Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saturday 053114

AM – in the fog, got out from my house with Bob.  12.3 miles easy, along the trails to the north.

Month ends at 306.2 miles, 40.52 hours, and 13460 vertical feet.  Year sites at 1350.0 miles, 180.88 hours and 57,070 vertical feet.

Week is not done but happy with the flow over the last few days.  Some vertical, some turnover, and fair miles.  If I could hit a regular cadence of Mon-tempo, Tues – hill, Wed – steady recovery, Thursday – turnover/intervals, Friday – hill, Saturday-recovery, Sunday, roll as it comes maybe longer … that would be great.

Pretty sure I will jump in the BRR track meet next week to see what I can muster for the 1500.  Generally speaking I seem to have been making progress on that front since March.  I’d like to think I can go sub 5:10 (mile equivalent), but I expect that I will need to keep my head in it for the third lap.  If I am feeling particularly nuts, I will try to double back for the 800 and hold the same pace I did for the mile (this is hard as it is usually only 20 minutes after the mile).  And now with Pikes only 11 weeks out, I need I drive the vertical a bit more (sort of started that this week).

Oh yeah, need to figure the burro thing out too.


David R has started a coaching service that is worth checking out if you are looking for one.  I’d probably sign up but I am fairly uncoachable, as I tend to not do what they tell me to do.

Latest ATU/C.

Didn’t think that Rupp would even dance with the 10k AR given his 13:19 a few weeks ago.  Mind boggling when you consider he is holding what was PR 5k pace for a lot of guys at the top of the sport (uh, like the meet he did this AR at) for twice that distance.  PBs from Coburn and Simpson at respectively the steeple and the 1500– that is great but the news of the meet be not the folks who won but that Rudisha lost and was in seventh.


Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday 053014

Last day of school and so there is much rejoicing occurring in the GZ’stead.

We have all heard of Bannister.  Have you heard of Diane Charles (nee Leather)?

Alexa Efaimson runs a 1600 in 4:33 and its ho-hum news – partly because of Cain, partly because the 1600 is an idiot distance instead of the mile or the 1500.  And oh yeah, Cranny and Baxter.  By the way, my understanding is Alexa just finished her junior year.  Sick.  This form is beautiful though.


I met Alexa’s “rival” Elise almost 18 years ago.  Her dad Bob would run, pushing her in the baby jogger at BRR Sunday Fun Runs.  There is a story about a baby jogger 800 too, but I can assure you no kids were harmed in that race (even though I ran hard enough to puke afterwards). 

Anyway, there always seems to be a bit of a question around young kids and when they compete at that sort of level and burnout or worse.  My observation is the conversation is even a bit louder when discussing this bout young women, given the what appears to be the greater chance of eating related disorders that can go along with it in running.  It is a complicated topic.  I am no expert.  I can’t say if a kid is being pushed or pushing themselves too hard or if they are going to burn out.  And the topic of burnout is not just one about running:  it can be any sport or art or academic endeavor. 

So while this topic is complex, and I think becomes one very much about the individual human and their environment mix, I generally feel I am willing to let a kid push themselves to the well a bit, understanding that could mean they might burnout at some point in the future.  That is not an endorsement for taking on an outright health risk, but instead saying for any of us to be excellent at anything, it usually means the risk of pushing our comfort boundaries.  You might burnout.  I’d rather see a kid explore the appropriate limits of that and learn from it, versus the alternative:  never risk it, never feel the reward of it, and not learn from it at all.

There are a lot gray words in there:  complex, individual, environment, some point, usually, might, appropriate.  In other words, it depends a lot on the people in the game.  I probably sound like a dimwit on the topic.  I am.  To some extent, I am trying to sort out the amount I chase my own results and to what level of sacrifice – not to even go into where I am navigating that with my kids.  Or other people’s kids.

Another thing I have been musing on related but tangential to this is how much to motivate people with success versus failure.  This mostly comes up in my head when I consider my kids, but it has bearing to the others I deal with as well.  See, I could say to Bob, “is that the best you got?”  and he’d be very motivated to then kick my ass on the next repeat.  But that could be crushing to a kid.  It might be better to say to that kid, “holy crap that was pretty awesome.  You are working hard.  Keep it up.”  Saying “is that the best you got?” might lead that kid to say, “yeah, it is and if it is not good enough I guess I better go somewhere else.” 

