
Pearls and Lace, My Favorites!

Showing posts with label Show and Tell Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Show and Tell Friday. Show all posts

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pearls and Lace Thursday #38

Faded Red = PINK!
Actually maybe it's more mauve, but still pinky nevertheless!
And I just love it.

I recently added the little box that the teacup is sitting on to my vintage finds.  It's a little sewing box or glove box and has seen better days, but I think it's time for a new life for it.  I wondered about perhaps putting some pretty vintage material around the bottom and sides, but I love the color.  The inside of it is awful, like it's falling apart and yucky, but after some tlc I think it will be sweet again!

My very favorite thing to share with you today though is something from FRANCE!!!
I saw some of these LOVELY music cards that one of you very awesome ladies had used on a tablescape and fell absolutly in LOVE with them.  Now, I play the violin, and these cards were just meant for me.
I am showing y'all 2 of them, one is even hand-written music and just awesome.

Lovely bobbles (don't you love that word...) of pearls in pinks and white...

and some very old beads from a broken necklace.

This very very old family album has lost its velveteen lustre, but the color and medallions are still beautiful.

And then there are Pearls, and Lace...crocheted roses that are a gorgeous faded pink in color. 
I love to find things like that!
Thank you for joining me for Pearls and Lace Thursday.
Now it's time for you to join me!  Just add your post's url code to the Link below and let us see what beauties or bobbles (there's that cool word again) you have to share.

I'll be joining these parties on Friday:

As well as all the Friday parties listed below:
Show and Tell Friday
It's a Hodgepodge Friday
Frugalicious Friday

A Crafty Soiree
Vintage Inspiration Friday

I'm also joining up with the ladies for Pink Saturday at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/
be sure and come by and join the fun there.
It seems that I've been on a pinky theme lately...hmmmm
maybe BLUE or PURPLE for next time!

Have a blessed day!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pearls and Lace Thursday #31 and the Giveaway is Still OPEN!

Remember the song in the movie Oliver Twist where the boys are singing, "Food, Glorious Food!"?
Well, I see these laces and think, "Lace, Glorious Lace!!"
I will never have enough it seems.  Whenever I look on Etsy, it's for lace as well as buttons.  When I go to a garage sale or a thrift store, it's the lace as well.
The textures, the beauty, the colors, I just must have more lace!

Whether crocheted or tatted, hand made or even machine made, beautiful elements add up to make my heart skip a beat when I find some.

Above is some treasured tatting edging that I found for a song at a yard sale.  The person who made it took HOURS of precious time to tat these many many yards of beauty.

And these piles of crocheted lovelies?  Perhaps they were intended to be a tablecloth or a bedspread, but close to 200 of them were my very latest purchase.  Oh the possibilities!!

And these below are just a few of the numerous cards of laces I found at a local garage sale.  I couldn't believe how much was there!  I have throroughly enjoyed making pillows using these beauties and hope to have many more made this coming year and available at my Etsy store.
And speaking of the Etsy store, don't forget about my current Giveaway!
Please follow the rules for entering here at this post.  The last day to enter is December 31st, and I will pick the winner soon after that.

And, since this is a Pearls and Lace Thursday post, please feel free to join me with your post of lovelies.
Add the url of your post to the Linky below, and Please, refer back to Pearls and Lace Thursday using the url and button located on my sidebar somewhere in your post.
Hope you each have a blessed week,

Be sure and check out the parties below.  I'm joining them and they are sure to be wonderful!!

White Wednesday

Show and Tell Friday

It's a Hodgepodge Friday
Frugalicious Friday
A Crafty Soiree
Vintage Inspiration Friday

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pink Rocks!

Literally! I have Pink Rocks!
Does anyone know what these are? Are they quartz? They have this almost soapy feel to them when they are wet.
I found them in an out of the way flea market sale and fell in love with them.
(update: I checked to see if they felt 'warm' when held against the skin, and I can't say that they do...but it did feel warm on the rock after I held it to my arm for a moment or two.
AND, I tested it for saltiness, and WHEW! It was VERY salty tasting! I can just see y'all laughing at me because I tasted it!!! I am! Y'all might as well!!)

Do any of you ever find something at a sale and think, "Oh this would be so pretty in a post for my blog for Pink Saturday!"...? Well, I did just that. I spotted these one day when I didn't have but a little bit of change on me...and I didn't buy them that day.
I went back a week later and didn't see them in the same spot......oh no.....
"OK...where are those pink rocks you had over here last week?" I asked.
She knew I'd come back.
She had only moved them. Yea!!

I just couldn't wait to get my camera out and all my pretties out and begin taking pictures of them displayed with some other pink finds.

I even partially dismantled one of my huge feaux flower arrangements so I could use the pink hydrangeas with them!!

The pink edged doilies were a recent find as well! I was really having a pink week!

The hand painted perfume bottle and powder jar are old. I was one of those really strange kids who used to stop by garage sales on my bike when I was in Junior High school. I'd go miles and miles, and sometimes I'd find some really cool stuff to bring home. This set of dresser items was a find from way back then. They couldn't have cost much...after all I was just a kid! (and I had to have SOME money left over for candy!!).
I rode my bike all the way home with these hanging from my handle bars in a bag...
and they didn't break!!!

Hope you can help me out with the type of rocks these are...
I'd love to have y'all join me too for Pearls and Lace Thursday to share with us your lovelies and laces, rhinestones and pearls!
I'm joining in the party at Beverly's for Pink Saturday. Be sure and check out all the lovely pink posts and join in the party!
And I'm joining in with Cindy for Show and Tell Friday here:
Blessings!! Doni

Friday, July 9, 2010

Precious Keepsakes from a Lovely Lady

What a lovely collection of pretties I found...and they are very special to me because of the sweet owner who has now passed away. Gentle, kind, loving, and fun, all describe the personality of the lady who owned these beautiful pieces.
A whole community showed much respect at her funeral. She was much loved by all.

My lighting is off and for that I apologize. I can't seem to get good shots tonight.
But, I hope you can all see the items close enough to appreciate the delicate beauty.

I decided to use the collection of 3 pastel shaded books I found recently, and I think if I were better at taking pictures I'd have some nicer shots!!
I tried to get the purple rhinestones in the brooch with the 2 loops to show up. Also the bow tie brooch with the blue stone...those are my favorite pieces.
2 silver necklaces, one an opal, and another a tiny bit of diamond are just precious.

I also used a doily I made for my mother, and now have back as part of the vignette.
It is pastel colored and I tatted it.

This set (below) of rose earrings are so sweet, I just had to have them too...

I hope it's not too late to link up with Cindy over at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday!
Please hop over and check out the participants..they have some wonderful things to show you!
Have a great weekend!


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