Monday, August 31, 2015

Monday 31AUG2015

Off to Atlanta today.  I actually have not travelled for work for about three months (last time was when I went to Cork in May).  I think I remember how this goes.

The kids have transitioned into their first week of school.  In some regards, they have done great.  There have been other wrinkles. 

KZ has decided after significant consideration to leave her part time job at the local pizza place iPie so she can focus on school, the college game, XC, choir and the other demands of her senior year.  No more free iPies for GZ which is a bummer, but both TZ and I  have been nudging her to drop the job.  It has been a great experience for her (although she still has to take a “Catering” class at school to get a “practical experience” credit), but I could see the how the demands of it were stealing from her 168 hours in a week that are already loaded with AP this and that (including AP Calc, which could make you vomit).  Of course, like most people, even though we had the idea, she really had to have felt it was her idea for it to process.

The “college conversation” is pretty much the big topic for us with her.  Where?  Why?  How much? 

I have seen that a lot of folks that did Leadville have already started running again.  I am a bit embarrassed to admit there are parts of me that are still a bit sore or at least not feeling that great.  I could drill through that if I wanted to but I will let that ride for now.

I guess as I age, I will give more a crap about this stuff

I finally got through the ET interview with Aish (I guess without regular running I don’t make a lot of time for those).  Those guys are doing a good job with their show.  Mike made a valid point about the Carpenter Leadville record:  it is challenging to compare his record of 15:42 as there are some significant changes to the course now that might be slower.  So the conversation slipped to comparing the sections that are the same – and that is the out to Mayqueen part and then the return from that.  There is a good amount of desire to want to compare Mike’s 1:48 to Carpenter’s time on that section during his record run.  Mike indicated that it is sort of not fair because of the overall effort that Matt had put forth at that point (compared to Matt) – and that is exactly the point.  It is sort of like comparing the last mile time in the Bolder Boulder of a person who has run the first five in an hour versus someone who has run that in 25.  It is not worthy of real comparison, although maybe an entertaining at some level. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday 30AUG2015

Headed up to LVR today to catch up with the new little guy:  Dominic.  He is five months old.

Of course I had to check in on the main dude.  He seems to be enjoying the off season well enough.

No running for me yet.  I just don’t feel the itch.  When I do, I will scratch it.  I have no time table at this point that says, “well it has been a week so you should jog.”  Nah, I will get the shoes on when the time is right.  I head to Atlanta next week and I will toss the shoes in the bag just in case, but if they don’t come out, that is okay too.

My health is coming around, but I am still dealing with a variety of issues on the periphery.  I have been asked if I would do the race again.  I have done some of the math of considering where I could tweak time.  An hour in that last fifteen miles.  Maybe better legs coming off the Powerline.  Maybe a little quicker in the aid stations.  So maybe I could get another couple of hours or so out of the affair.  But to do it, I have to be willing to do the preparation, the execution and deal with the aftermath (recovery).  And frankly I can’t say that it is enticing enough for me to do that.  The race is actually the easiest part to think of.  It is the prep and the recovery I am not sure I can commit to. 

New topic:  kids and running in HS and college.  I have heard in various circles how we burn our kids out in these systems because it is “all intensity all the time.”  I don’t agree with that.  At least in the HS system my kids are in, there is a significant focus on aerobic development for most of the pre and regular season.  Of course, later in the season, hills and intervals are introduced to get some familiarity with that sort of work. But all summer the kids are jogging easy, and just building minutes.  A few times a week they do strides.  I am not sure if this is the case everywhere in the country, but I suspect that the increase in the number of kids we see running fast times (an increase in sub 9 two miles for example) reflects a shift in training approach (and probably the overall depth of training knowledge coaches bring to the game).

In college, coaches get creamed for burning their kids out.  I dunno, it seems to me that the student athletes at that level that I talk to are the ones that burn themselves out.  The kid has been the big fish in podunk HS and now is nobody in big college lake.  They up their mileage, up their intensity, often against their coaches wishes – BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE THAT BIG FISH and EAT LITTLE FISHIES. 

I don’t think most college coaches want to burn their kids out, and in fact they want to see their kids succeed.  There are some programs that probably will let kids crack themselves against the flippin wall because they have dudes begging to comes to their school, but most coaches probably want to treat these dudes like glass eggs so they don’t break or burn out.  I think it is the kids that fry themselves.  Put a bunch of young 20 something men in a competitive situation …

Yeah, the whole thing is still a dirt bag pile with the NCAA making money off kids though.

I might get caught up on Worlds by next week.

