Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunday 110109

11 miles.  Started at 8:30 on the local trails.  They were pretty muddy, with the sort of mud that makes the shoes super heavy.  Moved to the roads and then settled in just under 8s.  Ended up averaging 7:48 very comfortably.  

Week wrap up:  77 miles on the week over 11 hours and 33 minutes.  November is 11 miles, 86 minutes.   3052 miles on the year, 27056 minutes.


  1. Another MC win in the PP Fall Series race today.

  2. November Nielson Challenge - Sub 10 Minute Attempt
    Andy Rinne & Adam Rich are gathering together a bunch of
    fast guys to see if anyone can break the 10-minute barrier
    for the 2 mile Nielson Challenge. Come out and join us in the fun.

  3. FYI, Matt and Justin both went off course, so their times would have been between one and two minutes faster without the extra distance.

  4. Good shots:
