Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday 033111

I was crazy tired last night, so I slept in this AM – and skipped a run with Schlarb up Green.

Here’s the article on Boulder City Council’s take on West TSA.  I think it ran as I expected it in terms  to how they decided on the proposal (a bit sad on some of the social trail shut downs, but I expected that), but I am a bit surprised that Boulder CC are asking OSMP staff to reconsider items already worked through in the VMP:  namely potentially banning night time use, along with asking to consider a different approach for non Boulder residents (I sort of get that though), and this “rainbow” tag program.

Oh yeah, Yeti bikes dropped sponsorship for the biker who got caught on the illegal trail on Flag.

PM – 11 miles.  Dropped KZ at soccer fields, dog jogged with Lucy back to the house, then headed east – and downwind - for a three mile tempo.  Clicked them all under six without a face slobbering effort.  First time I have done that this year.  Given I could not do individual miles like this a bit ago, I am happy to have peeled off three in a row – even if down wind.  11 miles total.

March wrap up

Week (thus far) = 44 miles, 6 hours, 1850 vertical
March = 306 miles, 43.75 hours, 18.2 k vertical
2011 = 919 miles, 133.75 hours, and 64.2 k vertical
5 days off in March, 6 off for the year.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday 033011



10 miles easy.  Which meant with the winds, slower than 10m/m at times.  I was a one legged man in an ass kicking contest out there today.  Particular fun was when I could feel the dirt blowing and then grinding into my face.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday 032911

Odd view today. Snow on Broomfield, but nothing new on the Foothills.

JV continues to be my source of interesting news: an illegal trail on Flagstaff.

GlobalDRO is apparently one of the online drug references as to what is prohibited, not prohibited for competition, out of competition.

Shaved my head on Saturday of last week. Sat in the sun on Wednesday in Arizona. Got sun burned on the scalp. Nasty peeling of the head today. I look like some sort of snake lizard flake guy. Ack.

I need to figure out what shoes I will race trails in this summer. I have been a Brook Racer ST guy, but those seem (since the half marathon on Denver last October) to aggravate my right plantar a bit. I like some of the PI stuff I have been running in, but that seems to bug my left heel (Haglund deformity). So ... I need to figure that out.

PM - Simms. Mentally tough for me, meaning that I had to go through the drill of focusing on these individually. "Just get through this one." 3:28, 3:26, 3:25, 3:25, 3:25, 3:21. This was better than last time (averaging 3:25 over 3:27) but it was a harder in the head. Just one of those days. 2 mile warm up, almost 3 mile warm down, 10 on the day. Oh, was totally working the old guy groove as I had a plain white undershirt T on, short running shorts, black socks going on these hill repeats. Like I really care what I am looking like on hill repeats with spit on my face anyway - right?

Evening - 2 miles around the soccer fields.

Noticed that my mileage is going to be around 300ish for the month. Not bad, particularly since I had five days off, but a bit less than what I pulled last year (338 on the month, and 993 on the year at that point, versus just shy 900 right now). I am okay with that though because I have getting in some decent training, with some good basic turnover, and some runs a bit longer than I have in the past. Additionally, I don't think I need to keep building on the mileage year over year. I can call on it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Military Running Part II

After Basic I was stationed for advanced training on navigational systems at Lowry Air Force Base in Denver CO.  The base is now gone, but a dirt track that I used to do repeats on is still there.  Once I got more extended privileges, I’d go on “long” runs off the base.  I have no idea how long these were, but I recall them being long enough that I’d go for a fair bit, stop and nap in a park (happy to be away from military discipline for a moment or two) and then run back to the base.  The security police at the gate would laugh at me.

We also had drill running here as well, as part of regular physical conditioning we were all required to perform.  One of the instructors got word that I liked to run.  I don’t recall exactly how it was set up, but there was a competition set.  The squadron would run collectively ahead on a loop that was about a half mile (now right next to Aurora Park) They would get about half way around the loop and then I would be allowed to start to chase down the squadron.  Given they were running around an 8:30 mile and I was running a 5:00 and they had about a 2 minute head start, I’d catch them near the start of the second time around the loop.  Initially, this competition was just me versus the squadron and the instructor had it so the guys had to all stay together.  But then it changed that once I caught the squadron, guys could break ranks and race me.  It became a full on sword fight there, because I’d be catching guys at about a half mile in, and then they could pour it on.  I’d beat most, but there were always a couple of guys I could not put away after already being that deep in the hole.

In any case, this earned me the nickname of “Zack Rabbit” while I was at Lowry.

Looks like the barracks are still there for what it is worth.

Military Running Part I

Not long after graduating high school, I enlisted in the United States Air Force.  It was a bit of stretch from when I was in my best high school shape (June 87) to when I went into BMTS (Basic Military Training School) at Lackland AFB, TX (February 88).  I was not training hard, but I was still running – for what was then – a fair amount.

While in basic I had done little running.  In fact, if you think you are going to get into shape by going into the military, I’d say guess again.  It might be different in other branches of the service, or in more advanced training areas but I was probably losing more fitness than gaining while in the basic.  There was less interest in how fast or far you could run, and much more interest in what you could do together.  So rather than run 1.5 miles at sub five minute pace, we ran in formation, 50 guys … more like 8:30 pace.