Another Green today, and the front route on the up.  It is probably my least favorite route up because I find to be the least runable with its sections at greater than 40% grade.  I prefer the middle route – which stretches out the 2500 plus feet of vertical over the greatest distance (like 3.1 from Gregory versus 2.1), and hence shallowing out the grades.  I think go up the two routes in about the same time.   I guess that represents a weakness though, and so I am going to eat the front side for a bit.  I sort of feel I am relearning how to climb, and how to manage my effort on this route.  A bit quicker than the other day (42 flat up from Gregory) and came down to Chaut in about 35 again.  6.5 miles for Green number 3 of the year.  Sadly but I guess moving the right direction, this puts me at my largest vertical week of the year. 

The family tells me …

… that I need to pick a look and stick with it.  Here are samples from the last few months.IMG_0849IMG_0795IMG_1481IMG_0366 IMG_0018IMG_1490 - Copy IMG_3566

Here is the latest.  They are not in favor of this.


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday 052914

I have warned my wife.  If I am ever in England when this race happens … sorry, it never gets old.

Article on the beer mile (also with a 8 minute audio segment) … interesting note that the Ben & Jerry’s 4 x 4 is referenced.  4 pints, 4 miles and the record is 66:55.

Drone flyover of the Incline, scheduled to close later this summer for repairs.  You get the idea after about 2 minutes or so.  Wonder if they could do the whole Barr.

Preview of Mount Washington

Got together with Steve M at work for a workout that included some faster stuff, on his plan.  His rests are always pretty long, but I go with it to do the work with him.  Warmed up, did 4 x a quarter (70, 70, 69, 69) and then did a warm down with him.  I decided to get back after it to get a bit more work in and did 4 more on shorter (but I’d say still full) rest in 75, 76, 74, 73.  10 miles on the day, and while I could feel the arse cheek a bit these were not overly straining and it was actually okay.  Nuthin’ stellar here but hitting 70 a month ago would have been too much to handle, so handling it today will be considered some sort of progress.

In the evening … having fun making noise.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday 052814

More Danny M insanity. 

10.2 in the afternoon.  I was stalling on this because I did not feel so hot, and it was hot out.  But once I got out and got going, it came rather nicely.   Easily 10 to 15 degrees hotter than anything I encountered in Tel Aviv, but way more comfortable without all the water in the air.  Enjoyed the first dip in the pool of the year post run.

… had a bit of a rare clarity during the run where I could enjoy the running I was doing in light of understanding that someday I won’t be able to do it this way.  Occasionally and rarely I realize my easy run of today will probably be a very hard effort someday, or maybe something I won’t be able to do at all, in a decade.  Today’s run was not a stellar or an amazing effort, but being able to buzz around my hood in the heat for ten with the last couple coming quicker and easy … well, nice to do it while I can.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday 052714

Bill Wright, an icon in the Boulder endurance scene, put up a great race report describing his back and forth with his 17 year old son in yesterday’s Bolder Boulder.  Awesome.

Of course, I trolled the BB results.  As in yesterday, even before lunch.  And of course, I did try to project where I would have fell in the results with a great day, an average day and a poor day.  Mail those results in folks.

Anyway, I could not help but notice that Shalane’s average pace yesterday (5:21) was nearly the same pace she held for Boston (5:25).  Is that because of the altitude?  Or the downhill nature of the Boston course?  Or her prep for Boston and now recovery?  Dunno.  Interesting anyway. 

Saw Chris Grauch posted a 33:49, and looks to have won the Masters division.  Watch out for Clint Wells though.  I don’t know when he turns 40, but he is 39 and ran it yesterday in 32:20.  And damn, Doug Bell breaking 40 at sixty three.  At the other end of the spectrum you have Lyon sophomore Paul Roberts putting down a 32:09, and twelve year old Riley Geldean putting up a 39:50.  There is the interesting “all time age records” page that would now have Paul at the top of the 16 year old bracket, and Riley number 2.  I had to check – hypothetically to make the top twenty in that list next year I’d have to run a sub 35:20.  Pretty stout list of names there … can’t say that I want to hang out with 50k people that way, but I will admit there is a bit more of slight interest there than there has been in the last handful of years.