August and year stats today as I expect nothing to add as of tomorrow.  2539.5 miles on the year, 338.56 hours, and near 188 thousand vertical feet.  On August we tally 262.2 miles, 46.9 hours and 27730 feet.  I guessed 15k of vert at Leadville since I did not get a good GPS for the entirety of that,

More keys to success, points of failure, and crazy ass stuff

Keys to success:  I had a kick ass crew and set of pacers.  The heart of my crew was new this event but any rookie fears they had were overcome with passion – AND that a few members of the crew had tons of experience.  Nick has done more ultras than I will ever do and was vital in keeping the broader crew tied in on what to expect and how to manage the station.  For example, when I was coming up to Treeline (crew access but not formal race aid) Nick said to the crew (I found this out later) “he is hurting.  Don’t let him stop here.”  And they did that.   I also had a JT as a pacer who has five Leadville starts and I think 5 HR finishes.  It was a wonderful blend of new folks dialed into help, and experience to course correct and it really made the broader part of the day go well.  I probably only directly interacted with the whole crew for 30 minutes through out the 24 hours, but those sessions were positive, helpful and kept me moving well.

Points of failure:  that theme is constant.  The things I did not practice reflect where I struggled during the race.  Chalk up night running there.  It is challenging to be up for 24 hours.  To be running after you have been up for 18 and then expect to run for another six into the dark is more challenging (particularly since it seems to be a known fact most of us start to slow in the dark).  I slowed in the dark too.

More crazy stuff … (which is really to say “interesting spirit of the race stuff”)

6.)  The pre race affair at Leadville is exactly what you’d expect it to be.  You have heard the speech”  “Dig deep like them miners.  You are better than you think you are and you can do more than you think you can.  Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”  A lot of the race veterans skip this pep rally (in fact I am pretty sure neither of the eventual winners went to it) but as a first timer I felt obliged to go to get the full experience, and I was glad that I went.  Even if there was an unnecessary 15 minute informercial in the midst of it where a guy read from his iPad

7.)  There is this different level of camaraderie that occurs between runners, crew, pacers and volunteers during this race.  I’d come across another runner and ask, “How you doing?”  and the answer was almost always a loud and resounding “GREAT!” through a large grin.  This of course is partly bullshit because we both knew that we were both hurting, and that there was usually some ridiculous number of miles of suffering to go.  The point is that while we suffer in all races, this race – and probably ultras in general – just give a bit of room to share that with the broader public as a bond. You don’t have those conversations in a 5k.  You wait until afterwards.  But in a 100, you got the time and it is expected that you share, lift and take care of each other.  Maybe just a little bit more.

8.)  Jack met me at Winfield, and as another bookend Bill Lee met me at the base of 6th Street with the family.  And then there was the whole crew and then Andy and Brandon.  I know people do these things without crews and pacers but I was overjoyed to share the moment with this tribe.bazu-6815977

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Points of failure: moving slow

This is sort of a tricky one.  Bob and I talked about it in the weeks (in fact months leading up to the race).  Essentially the concept is that at some point, everyone in a 100 is moving slow.  Certainly there are guys like Sharman who are not but for the most of us, it is true.  The issue is whether that moving slow is occurring at 20 minute, 15 minute or 10 minute miles. 

The bulk of my running this year was done around the 6-8 minute mile pace.  Occasionally, I’d go “slow” (not counting big hills) but that might be as much as nine pace.  Bob and I wondered how’d I hold up to having to hold hours of 12 minute pace.  Or more specifically if I’d be do that sort of thing since I really had no practice at it. 

There has been some speculation that I got pretty close to Bob on the return up the Powerline … as in within minutes.  But he still beat me by over 80 minutes.  This is nearly all because of the Mayqueen to the finish section where Bob took about two hours and 27 minutes.    It took me 3:38 … or about seventy minutes slower.

It clearly shows where Bob is really bringing game to the race:  late and he wanted to light the fire there to do well.  I instead showed rookie-man-ship and sauntered around Turquoise Lake.

I did struggle to run at those later phases.  It was less about a length of stride, but actually the ability to get a run cadence going.  I could power walk at a 17 minute mile pace but I could not muster up a 160, or 170 turn over per minute.  It reflected a lack of experience, a lack of prep for that and the general break down that occurred for me at the later miles. 


Kids XC

KZ started her senior season of XC and JZ laced them up for his very first XC race.  They were both pretty nervous, but JZ more so.  He had all the typical concerns of not performing well, suffering, and maybe wearing shorts that he thought were too short.  I probably do little to help the kids in their mindset when I show up to these events because I tend to say things that might crack their friends up, they don’t seem to appreciate as much.  “Don’t worry too much.  I mean, you might vomit.  But it will soon be over.”  Or “Take it out hard, pick it up and finish strong” sort of stuff.