Now that said

About four weeks into basic, we were in formation getting the now all too familiar dress down from the Drill Instructor (DI).  We had just all donated blood.  The blood donation was not required, but we were given the option to give blood or to stay in the barracks with the DI.  I think we all chose to give blood gladly.  Anyway, in formation, the DI asks if anyone thinks they want to go out for the field day event.  Field day event?  Hullo?  What is that?  I volunteered.  My DI grumped about it, told me to report to the dirt track a mile away, but to be back within half an hour for our next training event.

I ran over – definitely feeling woozy because of the blood donation, but super eager to compete.  When I arrived, I reported to the DI there and asked what was the longest event they had.  It was a half mile – two laps around the dirt track.  In military fatigues.  In combat boots.  He said I could compete on the field day event representing our training squadron against the other BTMS squadrons if I could beat the fastest time that had been posted that day.  “Okay, what is that?” 


Arrogant, I was very confident that I could do this – and do this easily.  I told him I thought I could do that – ignoring the copper taste building already in the back of my mouth. 

“Go ahead then airman, I ain’t got all day.”

Like all 800s, I probably took off too fast.  The combination of running in pants, with boots, donating blood, not running significantly, and it being a fast paced 800 …well, I really felt that at about a quarter mile.  I don’t remember my split for 400, but I recall it being much faster than the second.  I ran 2:10 and then nearly almost passed out.  I was dry heaving, seeing stars – the whole bit.   I slowly gimped back to the barracks after I did some calculations that took way more effort than they should as to how long I could sit on the side of the track without risking being late.

I recall the actual competition being a week or so later, and it was actually a relay of 4 x 800.  I took our squadron baton down some 120 yards – made a go of trying to catch the guy, put in a fair dent, but then could not close the gap over the second lap.

This was not the extent of my competitive running in the military, but it was all the racing I saw while in basic.

Monday 032811

AM – wakey wakey. 3 miles in the snow (was it t-shirt weather yesterday)?

Gonna park at Barr Trailhead? Pay up. Got that tip from JV. He also tipped me into this listening on how running is NOT bad for your knees from NPR.

Did not want to deal with the wind, so in the PM I hit the mill. 8 easy.

Sunday 032711

I was a bit motivated to get out, given I took Friday off, and we travelled all day yesterday (for future reference, it is just shy of 900 miles to Mesa AZ). Slept real hard last night and we were slow starting, getting stuff unpacked and back into the Halls of Hang Nine. Got out about 2PM, and the winds started blowing out of the west. But I did not care, as it was good to be back home, looking at the peaks to the west. So the first …oh 16ish miles, went well. Then my body put up a small revolt in light of pending dehydration, bonking, etc. No sweat. Felt okay, but pace dropped off by 20 sec a mile for those last four and a half. Good to be home. 21 miles.

Not a bad week for Spring Break. I expected it to be a bit of a down week, and I think I made a fair go of it with what I was dealt. Some decent paced runs, and a fair long run at the end of the week. I sort of have always felt that April is the time for me to consider if I am serious or not. Frankly, I am not sure if I serious. I mean, there is a part of me that is serious, but then there is equally another part of me that is like, “eh, whatever.” Doesn’t mean I don’t make a go of it, but I sort of have days where I wonder if I am willing to be serious. Not sure yet.

Week = 50 miles, 6.25 hours, 2430 vertical
March = 262 miles, 37.75 hours, 16.4 k vertical
2011 = 875 miles, 129.75 hours, and 62.4 k vertical

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday – Saturday 03252611 update

No running.  Baseball games, practices, and travel.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday 032411

We headed over to Salt River Fields this AM to actually catch practice.  Not a game.  Practice.  There are something like a dozen fields around the main field here, and they were filled with a variety of big show-ers, AAA, AA guys doing everyhing:  bp, fielding, running, etc.  I managed to grab two balls that were hit out by some of the big guys and get those for the kids (nice score for the Dad stock), and then the kids got Willy Taveras to sign up a couple of balls.  They were pretty stoked.

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For what it is worth, it was sort of better than a game.  Got to chat up some elements of practice with JZ, closer access to the players, good stuff.

Afterwards we went to lunch at Golden Corral.  My kids have informed me this is the best restaurant ever.  EVER.

Evening – got out and about four and a half miles in, I actually found a trail into National Forest, off of Power Road, Bush Hwy.  It was nice to suddenly be off road and in the rolling decomposed granite, and saguaro cactus.  Pretty damn awesome actually. 10+ miles and tempo’d the last 20 minutes or so.  Felt good, but that might be that I was off yesterday, or that I am only at 1500 feet here in Mesa.

Wednesday 032411

Up early to catch the train to the airport, and then from Portland to Phoenix.  Spend the day roasting in the sun with the kids at the pool, playing volleyball, etc, and then the evening at Salt River Field at Talking Stick catching a Spring Training game.  0 miles.

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday 032211

AM – six along the river, easy.  That might be it.  Busy day presenting today at SEPG.

Thinking about … burros.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday 032111

Got into Portland, OR late last night.  Up this AM just to break up the kruft and getting going.  Ran into a group heading out for a run in lobby so I joined them.  3 miles down by the river.  Legs feel 90 percent recovered from Saturday.  That might be that I am only at 150 feet AMSL though.