Afternoon – with summer like temps, I hit Green, going up the front and coming down the mid.  Going up the front let me see the new ladder that is in place (not really a big deal) and some of the minor reroutes that have been put in place since the flood.  I clearly felt my lack of vertical, summiting in a slow 48 minutes and working a bit to do that.  Ah, well, keep at it and that will come. I came down the mid, and re-realized that in addition to not having the strength to climb well, I have some work to do to absorb the drops as well (about 38 minutes down, a bit more relaxed).  No surprise as this was my second Greenie of the year.  Round trip was 7.4 miles  Oh yeah, saw that guy from 127 hours.  He seemed to be doing pretty well.  Better than me anyway.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday 052614

11.6 miles, with about a 40 minute tempo thrown in there. 

Good read on miler out of nowhere Matt Elliott.

Mid day JZ and I checked out the Memorial Day event over at the Commons.


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday 052514

Little hike in the mid morning in some of the Lac Amora open space.  Saw Ray out there jogging.
JZ finds a geocache.
A pelican in Colorado.  Not what I would expect.
A swarm of bees.  Apparently they do this before starting a new hive.  I had never seen this before.
I found this nice to look at.  That probably means they are an invasive weed.IMG_5602
These buggers were loud, but probably outdone by the prairie dogs.IMG_5607
Circle of life.
IMG_5613 Some wildlife in a tree.
The big rack is always gonna catch yer eye.

Interesting podcast by Tim and Gary.

Shalane talks Pikes.

Yeah, Bolder Boulder is tomorrow.  It, and races like it are getting some question (financially driven mostly) if the investment in elite racing is worth it. 

Earlier in the AM - Easy jogging on the muddy trails of Marshall and Flatiron Vista.  Joined by the always enjoyable Lucho.  I had touch of mild soreness around the knees from yesterday’s work to start, but that worked out fine over the run.  We saw Billy Nelson and Aric V-H out there.  I am still amazed that someone of Billy’s height does as well as he does in the steeple.  He has to be no taller than 5’6”. 

71.6 on the week, with most of that actually front end loaded on my time in Tel Aviv.  Getting about time to start thinking about focusing up a bit more for training if I am going to survive Pikes – and yes, it is survive.  My vertical efforts have been woefully little, so I will need to start getting out for some regular doses of 3k of the up stuff.  I have been generally content to toss in the mile prep effort, and I will look to continue to do that as it is enjoyable (in a effed up sort of way).


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday 052414

Jogged over to the track late in the afternoon, thinking of getting some work in.  Found the local track  locked up with the whole infield ripped up and several signs indicating it was closed for construction.  It is a bit too local for me to ignore that so I found a road segment to do some work on instead.

Couple of 200 (or 0.13 mile) strides to open up and then 3 x a half mile on full rest at what was supposed to feel like mile pace (track races coming up in June).  Dialed the first a 2:36.  It was about 4/10ths to recovery (or about four minutes with the walk jog).  2:33 for the second and then nudged the third for 2:27.  Tried to keep the efforts steady hard, but not straining or going for the kick.  Arguably, this workout, might be a bit more misleading than it used to be for me, as I think I would struggle more past this stage in a race (or minutes 3 to 4).  Maybe 3 x 3/4s as the next effort.  8.2 miles.