This first race was over at the Valmont Bike Park (which as a side note sort of makes the XC hard to watch in some regard because kids are killing themselves running but then you see some dude do a double flip 15 feet in the air on his bike and you are completely distracted).  It is a 4.5 K course, over three laps, but it includes like ton of turns in serpentine single track and a half dozen climbs to the ridge, including the infamous stairs.  The kids did great, blowing out the rust to get familiar with the drill of a meet.  The hills in this course are a great early season reminder of the importance of pacing.  It was great to see kids attack the hills hard on the first lap, but then watch them get swallowed up in later sections as they paid for that investment.

Great day for the group to get out, good to see the family of runners, and just fun to watch the competition.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Crazy ass stuff part 1

There is just a lot of crazy ass stuff that happens in 24 hours.  And when you run in the mountains for 24 hours, there is more than usual it seems.  Here are a few before I forget: 

1.)  It has been described hundreds of times but … the lights around Turquoise Lake as the runners start and head out Mayqueen.  You know how you know exactly what the Grand Canyon or Mount Rushmore or Stonehenge are going to look like even before you get there.  And then you see it and it is both a feeling of “yup, that is exactly what it is supposed to look like”  and “holy crap it is here and it is all the very iconic and amazing thing I thought it was and more even though it is what I thought it would be I can feel a connection with it!”

Yeah, it was the second one.  You looked back and saw the light and it is exactly that:  a line of lights.  But it is more than that:  it is a line of light representing stories of people, successes and failures to come, and the energy of some 600 humans engaging their little Olympics.

2.)  Jack got brought out to Winfield.

I described it before but the whole affair was a capstone on the amazing burro racing summer that Jack and I have had. Tim and Angela made it happen for Jack to get up there and it was so cool to see him at this point in the race.  And when I tried to “rope up” with Jack, he decided to do what we do and that is run at seven minute pace.  In all other races this year I would have welcomed that but I had no gas like that for Jack on this day.  Apparently he was quite the popular celebrity out there.

3.)  As previously mentioned, the Powerline aid station at 85 miles is simply described as some crazy ass stuff.

4.)  The Outward Bound and Twin Aid Stations … okay, I have run in races where folks are cheering for you.  Heck, I have had the benefit of coming down the finish to have people come out of a bar and yell for you to win that World Championship (damnit!).  But when you come into these areas it is … it sort of felt like walking onto the stage as a rock star.  Particularly dropping into Twin.  The announcers bring your name over the PA.  People you have not seen in a long time are there and smiling for you and wishing you luck. 

In Twin, in addition to the support I got from my crew and my family, I had a conversation from Nick Clark (“about time you manned up and did this one boy!”), a high five from Peter Maskimow, a hug from Brandon Fuller, pictures taken by Amy D, Neeraj D, Patrick G, a song played for me by Henry G at the Flatirons tent, and then there was some group of 20 high schoolers screaming cheerings and giving high fives like I was Dave Grohl or something.  You have been in the woods for 3 hours or so and then you come into this buzz of life and positivity and it is FOCUSED ON YOU MAN BECAUSE YOU ARE THE EFFING MAN AND YOU GOT THIS BRO YOU LOOK GREAT. 

DO YOU NEED ANYTHING?  (even offered a beer).

How can you not be positive in light of all that?

5.)  The Llamas at Hopeless.  Okay, yes … it too is exactly what you expect.  But it is pretty freaking awesome to see 30 completely calm untethered llamas hanging out in a mountain meadow at 12000 feet on a blue bird sky day while 50 feet away people are losing their cookies, and starting to realize what they have really signed up for.

More on this, points of failure, points of success to come.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Continuing the recovery, looking back and forward.

Another day, some more fluids, some more calories and I am almost back to normal.  I went into my office today.  That was good because it forced me out of the house.  I think TZ had about enough of me working from home this week.  It probably does not help that I was pretty much sitting in the office in Queen of Hearts boxers all day and occasionally breaking into tears for no good reason. 

I went to bed after back to school night around 8:30.  Yup.  After weeks and months of blogging about training runs and travel, you will now get to read about my naps, work and following of my children to their parent teacher conferences where I ask questions about constructivist pedagogy to throw the educators off balance. 

I was beat and had a head ache building.  Put the fan blasting on me as I passed out and then half an hour later I was freezing.  So the fan went off.  And then half an hour later I was hot.  So the fan went on.  This went on a bunch of times through the night.  So maybe I am fighting some sort of fever.  The funky dreams borderline night mares seem to indicate so. 