PM – just feeling good and suddenly was rolling.  10 miles.  Contemplated taking advantage, but I could feel that the calf was on edge.  Not tight, or sore, but I could feel on the boundaries that if I pushed it too hard, it might get pissed.  Ran steady, which was a nice sub 7 pace here at the lower elevation.  Felt great, and when I finished, easily felt I could have kept on going for another 10 … a great run day for me. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Footfeathers video

Tim took some video yesterday.  I am enjoying it now, but I sense this is one of those things we may look at in a few years and enjoy even more.  Bunch of dudes sitting on top of Bear. 

That said, ugh, watching my form coming down Shadow … no wonder why my quads were getting mushy. 

Tim – thanks man.  These are very cool.

Sunday 032011

Easy 7 plus in the AM.  Legs felt pretty good, only some mild soreness.  PF was bit aggravated, but not bad.

Slept pretty poorly last night – I was sort of jumpy.  Certainly that is because of the effort yesterday.  I woke up in the middle of the night hungry.  So at 1AM, I made myself a PBnJ.   Post today’s run, I was frying up some eggs, and dumped some left over salad right on top of it.  The cukes were a little weird, but the rest actually mixed in pretty nicely.

Week =  80 miles,  14 hours,  6800 vertical
March = 212 miles, 31.5 hours, 14 k vertical
2011 = 825 miles, 123.5 hours, and 60k vertical (corrected?).

Decent week with a bit of turn over towards the front, and a decent long run and box ticked for a goal at the end of it.  Next week, with it being spring break will be a natural down week.  Got in the hour of alternative stuff at the gym on Friday (an off day from running).  Saw again that I need to be a bit careful with back to back efforts, as it left me a bit compromised and feeling the edge on Thursday.  With the weather shifting up, post break, I will look to start getting in some more AM sessions and bump overall volume up a touch.  Would still like to get a long run like this one on the order of once a month through June.

On the fence for the Grand Canyon at this point.  I’d love to be there running as it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen … but, particularly on the tail of yesterday I also recognize I can do some pretty epic stuff right out my front door.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday 031911

Start conditions





Finish conditions.


Did the “I can see South Boulder Peak and Bear Peak from my house so I am going to run there and back” thing today.  It was a blast.  For some, this is a walk in the park run.  As I think this is only my second run north of 30 miles, it is a bit out of the norm.  I had no hard core “kill it” expectations in terms of time today, but thought that about 4mph would be the ball park I’d play in.  7:50 later, 34.75 miles, 4629 of gain and I was back home after fun day across suburbia, eastern plains, and front range mountains with others who enjoy the same.

I started around 7:10, with temps just above freezing.  Shorts, but the ultralight wind breaker, gloves and a camelback (70oz) loaded with various glucose and salt if needed – plus an additional hand held water bottle.  Around 3.5 miles, I took a bio break, got a little breakfast.  I felt good, and was actually feeling better in the second hour versus the first.  I was shuffling along anywhere from 8-10 minute pace when running. 

After a short jaunt through the Rock Creek ‘hood, I was pleased to find how close the Meadowlark Trail came up to McCaslin by Key Bank.  I picked it up and then on the new connector (well, a bit more than a year old now) between it and Community Ditch (the Mayerhoff-Singletree).  Sweet stuff.  I was definitely enjoying the morning, and the mountains coming closer with each step were a great motivation. 

At Marshall Mesa trailhead, I hooked up with Footfeathers.  We headed up 170, and at the South Mesa Trailhead picked up Mtnrunner2.  I was having a blast.  My legs felt great, my hydration and nutrition were pretty spot on and I had gotten to the base of the big climb without issue.  The pace through here had been (with breaks) around 6mph, but I knew with Shadow looming, it was gonna have to slow.  We picked up Shad in Shadow (longest mile in Boulder).  The north face of SoBo was still pretty slippery (this was more of an issue coming down than up).  I still felt solid, even with the big climb in the bag.   We hit the summit on a running time of about 3:22 and at about 17 and a quarter miles from my house.  Homie came on up, and we also saw BTR guy Johanes.  Hung out on the summit, eating a bit, drinking – but then realized how windy it was so we got moving over to Bear.

Given the snow, I was went SUPER slow on the down.  I was wear road shoes and it was clear that was not the gear for this.  But, it is only a short stretch back to the saddle.  Back up and over the Bear, and a bit more of the same of enjoying a bluebird sky day and the stellar views that you have up there. 

Shad headed back towards Chautauqua, and then we ran into Brandon – who was out for his own long run.  Yapped with him a bit and then we headed down Shadow.  All told, I don’t think we started heading back down Shadow until maybe an hour after tagging the SoBo summit. About half way down, even though the effort was easy, I could feel the length of the run and the downhill effort building into my legs a bit.  Not quite 20 miles in, but it was clear that I had not been doing this sort of work.  Oh well – that is why I was doing it.

Homie scooted ahead, needing to get back to his palatial estate.  Caught some water at the trailhead and then again at Marshall Mesa.  Footfeathers and Mtnrunner each shared some water with me (which I contemplated NOT taking for a moment as I thought about an ego driven “self supported” tag, but then intelligently said to myself – screw that, I need the water as I could feel it was now in the upper sixties.)

