
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Showing posts with label Pink Rocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pink Rocks. Show all posts

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pinks and Pearls for Pink Saturday!

I'm giving y'all a hint for what I have in store for my Pearls and Lace Thursday Party next week...
It's beautiful...it's pearly, and it's lacey!!

Right now it is the center of attention on top of my vanity.  Oh, I know you'll be drooling when you see it. 
I hope you love it as much as I do.
I think it must be time for another GIVEAWAY!!!
Next week that is!
Be watching and getting ready to participate.  I will have some goodies from my stash to give to a sweet someone out there!

Hope you all have a lovely cool weekend with lots of blessings.
I'm joining up for Pink Saturday at
Be sure and go by to view all the pink participants!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #37

Ribbons and Roses
But they're last year's roses.
I can't wait for this year's roses to bloom.  I will want to pick every one of them I know, but I try not to do that.  Only the first ones maybe get picked, then I know I can enjoy them the rest of the summer.
But those first lovely blooms...can't you smell them right now???
They have to come inside.

I was so delighted last summer to find a small collection of Limoges porcelain.  They are the smallest ones I've ever seen.  They each have a print of the a courting couple on them, and a small sprig of flowers on the opposite side of some.  Then there's the little teapot with a spray of delightful primroses on it.  The lid is deparate.  They're so dainty and cute!

I went a bit overboard on the ribbon I think.  But the light cream color mixed with pinks were so pretty...one of my favorite color combinations!

The are the pink rocks that I found last summer and almost passed up!  In fact, I had to make another trip out to purchase them, fearing for a whole week that they would be gone!

This pair of buttons are made of plastic I think, but the pink rhinestones on them are so cute! I love these buttons and would love a whole drawer full!  I have others that are the cream/white color with clear rhinestones in them that I also love.

Hope you're having a lovely week.  I'm going to be joining the Pink Saturday party this week at

As well as all the Friday parties listed below:

Show and Tell Friday

It's a Hodgepodge Friday

Frugalicious Friday
A Crafty Soiree

Vintage Inspiration Friday

be sure and come by and visit the party-goers and enjoy all their pink pretties and join in too!
You can my Pearls and Lace Thursday party too.  Just add your blog post url to the link below.
Looking forward to perusing your blogs and seeing all your pretties!
Blessings,  Doni

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pink Rocks!

Literally! I have Pink Rocks!
Does anyone know what these are? Are they quartz? They have this almost soapy feel to them when they are wet.
I found them in an out of the way flea market sale and fell in love with them.
(update: I checked to see if they felt 'warm' when held against the skin, and I can't say that they do...but it did feel warm on the rock after I held it to my arm for a moment or two.
AND, I tested it for saltiness, and WHEW! It was VERY salty tasting! I can just see y'all laughing at me because I tasted it!!! I am! Y'all might as well!!)

Do any of you ever find something at a sale and think, "Oh this would be so pretty in a post for my blog for Pink Saturday!"...? Well, I did just that. I spotted these one day when I didn't have but a little bit of change on me...and I didn't buy them that day.
I went back a week later and didn't see them in the same spot......oh no.....
"OK...where are those pink rocks you had over here last week?" I asked.
She knew I'd come back.
She had only moved them. Yea!!

I just couldn't wait to get my camera out and all my pretties out and begin taking pictures of them displayed with some other pink finds.

I even partially dismantled one of my huge feaux flower arrangements so I could use the pink hydrangeas with them!!

The pink edged doilies were a recent find as well! I was really having a pink week!

The hand painted perfume bottle and powder jar are old. I was one of those really strange kids who used to stop by garage sales on my bike when I was in Junior High school. I'd go miles and miles, and sometimes I'd find some really cool stuff to bring home. This set of dresser items was a find from way back then. They couldn't have cost much...after all I was just a kid! (and I had to have SOME money left over for candy!!).
I rode my bike all the way home with these hanging from my handle bars in a bag...
and they didn't break!!!

Hope you can help me out with the type of rocks these are...
I'd love to have y'all join me too for Pearls and Lace Thursday to share with us your lovelies and laces, rhinestones and pearls!
I'm joining in the party at Beverly's for Pink Saturday. Be sure and check out all the lovely pink posts and join in the party!
And I'm joining in with Cindy for Show and Tell Friday here:
Blessings!! Doni


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