There is also the part where I went to the bathroom four times in the middle of the night.  I am not sure if that is a function of me catching up on hydration or if I have done something to put my kidneys into overdrive (or alternatively if they are just open doors at this point and everything just passes through). 

Wait – I woke up at 7AM.   How exciting is that?!  And I had a head ache. 

The legs are a bit weak still of course, but as my job requires me to sit at a desk and type, that is not a big deal until I stand up to go to … the bathroom.  No stairs for this guy this week – it will be all elevator.

Pic by JT heading out of Twin as he offered me a beer.  I declined.  Apparently I could still lift my knees.

Apparently because I am having a wuss of a time with my recovery I have misrepresented my experience at Leadville.  Let me be clear:

It was pretty flipping awesome.  It was a great capstone to an amazing summer.  I had already had enjoyed an amazing summer of family, friends, burros, running, mountains, laughs, travel around the globe … had I not even done this race it would be a summer that represent a string in time of amazing love, luck, and levity.  But I did do this race.  And I did pretty well for me.  More specifically, I did very well for me for the first seventy five miles and then I struggled for the last 25.  In fact as this only the second time I ever have gone more than 50 miles, I ran probably my best segment from 55 to 75 … and yeah, I had a pretty damn good melt down in the last 25 miles, but I was able to keep it glued together enough to get it done.  It was an awesome race with awesome experiences and lovely family and friends, inspiring runners and community and the host of grit and introspection that a hundred miler gives a newbie like me that thinks too much.

Side note – I certainly was not at Leadville in the past years but I have to say this year just seemed very well run as I compare it to other races.  The staff were professional.  The course was well marked.  The results were apparently up very quickly.  The aid stations were pretty comprehensive.  I don’t have a depth of looking across hundreds, but this one seemed just fine to me.  And yeah, I am fine without Leadville having a qualifier … it worked for me.  Basically if a race wants to have a qualifier, that is fine.  But if a race wants to be like Leadville and says, “it’s a free country moron.  Lay down your entry fee and you can try this!” I respect that too.  And yeah, if you are dumb enough to get killed (or set yourself to be in the bathroom five times a night) that ain’t the races fault. 

Already the question has come up if I will return.  I won’t say I am done, but I am certainly not committing to that now or in the near term.  While there is a draw to the race, and of course the question if I can improve on this year’s effort, I find it hard to ignore what this thing is doing to me now.  It is not the race I don’t want to do … it is this part that I am pretty sure is not right. 

And besides, a mile might be a lot more fun. 

(PS – WTF is up with that aid station at the top of the Powerline?!)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday 26AUG2015

When you approach the Dave of Thrones, you need to pay tribute:

Today’s listening:  Aish on ET.

Still fairly beat up and I get tired really quickly … and I have the sense I am gonna get a shitkicker of a cold out this whole affair,  but generally I am on the mend.  The dreams have been bizarre.  TZ says I am sleeping “hot” – as in I am giving off a bunch of heat and thrashing around a lot.  Generally food and liquids are moving in the correct direction now.  The stairs are a chore, but a huge improvement over Monday. 

TZ gave me a light massage the other night to break things up and she could feel some things that I already knew.  My right hammy was tighter than an overtuned banjo string.  I think that because of imbalances I have because of the lawn mower foot (left side), the right side ends up working more, over compensating and hence often feels weaker / more beat up … when it is really just doing more for that left side.

More on the dream state from Leadville:  while on the Sheep Gulch Trail heading into Winfield I am pretty sure I saw Dylan Bowman with long braided hair.  Don’t tell anyone in case it was not actually the case.  It was sort of hot.

I got to run in with Bill Dooper this year.  Of course I knew who he was but he showed up at the BV burro race … after we won that, he told me “yeah, I am picking you to win the Leadville Race.”  It was surreal to get the blessing from the superfan. 

I saw him at the Leadville finish and he was quick to congratulate me, and wanted to know how I was expecting to do at Pikes and Leadville.  Genuine heart indeed.

It seems that I often spend much of my adult life contemplating how to balance acceptance of a situation that I may not like with fighting it. 

Points of success: CFM

This is pretty basic.  I kept moving.  All day long.  There were brief breaks at the aid stations but both my crew and I kept us moving along well.  At Mayqueen the crew had laid out gear on the side the road and as it was early that was a quick turn around (drop the head lamp, drop the warm hat, drop the coat, drop the gloves, kept the long shirt, refilled bottles, got the Ipod and some calories) (side note, this next section was the only place where I ended up listening to music and it was Daft Punk’s Tron).  I took the AM potty break there.  Short transition.