Mtnrunner and I headed back across Marshall Mesa and the previously mentioned trails to Rock Creek.  I eyeballed a different route that paralleled 36 a bit more and took that.  At the … I don’t remember the road crossing, he turned back – as he had near a marathon of running in the bag with his return trip.

I did a bit of bushwhacking here – nothing crazy, but I was interested in finding what the shortest route possible back would be – not just to get the run done, but as I was interested in what it would be for future runs of this. 

Started to feel the heat a bit and the length of the run – no surprise there but was still managing to run 10s (although the pace accumed to 13:30 by the end of the run because of Shadow and the pauses).  Software says that I spent an hour twenty “not moving” which puts the moving pace at 11 and halfish (so at least 5 mph).  Pulled into the house, and got to work on getting something eat, getting the legs up and working a bit of recovery (shower, legs up).  Overall, I felt pretty good.

Learned a bit here – my stomach seems to handle most of the glucose I throw at it, but I am not pushing the pace.  That might be a bit different with a harder effort.  I certainly need to make runs like this a bit more a part of the steady training diet if I am going to seriously consider running 50 mile or longer distances.  I am not sure I am going to take those distances seriously … yet.  I was pretty good with nutrition, but even though I was pushing water pretty good in the last couple of hours, I was still at the short end of the stick with the warmer temps and a wicking wind.

Definitely interested in doing this again, and maybe taking it more aggressively – just to see what I could do on it.  I think I could tweak the route to a nice 50k, and maybe a fat ass event, but some folks may not dig the suburban end of it.  I sort of like the mix of suburbia, eastern trail, grassland, sidewalk, crush cinder, asphalt, road, mountain trail, peak and prairie.  Hmm Peak and Prairie Pisser 50k …

SUPER HUGE THANKS to all the guys who came out – it was very motivating and helpful (kept me honest in doing this!).

Great day out there

Various pix and some video:

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Deconstruction of the beard and hair post run

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday 031811

This is a great race recap.  Particularly the ride home.

Will probably take the day off from running today, given the big run tomorrow, and to let the left calf calm down a bit – and to attempt to get some alternative exercise in this afternoon.  I did something (not running directly) that caused it to spasm a bit the other day and it is a little angry.  Little concerned about the big run tomorrow, but we’ll see how that goes.

Got in an hour of lifting (which is pretty dang hard) over at the gym.  I guess it is sort of like an hour but there is a good amount of time between sets (which is different than running or bike).

Competitor Radio has a fantastic interview with a guy who you got to bring up when discussing the best US runners ever:  Alberto Salazar.

Found these stats over at the Pikes entry site interesting.

2011 Entry Status
General Registration:
Ascent Wave 1 - Open -
Ascent Wave 2 - Open -
Marathon Field 1 - filled in 1h39 vs 45mins in '10, 1 day 10h in '09 and 26 mins in '08
Marathon Field 2 - filled in 17 hours vs 5.25 hours in '10, 5 days in '09 and 50 mins in '08

Weight is up, but does not appear so much in the mirror.  I am at about 145-146 right now which is probably about 8-9 pounds over what I was racing last summer (at Pikes).  I ain’t too worried about, as I expect with summer coming in, volume will increase a bit, and I will get a bit more disciplined on things like seconds on meals.  I think some of it might be a bit of muscle too from my pseudo attempts at weights. 

Registered for Mount Evans last night.

New SP tune.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bear, SoBo Update

Allrighty … if you want to join me for any part of this effort, drop me a line at georgezack over at that gmail thingie and I will get you my cell number.

As I am not really able to predict where I will be when, I will post periodic twitter updates regarding progress. I am very loosely expecting to get to the Mesa trailhead (south end) anywhere from 9:30 to 11:30.

Thursday 030711

AM – easy six miles.  Right calf, hammie connection barked a bit, so I may lay low on things for the next day or two.

I obviously have not commented on the tragedy in Japan – mostly because the magnitude of what has occurred over there is beyond my comprehension.  I was not sure what to make of this post over at Japan Running News, as the situation is serious, as is the message, but  provided an interesting way.

Prompted a bit, I took a peek at some of the entry lists for Pikes.  I am not really compelled to make heads or tails of it.  Every year there are folks who enter their predicted Ascent time for the marathon.  There are folks who have run a 2 hour half marathon and so they think this one will take them 3 hours.  There are, of course, folks showing up for their first time and will be legitimate contenders.  I used to pour over these lists, peering at results and even snickering a bit at those who had set themselves up with obviously incredible wrong expectations.  I don’t feel compelled to do that now.  It makes no difference really and it is a little bit of a waste of my time to do that.  I am pretty sure that JV won’t be the 125th guy in the race at 5 hours (although that would be pretty incredible if he was).  Or even Daryn 16th.  When we line up, and cross the finish … that is what will be for that moment.  No more, no less.  There will be folks who met expectations, those who did not, and a few that even exceeded them.  I have been in all three camps … they are all good.  They are all being alive.

