Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday 051213

AM – 15.3 miles, 3400 feet of climbing.  Out on the Enchanted Mesa to the Mesa, down Skunk into Boulder, back up Baseline, Flagstaff to West Green, and down the middle route.  Legs were never there today and when I hit the steep stuff on Flag I was really cooked.  It was not a bonk as much as just tired.  But another hour after that …

On the way down I was doing that goofy dance that I do when fried, just trying not to fall over.  I did not fall however, except about 1/4 mile from the car when a guy coming the other way and I both tried to avoid each other on the Baseline trail.  I went left, he went to my left, I went right, he went to my right – while we were both running at each other.  We both hit the snot slick mud and went down.  Ah, run complete.


32nd Green on the year and the trails are nearly completely free of snow. 

75.8 on the week over 11 hours, 5520 of climbing (most of that coming today obviously).   Turn over on Wednesday (strides), Saturday (progression run) and a climbing longer run today.  Solid week – happy with it on whole, particularly turning the reigns over to Lucho.


  1. I remember years ago when I worked with Tim - 2 months after I started working with him I ran a Boston Qualifier time. It was a 23 minute PR on the same course. I was only running 27 miles a week, LOL. That's just dumb he could pull that out of me on such a laughable starting point. He knows his stuff.

    1. Yah, hardest part for me will be the easy days. Simply because I will want to thrash for another 45 minutes on those days.

  2. All of your readers need to chip in to get you a GoPro so we can see those awesome wipeouts! Sounds like a good one.

    Looking forward to seeing how the Lucho arrangement works out for you. Sounds like good stuff.

    1. If I had to have a website of all my falls, it would probably have to be its own blog and a near full time effort to load them all up.