Same sort of drill at Outward Bound except there was no change of clothing and I dropped the ipod off.  It is a short punt (5 miles) over to Treeline from there.  I barely had anything to drink from my topped off bottles there.  I changed shirts into the singlet as it was starting to warm up.  I was actually starting to dawdle there a bit but Nick would have none of it and he shooed me effectively out of the station and down the road.

There is no crew at Halfpipe so I just watered up and got some cals there.  I guess if there was a first bad patch it was in this section from Outward Bound to Twin … I was a bit surprised as to how crappy I felt so early, and it was a bit discouraging (but I kept the mindset appropriate as I mentioned previously).

At Twin Lakes outbound I also recall a quick transition.  In some regard the run became … I dunno, almost a dream?  Or out of body?  It sounds silly to say that because I was very much aware of what was going on in my body but when I look back at it, it seems like I am looking at like a dream or it did not happen.  I can’t remember if I took a chair in Twin or not, but I don’t think I did.  Again, it felt like a quick transition – just focused on the cals and water and maybe transfer of a few things. 

Now by quick, I don’t mean that I was flying through the aid like Tony. 

I told my crew these were not Indy pit stops but I wanted to just be generally moving.  And I was.  There was maybe some little stops to collect gear and then walking to collect stuff up. 

The race climb up Hope sort of changes everything.  From Twin you climb over 3000 feet to 12600 from Twin.  There was no running of this section for me and so it was just an on going grind up.  But it was left, right, left over and over and over again.  I took quick aid at Hopeless and I saw guys sitting in chairs and decided that I was most decidedly not doing that.  If I was not moving, the clock was and that did not help finish this thing. 

I sucked the downhill in Winfield.  The grade is stupid enough down in many places that I can’t find the wheels to run it.  I got a bit of a break on the lower grade Sheep Gulch Trail but my pace was still pretty slow. 

For the first time in Winfield, my crew TOLD me to take a chair.  And I gladly agreed.  Nick said, “10 minutes here can save you a lot more out there” and I was happy to give in.  I changed the shoes, socks, shirt, stocked up the fuel for the climb back over Hope.  I got a little walk out with Jack.  It was nice here because I picked up Tim G as a pacer and essentially he could hold EVERYTHING.  I did not think I was burdened by this stuff previously but once I dumped it after 50 miles, it felt nice to be free of it.  I think this and maybe Twin back were my longest breaks because of the shoe changes.

Back at Twin, again, once I crossed the street and got about a half block up I was met by friends and so I stopped the jog to the walk and took to the chair there as well.  I got a sock change, shifted up some clothing for the cooler temps of the night.  I headed out with JT.  The climb out of Twin is not brutal, but it has a bite.  JT and I went to the hike and after a couple of miles we hit the nice patches of the Colorado Trail and I even felt good enough to hit a few stretches at maybe mid 8 pace.  This might be the best I felt during the race.  By saying that, I felt like complete crap.  I was not fresh.  I had over 60 miles in my legs from the race, but I could see how the pain had reached some threshold and was not going to increase dramatically from there.  If I could keep cadence, I could keep some pace … and I managed to do this for about a dozen of those miles with JT.
Shuffling back into Twin at 60 miles.  Pic by Neeraj Engineer.

Another short non sitting transition at both HalfPipe and Treeline, we made our way into Outward Bound.  I can’t recall if I sat there or not.  I don’t think so but it was a little longer as the crew tried to get some food into me and I took a bathroom break (a rather alarming one that would send me to the doc if I had not been doing a 100).   Plus we geared up a bit for the cooler night time temps and the dark.  And then I was off with Nick.

Side note … that was about 8:30.  So basically my crew had been up since 3AM (at least) waiting on my ass.  And now I am gonna take another seven hours to go 25 miles.  Damn.

Same sort of drill over Powerline, back down into Mayqueen – and no sitting in Mayqueen.  There was no outright shut down where I just burned out for those last 20 miles but by the time I had reached the top of the Powerline, the big cooking had been done and it played out down the Colorado Trail to the Lake and then especially around the Lake back to town.  There was little running there.  Well, I tried to run but it was this silly shuffle jog thing that maybe got me 16 min/mile pace. 

But the point of success:  there was really no BIG stops.  I saw people taking long times in aid stations.  I saw folks sitting on their poles on the trail.  I saw people taking selfies on top of Hope Pass.  Now – it is their race and maybe that is what they needed to complete it (perhaps without that rest they would have not finished) … but for me I think stopping like that would … only want me to stop more.  And that does not help.

CFM.  Constant Forward Motion.  If you ain’t moving forward, the current of time is gonna take you backwards.

Points of failure: downhill running.