PM – 4 miles around the fields with TZ, and a little with JZ while KZ had soccer practice.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wednesday 031611

Today several folks threw their name in the hat for Pikes and it is gonna take some time for me to sort out who’s where and what everyone is doing and realistic predictions from total hallucinations.  Congrats to all that got in. 

11 miles, with 40 minutes of tempo in the middle.  I thought I’d get over to Flatirons Vista for some easy stuff in the afternoon, but things dealt out a bit differently.  I did not get out until a bit later, but it was still beautiful out.  The warm weather had me feeling it a bit and so after a mile I moved up to tempo pace for a bit.   I recall Scott Elliott telling me that he could nail hills every day.  Simply hitting the ups hard did not leave him beat up and so his need for rest the next day was not required.  A track workout could leave him thrashed for days, but not a hard run up Green or Bear.  In the same way, I did not feel the crunch in my legs from the Simms work yesterday.  I figured I’d take advantage, and take it a little easier leading into this weekend’s long run.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday 031511

Listening today included Shalene Flanagan.  Also enjoyed this musical podcast with Mike Errico.

Good primer on central governor.

Little DOMS left over from my weight workout on Sunday, but I decided that I needed to get after things anyway.  Interestingly, running does not seem to be any harder or challenged with sore legs from lifting.  Nor does it make them feel any better or worse as far as I can tell.  Got back to some of Simms Hill (full length).  Averaged 3:27ish, with the first being the slowest (3:33, 3;31, 3:29, 3:25, 3:25, 3:22).  While these were not easy, I can say they were not super hard either (no knee grabbing seeing stars wanting to sit by the side of the road when I was done).  Not bad for this early in the season, and better than where I was 2 weeks ago at 3:35 (albeit with stomach issues).  In any case, a case study of one does not make for a good case!

5 mile cool down, sub 8s and feeling good.  12 miles, 1000 feet.

Pikes registration opens tomorrow, so here is what the entry lists look like today before it opens up.



Stoked to see Simon back in the mix, and Rickey returning.  Kimmel is predicting a smoking fast time.Keith Wood is a monster

Varsity race:


No surprises as to who is on this list, but again Kimmel is predicting a record setting double.  Glad to see one Spainards returning.  Probably more interesting in terms as to what to speculate at this point are the names that are NOT on these lists.  That and Wood is a freak. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday 031411

Holy hamstrings.  I did not think that the squats would make me feel that … I thought it would be more in the quads.  Nope.   

Pikes registration opens on Wednesday.  Get yer trigger finger ready.

PM – 5 miles easy while John had baseball practice and before heading off to a Scout session.  I sort of liked that life set me up with a day where I was going to have to take it easy.  My legs needed the break (see above), and I did not have much of a window to work in with given other obligations.

Coming this weekend

Saturday, my house – to the Peak I see west when I walk out into the street … (Bear, South Boulder) and back.

I expect to start at 7:30. I expect this run to be around 35-40 something miles – not exactly sure because I got a little lazy in trying to map all the curves in mapmyrun, below. I am planning a slightly different route than I had previously, but I think it is a bit more direct. I have no expectations of pace, so I might not get home until just before sunset. Seriously. My goal here is just to get out for a long day, enjoy the differences between the eastern end, the mountains of the western end, the urban environment, some trail, some road. I know the map says that it is only 3500 vertical, but I am willing to guess that it will be closer to 5 by the end of the day. Probably at best this would take me 7 hours? More likely to be closer to 10-12. We'’ll see.

Pretty much self supported here … there are a couple of possible stops along the way including a diversion to the Safeway on Coalton in Rock Creek, and maybe somebody’s house in Rock Creek. Flatirons Mall has a food court if desperate. There is that little gas station mart store at the entrance to Eldo Canyon. Yeah, so I will be bringing some cash. Toughest section will be that part from Eldo to SoBo and back. If weather totally sucks, I will not do this. I ain’t looking to get a badge of courage for an all day fest in the rain or snow. A little sun though ain’t too bad.

Friday night I am going to drive and stash a few water bottles to be safe. I am expecting to have a Camelbak, some food in there

I welcome company for any part of this. If I can stand when done, food and brew at my place for any of the sickos that participated (I say that thinking maybe 2 would take the bait – it this becomes a large affair, I will need to manage that up a bit differently). Not going to post this on Facebook or Twitter, because then some of my neighbors might be more likely to get wind of it and think that this is nuts. Either that or the trail cops who have no problem with the "Holy Church of the Peak" runs but have issue with my jaunts up Green against other guys as fast I can will seek to take me down.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday 031311

9 miles, easy.

Planted a row of carrots, lettuce and spinach outdoors today.  Several other things started by the crumb grabbers indoors.

JZ was at a party at the rec center today, so I took advantage and got in some weight work.  This has been my best weight workout yet of ‘11.  I was thrashed after several chest exercises, and so I switched over to legs – and really cooked myself when I got to the weighted squats.  Two thirds into the workout I had that “holy crap, what hit me feeling.”  Expect some good soreness tomorrow.

Week =  70 miles,  9 hours,  3600 vertical
March = 132 miles, 17.5 hours, 7.1 k vertical
2011 = 745 miles, 109.5 hours, and 63k vertical.

