Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday 010711

Hmmm … so yesterday life bumped into me.  Work, other commitments.  Now what I wanted to do yesterday was oh, say 10-13 miles with a few strides tossed in.  But just didn’t happen.  And in fact, I went slow and easy and short yesterday.  So today I feel GREAT.  I want to rip my legs off. But tomorrow I have a race.  5k in Lafayette.  I will get my legs ripped off there.  In fact, I should note right now that I should not be particularly surprised or disappointed at a result that is slower than what I did on Thanksgiving – as I have not done any work to particularly hone a quicker 5k.  But I am sure those feelings will bubble up, especially since I am going to have to hear it given to me in a cockney accent.

So days like these force me to very much consider what I WANT to do versus what I OUGHT to do.  See, today, I ought to pretty much take it easy.  In fact, anything I do today is probably going to be impactful to what I do tomorrow.  In fact, I want to go run up Green Mountain today in hopes that I can ambush J.P. as he has thoughts he is a total bad arse up there now (but I don’t need to do that – I am sure Tony’s log will put him in his place later this weekend).

So I OUGHT TO take it easy today.  I WANT TO do something else.  Single case, but it is a something that I think a lot of face in our training all the time on various scales.  If this were the week before Pikes, my OUGHT TO and WANT TO would be very much aligned.  This is a 5k in January and those needles don’t point as much in the same direction.

I see this a lot in folks training … a contrast in what they want to do – which is an important thing because you do need to want to do it, enjoy it, etc – otherwise you ain’t gonna do it, versus what they ought to do – which is all about the most effective way to spend your training dollar that moment.

I can see this transition to work has thrown me off a bit this week in terms of training, diet and my alternative exercise.  But at least I can see it.  That and I sent my Garmin in … so no HR monitor.  I have noticed that not having it throws me off a bit too.  It is probably good then that I don’t have it for a bit.  In the interim, for my entries into my log in Sportracks, I am taking a guess at HR based off of effort … I feel okay with that given I have over a year of HR data, feel, etc.

Probably 12 easy later today then.  Post script – 11 miles easy on my longer tempo route in the Lac Amora Wilderness.

Anyway … I really can’t bitch about the cold after reading this.  Also, Bandera tomorrow (thanks JT.)

Food log
AM – coffee, raisin bagel toasted with butter, over easy egg
(yesterday’s food log … yeah, so keeping a log certainly makes you much more conscious of what it is that you put in your pie hole.  But yesterday I lost that given the bluroftheday.  But even seeing that was insightful).
Mid afternoon – cracker and cheese with KZ, a granola bar
Dinner – pizza (homemade) and OJ


  1. It may just be a 5k in Jan, but you must've signed up for a reason, right? So what is that reason? For me, that reason would determine my WANT vs OUGHT.

  2. Good point.

    Racing is good for me. A nice little physical and mental baptism. Good to immerse myself in that entire gig. Very motivating.

    That is the primary reason.

    Second is to prep up for San Diego XC next month.


  4. Good quick talk on the WANT versus OUGHT. I struggle with this all the time... especially early in the season as you suggested when the KEY races are just not as prominent.

    For me, if the race doesnt mean that much to you, then go for it today. Do what you WANT. But, given that your having these inclinations/thoughts about what you OUGHT to be doing, I bet the race means a bit more to you than you think. Braggin rights have a pretty good pull sometimes.

    Cheers, enjoy the blog man.

  5. GZ, I always believed that the day before a race is not what will impact your performance as much as the 2 days before. You could probably run your 12 and it will not hinder your time but if you did a hard interval workout yesterday then that would slow you down a bit. Good luck and run strong and even.

  6. Tim - More like 18 hours.

    Adam - yeah, that is part of why we race - it is what you are on that day!

    DQ - I actually heard you in my head when I was writing this. I was thinking that you'd say if I were racing - I ought to do EVERYTHING I could to eliminate excuses from the race ... and just race.

    But yeah, two days out these days wrecks me.

  7. Hope to see you there and race with you tomorrow...great way to finally connect for a run

  8. 18:10??? You need to step it up, I'm starting to smell blood in the water...