Another element of my slowing in Leadville was the lack of practice that I had at specific types of running that occur in that race.  One type of the was downhill running.

I came off the Powerline and started the run around on 300 to the Outward Bound aid station.  At this point, 20 miles in, I was supposed to feel fine.  I had come down the Powerline very easy (9-10 minute pace). I still had a lot of running to do, including several more big climbs over Hope Pass, back over the Powerline and the less talked about but significant climb out of Twin back.  But my legs were already protesting pretty loudly.  I felt tired and sore.

Why did this happen?  First, while I got in a bunch of downhill running in my training, I probably did not get enough.  It is one thing to run down Green hard for 3 miles after pushing up it for that long, but it is a different stimulus to deal with that after 20 miles of running.  If I wanted to prepare for this, I would have done long runs, with a long downhill run at the end.  So maybe the class up and down 20 miler on Flag or even better Sunshine Canyon would do the trick (but maybe not, to the next point).

Pic by Rish McSparren … coming into Treeline starting to wonder:

Second, I think the grade of the Powerline is such that it is more aggressive than what I was used to.  Coming down the gentle grade of Green’s “Middle Route” is different than coming down the steeper grades of the line. 

Third, simply 3-8k of vertical a week, while probably considered hilly for a roady, is not enough for assuring ready legs in the actual hills.  This year is probably the most vertical that I put together in a season, and while it got me through and thus by some measure was adequate, I can also see how its short comings.

Fourth, and finally … if I am honest … I could feel the fatigue of the burro races.  Even as I was attempting to unload that from my legs in the two weeks between the last burro race in Leadville and this ultra in Leadville, I could knew it was not completely disappearing.  This is a tough read for me because I tend to slough these feelings off as being overly sensitive or soft and that it will work out.  And for most distances it will.  For something as dramatic as a hundred, not so much.  In retrospect, I probably could not have run a mile between the Leadville Burro Race and this 100 and been better off.  The fatigue that I collected from the 60 miles plus of racing a burro, including a the up and down in those left me more taxed than my ego cared to admit.

Pic by Shad Mika, struggling up the stairs post race Sunday at Bob’s.

And so yes, for those who have been wondering about my thoughts on Pikes in retrospect, that would have been a bad idea.  I won’t say there is no way I would not have finished the LT race with Pikes in the mix, but there is no doubt it would have been much more challenging, and slower.  I am glad that Jack figured out a way (he is smarter than me in many regards) to avoid that challenge.  I also have a new perspective and appreciation for Dave Mackey’s eye roll when I mentioned the idea to him in the first place.

More points of failure coming up but I promise there will be points of success too,

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The most unique pacer ever

We all love our pacers.  These folks keep us going when we don’t want to go.  They keep us fed and drinking.  They take time out of their weekend to watch you sweat, drool, stumble, cry, whine, so that you can get some silly belt buckle. 

I love my pacers for what they did for me. 

I had an unexpected pacer though.  Tim Johnson and Angela Romero made the trip from Laughing Valley Ranch with the blessing of Bill Lee to bring out the only pacer that could be called a World Champion and Triple Crown winner.  I came off the trail into the road to Winfield … and there was my partner in the dream season:  Jack.

I picked up Jack (who seemed to be enjoying himself with the attention from the crowds, and the plenty of grass to be eaten) on the way out with him on the rope … and without missing a beat, Jack did what Jack and I do:  we ran.  Small problem with that – Jack thought we were supposed to be going at about 7 minute pace.  I was not going to do seven minute pace after 50 miles of running.  He was killing me and I thought my hamstrings were going to end up on the side of the road.  I let go of the rope after a short stint and Tim fetched him up.  I could not keep up with this guy as the pacer for today.

It was so amazing to connect up with him out there and to have folks like Tim and Angela be so thoughtful to make that happen.  Thank you!

Points of failure: Food.

On whole I look at my Leadville 100 run as a success.  I got it done, and it even came under 24 hours (not to down play anyone’s performance there but some of my colleagues indicated that the big buckle would need to be “asterisked” if I came between 24 and 25 hours).  Basically I kept moving forward all day, and had no time where I was laying on the side of the trail. 

But I can also see the points of failure.  Or the items that created problems as the race went on.  And as you might expect these are the things that I did not effectively practice in my training.  In short these are:  taking in of calories, running at slower paces, steeling of the quads for the downhills, trail running, and night running.  All of these become more critical in the run later in the run – and when you look at how I split Leadville, you see the last 25 miles took me some seven hours – and how my failures to manage these successfully added up in the last sections.