Decent week, even though I missed a day (Monday).  I was able to still get some decent miles, some turnover.  In fact, I am pretty happy with how this week balanced out – some rest, a little longer on a day (not long enough though), some turnover, general consistency and the hour of alternative exercise.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday 031211

Interesting post on PEDs in ultrarunning.

Apparently, you can be pretty zippy post 40 at 5k.  And even faster at 49.

Pikes Flatlander Training.  (registration is next week)

I didn’t realize it at first, but about half way through my run-workout today, I began to think I might be running in the shirt that currently sits as the oldest one I have in the drawer.


So … with that, a memory or two bubbles up.  This shirt has a bit of a sting associated with it, but maybe a good lesson as well.

This shirt comes from the year I graduated high school and specifically the Class Championship meet.  CIAC is Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference, and my school was specifically a class L school that year.

Before I discuss the Class L meet and what I learned there, I need to back up a bit.  My senior year of track I was running the 3200 as my primary event.  In retrospect, I was not anything particularly special, but since I was dancing near or under the ten minute mark I was enjoying a fair amount of success in the dual meets in our conference – the CCC (Central Connecticut Conference) East.  In fact, I think going into our last dual meet, I was undefeated in conference meets.  I had been handily worked in the larger conference meets, but I had suddenly did that “step up” where I could hold my own in most races.  Sure, there were other kids in the mile, or even the 5k that I knew could take me out (namely the Kitteridge kid from Rockville who was running about 4:15 for the mile) but I did okay in my event, the near two mile. 

Our last dual meet was on our home track at SWHS.  Our track was what would now be considered “old school” or even what some would call dirt.  It was a crushed cinder, a bit behind some of the newer tracks of Rubkor.  This meet was against a border town rival, Manchester.  Manchester, a bigger school, was one that we had battles against in Wickham Park in XC.  Toeing the line was for their red and white was a sophomore waif of kid named Todd Liscomb, and Sean Tolland who was about as solid as me. 

Not much to speak of that race other than they sat on me for the first mile, made the itsy bitsy of moves and I broke like a house of cards.  I was not used to guys being able to challenge me in dual meets like that and I was not ready for the affair of fighting off two guys who wanted it a bit more.  I walked from the finish line with my first loss in a dual meet (I think) that season, a bit more than pissed … at myself.

So a week or ten days so later, it was conference meet time.  Based on times, I had the number one seed  but Liscomb and Tolland were slotted two and three.  Wearing the gold and maroon of SWHS, and under the lights of Windham HS, the 3200 was the second to last event of the night. 

As we lined up, something occurred that I will probably never forget.  Bill Baron, who was the coach of East Hartford High – looked us up and down and approached me.  He quietly said with a grin, “okay George, show us how this is done.”  I heard it and I knew the guys next to me heard it.  I gave him a little grin but I certainly was not as confident in myself as his statement seemed to be in me.  I knew Liscomb and Tolland heard it but I did not look at them. 

And then we were off.  In a moment of intelligence and race wisdom that I have been challenged to show since, I held back.  Liscomb and Tolland ripped through the 800 in just under 2:20.  I was ten seconds back with a couple of other guys between me and them.  I knew that the pace was not right – and told myself that if those guys were going to run 70 seconds a lap, they were indeed better than me that day and deserved to win.  I was not ready for that.

I can still almost feel and see every step of that run.  The people on the side line.  The uneasy confidence I had that even though those guys continued to edge away.    Hearing my coach, Bob Lebreche, telling me to relax my hands and me thinking he was totally not connected.  My team mates from the other events cheering me on.   The slow grow dull ache of the pain in my legs and lungs as I went through the mile at just a tick or two over five minutes, that grew with each step. 

At about 350 meters to go, I caught Tolland.  About 200 meters to go, I caught Liscomb – he was done from the early pace - and I ran as hard as I could to the finish.  I knew I had the win, but I did not want to leave anything to a fight to the line.  I came in right at a click or two above 10 minutes.  I was conference champ – only one of two from our school (the other was Tim Sanquidst who had won the triple jump and would go on to get a DI scholarship for football to Syracuse).  It was a bit surreal for me.  I had been a bit of an oddball kid, and certainly not considered an athlete.  I mean, I had stolen second base with someone on it in Little League.  In other game, a pop fly had hit me in the forehead when I had missed it in right field.  Don’t even bring up hoops or football attempts.

Okay, got all that?  In case you could not tell, it was a bit of a big moment at that point in my seventeen year something life.  I had worked for something, sacrificed for it, executed well and … well, won.  I say that sheepshishly now, as I again, I know there were dudes on the sideline that could have left me in the dust. 

But back to the t-shirt above.

See, this race I just described left me set up for a total failure the following week at the Class L meet.  Different dudes, different day but still a 3200 meter run and 400m oval.  But, after that success, I left the “breath” go, and exhaled.  I let my guard down and … faded badly.  I think rather than running near 10 flat, I ran closer to 10:40 and did not qualify for the state meet.  And in a backward sort of way, I did not really care.  But I learned something.  Frankly that a kick in the ass, and coming off failure sets me up better for future success than success itself. 

Okay, stroll down memory lane over.

