all.

Looking forward to seeing you at the party!
Blessings to you all,


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