First … food consumption (other points of failure in other posts).  I did okay on taking in calories throughout the first part of the race, but even there I was struggling to get a lot in.  It was a bit of an act of will to choke back a Cliff Bar or a gel.  These just seemed like cuds of crap in my mouth and I had to use a lot of water or Gatorade to get them down.  And I think my stomach got tired of the sweeter stuff.  In fact, today I saw a gel in the bags still needing to be unpacked and I almost gagged at the thought of it. 

As the day wore on, I was obviously operating more and more in a deficit.  I was getting in some calories with bars, chips, mashed potatoes and shot blocks and it seemed like I was full at the time, but in retrospect it was hardly enough.  Today even a couple of days after the event I am close to 10 pounds lighter than my regular weight. 

I will add in that I was dealing with cramps early in the race – as soon as Outward Bound on the way out.  In light of that, I decided to take ibuprofen there and then took it a couple more times during the race.  It seemed to stave off the cramps, but I am sure it did little to help the nature of my gut.  I think it was a small amount (2 tabs at Treeline, 2 at Twin, 2 more at Outward Bound inbound) but I certainly would not prescribe that to anyone. 

Coming off Hope, I took in some Coke and broth from the Hopeless Aid Station up there.  I think the Coke was actually Coke syrup that they had thinned with water.  I think I got a batch that was a mixed a bit too rich.  About 3/4 of a mile below the station, it all came back up uncontrollably.  Tim G, my pacer at the time, was so cool with this.  “Okay, that is cool man.  Good stuff.  It is out now.”  And we kept moving (yes, an odd point of pride is that I puked in full stride and did not stop).  Don’t ask what a Coke broth combo looks like – you already know.

This is with about 45 miles left to go.

If my stomach had been bad before that, it was pretty much retired for the day at this point.  My crew and pacers would try to get me to take various things later throughout the day and night.  Mashed potatoes, watermelon, shot blocks, turkey wraps … and I choked some of it down, but it was not a lot and it was … difficult.  I realized that I needed to get some of this down of course, but as the evening wore on I got to a point of “eh, whatever, I only have five or so hours left.”  Pic by Brandon Fuller.

Nick P – my final pacer from OB to the finish REALLY tried to get me to eat.  “GEORGE!  You need to eat something.  You are going to be out here for another six hours!”  I think he passed me a turkey wrap that I got a bite out of and then the rest ended up in my pocket (I better go find that before it gets in the laundry).

As I have stated here multiple times, I have not practiced food consumption on my shorter runs.  Frankly I don’t need to take in calories on a three hour easy run (or limited to Gatorade on longer burro runs).  But the lack of this practice showed once I got to the longer distance and time. 

Of course this has an impact on your ability to perform.  No calories, no gas, no go.  Admittedly my stomach issues were not as bad as some.  I saw folks leveled on the side of the trail or road who were unable to move because their guts had gone sour.  Thankfully, I was able to keep some semblance of CFM even with my minor gut woes.

Pic by Brandon Fuller

How do you feel?

TZ continues to nurse me back to health (she is incredible).  While I very much geared my head into having a positive and upbeat attitude during the Leadville race, I have been challenged to continue be as such in this recovery.   I have not been outright negative, but I have not been able to simply embrace that the state I am in is its own reward of sorts.

Rather than write a single Leadville race report, I think I will write up a few smaller contributing reports – with each addressing some element or topic about the race.  In this post, I will try to hit on some of the aspects of attitude.

It was clear to me in conversations with others, scientific research, and personal experience that success in an event like a 100 miler has a large physical component – but regardless of how physically strong you are – your head had to be dialed on right.  In a jog a few weeks before Leadville, Lucho and I talked about this extensively. 

We talked about how one reaches a level of pain in these events, and it sort of levels out there.  It is true.  My legs were thrashed pretty early (by Outward Bound outbound, or about 25 miles) but the level of hurt in them only nominally increased throughout the race (other things built on top of the legs protesting, but they continued to protest at about the same level of volume for the next 75 miles).

So in your head you can get to 25 miles and say to yourself “aw crap, my quads are shot from the Powerline.  I have 75 miles to go.  I CAN’T possibly do that.  This sucks.  This is not how I want this to go.” 

Or you can choose otherwise.  Those negative thoughts come in, and I am not saying you have to not have them, but I think I tried to see them in light of everything else that was going on.  And that everything else was incredibly positive.

I was running in one of the most iconic races in Colorado.  I was running at the foot of some of the highest mountains in the Rockies.  I had just experienced the most wonderful summer of running and travel in my life.  I was being supported by people far and wide that had come out to the event to pace me, crew me and cheer for me.  People I had never met before were wishing me the best and thanking me for sharing the experience of running and burro racing through this blog.   It was a beautiful day with the sun rising as I came down the Powerline.  I had the gift to be able to do this.  