Today, I snuck in a workout at the local track between sessions at the piano competition for the kids.  And, just to be clear, today’s intervals were slower than what I managed for nearly two miles outright two dozen years ago.  After 2 mile warm up (136th, Main to HS track), I got to work with an oldie but goodie:  6 x 800, 1 minute rest with the 800s at an effort slightly faster than 5k pace.  In the old Owen Anderson literature I used to follow, I’d do these at about 4-5 seconds faster 800 than 5k average mile pace.  So, if I was going to run say 16:40 for a 5k, that would be 2:40 pace per 800 – so the workout would say do them at 2:35.  My current 5k pace is probably near 5:45 per mile (I hope), so anything better than 2:50 per half here would have been nice.  The 1 minute is enough to walk for about 30 yards after each one before getting back to work.  These workouts are about as much mental discipline as they are actually doing the work.  2:47, 2:48, 2:47, 2:47, 2:48, 2:44.  Ugh – nuthin’ stellar there but it was work, and fwiw, there was a 8-15 mph breeze out of the north (backstretch).


After a bio break, and a mile jog, I tacked on 6 200s with a 200 walk jog (no concern on recovery here).  37, 38, 37, 37, 36, 35.  Work to be done on general turn over.  10 miles on the day.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday 031111

I wonder if this guy who is gonna run 2:36 is going to be introduced as evidence against the Happy Meal class action lawsuit?

I got invited to a USATF Master Drug Testing Webinar.

Easy run today.   A bit windy (gusting to 20) but certainly not near as bad as they had projected.  Got up on 128 and got to view up the Left Hand Canyon smoke from the fires up there.  Circled back on Coalton Trail and then through Superior on the Rock Creek Trail before coming back up to 128 and the office.  15 miles.  Got a bit dehydrated, with the warmer temps and the wind.

I think I will be doing my door to Bear and back run attempt next Saturday (not tomorrow).  Details forthcoming either Sunday or Monday.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday 031011

My head was in a funk yesterday on a variety of levels, so I figured a good way to clean that up a bit was to bust out some heart beats.  Pressed for time, I got out on a beautiful day (shirtless), and got in six miles.  Mixed in the bottom half of Simms (10x).  Rather than the full near half mile stretch I typically do, I went with these – as it is a little more intense in its own way.  Almost a minute exactly in length (from the bottom crack in the road to the 40 mph speed limit sign – a touch shy of 300 meters) at just over 7 percent grade – these were good work and left me worked.  I was definitely slowing towards the end in a wash of hurt, and fighting to keep good form.

Conclusion – my mental state or its health is probably tied to much to a decent run.  There.  That only took 41 something years to figure out.  Maybe I can correct that in the next 41.

4 miles after work and before Pack meeting.  Felt good.

Today's insanity is brought to you ala a tip from Brett

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday 030911

Breaking news:  too much exercise is bad for you.  I am so stoked to hear this one brought up at the next neighborhood party.

Windy when I headed out:


Headed over to the new Meadowlark Trail – which is off McCaslin, at the Coalton Trailhead (just south of Louisville, west of Superior).  Thinking that if I do the Bear from door route, I would head through Carolyn Holmberg/Lac Amora, into Flatirons Mall, into the trails in Superior, then head over to this trail to pick up the connector to Mayhoffer-Singletree (then to Community Ditch and then then dropping into Eldo via Dowdy Draw … ish).  Great views up there on this trail.  But a bit windy.  Think I saw Peter Bawkin out there (the guy who did the Hardrock-Rockhard gig a few years ago).  Slow moving today as I worked out yesterday’s workout and the dealt with the wind.  12 miles.

Listened to a good interview with Billy Mills.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tuesday 030811

I don’t own an Iphone, but this is damn funny.


Missed a run yesterday with a full day at work, TZ out of town and various evening activities.  Hoped that it would be a nice little taper for a better workout today.  Today - 14 miles.  1.5 mile warm up and then 6 x 1 mile with 2 minutes rest on wide trail (6:01 to 6:18).  All of these were faster than the tempo effort the other day, but I realized – they are probably not fast enough.  These have been a good start as I try to get some turn over back, but I will try to mix in some 800s or kilos to get more of a faster but still somewhat sustained effort.  Also, I am becoming more cognizant that I am carrying about a half dozen more lbs (conservatively) than summer weight. 

Wes Thurman sent me this link to this excellent interview with Dan Gable.   He is a wrestler (Olympic, gold medalist 1972) but you really really ought to give it a listen.  Also listening to this good Macca interview.

I ain’t looking to quite go this far in a marathon … Yuki Kawauchi states post the Tokyo Marathon:  "This was my sixth marathon, and the fifth time I've ended up in the medical area," he smiles. "Every time I run it's with the mindset that if I die at this race it's OK."  Watch the youtube video of this guy … pretty ballsy racer.

JJ is getting some footage up of MW 2010.  The lottery closes in a week.  I am almost certain I won’t register for this, instead opting to be at home that weekend and hurting myself at Mount Evans instead.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday 030711

Got this email – literally seconds before we were hitting the door to head to KZ’s swimming lesson.

The pool at PDRC is closed for the remainder of the day on Monday, March 7, 2011 due to a fecal accident.  All aquatics classes at PDRC are cancelled for this day.  This closure is per the requirement of the Public Health Department.  We apologize for this inconvenience, as we strive to keep our pools safe for your enjoyment.  Thank you for your understanding.