Various recent pix:

JZ has some volunteer pumpkins coming up.IMG_5576
One of TZ’s peonies blooming in the yard.IMG_5575
Raspberries are doing well.IMG_5574
Spring lettuce and spinach (and some onion) coming in.IMG_5573
Carpenter bee at work in the yard.
Baseball night.
Hans stands guard on the squirrel dog war.IMG_5517
JZ and I passed out after recent backpacking.IMG_5516

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday 052314

10 steady in the afternoon.  Started a bit sluggish, probably from the yard work of moving a few tons of sand.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday 052214

Home.  Easy 7.3 miles.  It was raining a bit and somehow I still ended up drier than runs I did in Tel Aviv where it never rained.  Pretty fuzzy in the head from the long day of travel.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday 052114

Well, I am cooked.  I can’t seem to keep ahead of hydration, can’t get two nights of good sleep and my legs are fried from various efforts.  I thought I’d try to chase a mile this AM to see if I could get a good time while at sea level, but I knew it was not in the cards after a few strides.   Floated around for 10 on probably my last run here on this trip.


Finished up the activities here this afternoon, and will head to dinner with some of the staff here before starting the travel back.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday 052014

Beach side, road front dining last nightIMG_1666

Slept pretty hard and was slow to get up, and little time in the AM.  Slow to start on the run as well as I warmed/woke up.  6.2 miles, heading south this time.  I have run all my runs on this trip heading north, and I recalled why.  While it is still beach front to the south, it is a bit rougher, dirtier, and can even at times reek of piss in that direction.  I prefer the runs to the north.

Fun reading.  In the same regard, this.

Evening - sweating my fool arse off even though it was pretty cloudy.  It is just humid for a CO old man.  Legs are pretty tired, and I think I am struggling to keep up with hydration.  Rolled up into tempo anyway.  Why not?  6.2 miles on the river (yes, the side to the north)

When asked if I have run a 100, I have been known to quip, “yes and it is not something I recommend to my friends.”  Apparently doing a 200 is something I should recommend to them though.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday 051914

We finished in regular time last night, and I thought I’d get a night of some easy jogging on the beach.  Instead, I promptly passed out in my hotel room.  So much for being over jet lag.  I woke up with an angry and sour stomach, and then had a fitful night of sleep at best as a result.  Ugh.  Had aspirations to get after it this morning but I had a sluggish start and my stomach was still not too happy.  The air had stale smoke (due to a holiday here that has traditions of building bonfires) hanging in it anyway, so probably not best to roll it up (excuses).  Easy 6.3

I am getting word that I might be in Ireland the week before Pikes. Certainly not ideal to be at sea level the week before a high altitude race, but It is not like I am contending to win there anyway.  I was going to push back on this possible travel, but if it comes, I might just roll with it because it will represent a different angle to the work I do, and hence new opportunities.

BHS had three all state boys in the mile race (4A).  Then you have Cranny who essentially won a team title by herself.

Helluva steeple by Coburn.

Evening – 7.2 miles.  Easy to steady.  Legs a bit tired.  No problem with oxygen here though.  Or water in the air.  No, it ain’t that much an air thing as much as it is a legs and other parts thing.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sunday 051814

Up early, hoping to beat the heat, but also out of necessity to get a run in as I have a full work day today.  The view down to the beach from the hotel room … P5170075

10.  I was not sure what I was going to do as I headed out.  I started easy steady and just plucked away at it over the miles, effectively turning the second half into a tempo.  10 miles.  74 on the week.  Not a bad week considering the travel, and for exercising but still a too unfocused to be called training.  Got in a long run of sorts – although it was a crash and burn (and really a burn given the heat), some fair tempos and a faster mile.    Zilch for vertical however – and I am certainly not going to get a lot of that over here.

Some of my US based colleagues were here last week for a different engagement, and they are now back home.  Or sort of.  For example, I last saw Tom here Friday night.  I just got an email from him this morning (Sunday morning here) that he just got home and caught his daughter’s soccer game.  A big bulk of that is flight time, but another chunk is all the time transferring between airports, etc.  It is amazing that we can get here so quickly but it still takes a long time.

More on that:  I called TZ this AM and her day is winding down on a Saturday night.  I tell her good night, she tells me good morning.  I will call her as my day winds down and tell her good morning and she will tell me to have a nice evening.  It is only 9 hours different from mountain time but it is significant.

Listened to an interview with Peter Masikmow on the new C.J. Hitz podcast, and caught the latest ATUC (Lucho you can have the Garmin back whenever you want it).  Got this one with Adam Batliner, Tom Reese and Jay Johnson on tap.