So needless to say, we did not go to the pool.  I was informed in a later mail that the hot tubs were to remain open until 9PM.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday 030611

AM – 2 mile warm up, then ~20 minute tempo (6:20 pace), mile jog over to BHS and then 8 x 200 meters there.  Fair progress here:  I was about 20 seconds faster at this today (as I am using a measured course) with an AHR about 5 beats lower for the tempo.  Managed the 200s starting at 39 and working them down to 36.  9 miles on the day.

Listened to an interview with Phil Maffetone (MAF guy).

I am interested in doing this as it is local  and via Broomfield Rec.  I’d like to do it with my daughter, but there is a 16yo age limit on it (checking on that). 

Week = 72 miles, 9.75 hours, 4000 vertical
March = 62 miles, 8.5 hours, 3.5k vertical
2011 = 675 miles, 100 hours, and 60k vertical.

Alternative exercise – at the rec center today I was able to assure I got my hour of alternative exercise for the week.  I did a circuit with KZ (she was showing me what they suggested they do) and then added on some tris, abs, and leg work.

Decent week.  Still feeling a bit pressed for time, and have not yet made it a habit to get up early for doubles – and frankly, I am not sure that will occur before April.  Wanted to maintain the discipline of getting after it a bit a couple of times a week and was able to do that a bit with Simms on Tuesday, the down wind quarters on Thursday, and the workout today.  Got some feedback this week that I am mulling over a bit.  The first was that I ought to focus on three workouts a week and never miss those – no matter what.  The second was that I have done enough base work here for a bit and it is really time for me to start killin’ it. 

In regards to the three workouts, I am not sure I could outright say “every Tuesday I am going to do 5 by a mile blah blah blah.”  First, my schedule does not always allow that.  Second, there are some days I feel mentally I am ready to get after a workout, but I know my body is not.  As an example, yesterday I was ready in my head to get after it but my legs felt like crap.  So I ran easy. 

But I like what this thought represents – what three things am I going to get after regularly?  I would say it comes to these three for me (at least today):   A flat turnover workout, a mid shorter hill workout, and a longer run (and probably with hills and altitude as the summer progresses).  The flat turn over workout:  could be classic track, could be a 20 minute tempo, could be a minute on, minute off.  It can't be the treadmill.  I think the best one for me here (at least today) it would be 5-6 mile repeats, but it has to mix in some faster than 5k pace stuff (so strides, or 200s, 400s).  These force me to run at a pace above what I am currently comfortable with, and run quicker when I am tired.  Today’s tempo was an example of this.  The mid shorter hill workout:  I see this as an effort up Shadow or Green or Lindens.  I think the best on this for me (at least today) would be up Green would be Gregory, Ranger, GREENMAN or maybe Long Canyon.  Another option would be these Simms Hills I do.  The longer run is stuff like getting up to Lucho’s place, or to Mosquito Pass or the Skyline Traverse.   More generally, I don’t think I need to worry about mileage for mileage sake, and I think I can be fine off the periodic long run (maybe every couple, three weeks) .

KZ is sitting here tonight listening to Jimmy Buffett.  And enjoying it.  JZ has been digging Kevin Reeves.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Saturday 030511

Kudos to Mr. Schlarb on winning his first national championship.

AM – JZ had practice, jogged the fields. 5 miles.

Afternoon – tired, easy 6 miles.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday 030411

My afternoon opened up a bit – so I gave Lucho a holler to see if he was free for a run.  He was, so I was glad to make a trip up to his ‘hood and check out his standard route.  I had never run with him up there, and I’d like to make it more of a regular doing.
I got to soak in some of the epic views that Lucho enjoys everyday, including the backside of Green, Bear, South Boulder. IMG-20110304-00143 IMG-20110304-00144
What you don’t see in the regular pix over at Lucho’s blog is that he is often pushing a double stroller, that when loaded with 2 young boys (one who is a total bad ass RC car driver) comes in around 100 pounds.
Okay, maybe that is no big deal, but when you consider that you are pushing that at 8000 plus feet, and over grades that often exceed 10 percent.  Ack … I tried my hand at pushing a couple of times, and I can say – it ain’t easy.  I one point, I was almost going backwards while trying to go up.   This definitely makes you feel some muscles you don’t regularly use when running hard, or running uphills – pretty much everywhere.  Legs.  Arms.  Ear Lobes.  Teeth. 
I did not try my luck at holding the stroller while heading down, as I was  not willing to risk watching Lucho’s boys roll to Boulder, with me bouncing behind the stroller attached to a tether. 

I ain’t ready to have anymore crumb grabbers of my own, but… this is a secret training weapon indeed.  It was great to see Tim and get to share some time with him.  I hope to make excursion up there a regular occurrence.  8 miles, 1370 of climb.  I might need to arrange a jogger show down between him, Clark and JV, and maybe Mackey.

Later in the day, JZ had baseball (first outdoor practice), so I got in two very easy joggy miles.  I thought about going barefoot, but it was a bit chilly.  2 miles and then 15 minutes of alternate exercise (myrtle, push ups).