So when asked, “how do you feel?” rather than answer with a “my quads are shot, I feel like crap” (which was true of course), I felt compelled to answer “I feel loved.”  Because that was the bigger truth. 

I felt this was important to share in the aid stations – crew access as well.  I did not want to come into the station – where my crew may have been waiting for hours for me – and blast them with negativity.  In my mind it would only be a seed for concern and bad times for them.  If I came in and whined about how horrible things were or even snapped at them, they would have only that short interaction to consider until they saw me again several hours later.  If I kept it positive, perhaps this ridiculous affair I was engaged in could be a little better for them.

Often when coming on other runners (being passed or passing them) we’d ask each other how the other was doing.  Typically we gave each other the obligatory “great” with a goofy grin – almost sarcastic but what many of us shared with each other all day.  In fact, one runner said to me, “keep smiling man … it is all we can do.”  There were other runners that were not of this attitude.  You could almost predict they were not going to make it and likely to drop at the next aid. 

Of course, the mindset does not absolutely assure success.  You can’t just say “hey, I am gonna have a positive mental attitude and everything is gonna be great.”  No.  Of course I could have had some sort of physical failure (broken bone for example) or other break down that could have sunk the ship.  And of course, I was not a shiny happy person the entire time (more on that in a future post).  But if I did not have this mindset for at least the majority of the race, I am sure it would have ended in failure.

Is this simply recanting what Ken says at the pre-race briefing?  “You are better than you think you are and you can do more than you think you can!” Absolutely. 

It is a lesson to life that I am still learning to apply.  In today’s recovery and beyond.  How you feel, be it in an ultra or in a relationship or at work or whatever is very much in the span of your own control.  I have little control over that now, but I will continue to look to have the discipline to gain greater control over such.

Monday, August 24, 2015

36 hours later … or death warmed over

It has been about 36 hours since I have finished the Leadville Trail Run 100 mile event.  I will do a full race report for that event at some point.  But right now … I don’t have the energy.  Not like just not having the energy when you are lazy or want to do something else.  No, I am pretty much a puddle of flesh over here, unable to walk effectively, struggling to eat and drink and passing out for hours at a time. 

I woke this AM needing to go to the bathroom, and I was finding myself tired and sore enough that I laid there for about 20 minutes getting the will to get up and do it.  I crawled to the can.  Yes, I literally crawled.  And I can tell you that while I am short, I am tall enough that I can “make clearance” from being on my knees. 

I have a good number of tales like this from the last 36 hours,  I’d share more but I don’t have the energy.  Yes, I know this is really weak ass crap, but I feel that crappy. 

More to come on the race and all the lovely and wonderful people that made it possible for me.  It has been an amazing year.  Thank you.IMG_4889

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thursday 20AUG2015

No running today. 

JZ started his freshman year today … IMG_4863

I expect to have this sort of expression the entire run for the weekend:

To that end, I started to put my race face on.  Smiles coming later.

Feedback that I got and that I will look to keep in mind with every step and breath …  And above all else, if you only do ONE thing, stay positive. Once you start to allow negative thoughts to creep in it'll drain you and you will struggle physically. As long as you're positive and in a good head space then your body will perform well.

Shad boils it down quick.

Elevation Trail has back to back homers with Anton on the current show (after Nick C on the last).  Another thoughtful, articulate guy.  Every time I have dealt with him, he has been nothing but just a cool easy to get along with guy.  In fact, the first time I did a hundred, I got this great note from him about how to approach it.  I did not ask him for this advice.  He freely offered it. 

1) You've carved out a certain financial and time commitment to this endeavor, so you owe it to yourself (and maybe your family?) to not give up (easily). This requires that you stand on the starting line Saturday morning with the absolute, rock-solid, internal conviction to FINISH. NO MATTER WHAT (barring injury/health issues). The bottom line is that if you start with anything less than that kind of conviction, it will be way too easy to rationalize a DNF to yourself when the going gets tough past miles 60, 70, 80 that you will almost certainly regret later. Of the two 100s I've DNFed the first was because I didn't have that conviction and the second was because of health concern/being completely incapacitated and incapable of further forward movement.
2) I'll save you the suspense and let you in on the little secret that after 45mi or 50, or 80 it is STILL JUST RUNNING. There is no magic.* Success/satisfaction (finishing) is mostly determination, stubbornness and tolerance for suffering. Be mentally prepared that any prolonged discomfort you've encountered on Pikes or in any other long run will be total child's play (seriously) compared to what is virtually guaranteed to happen on Saturday. It's stupid how much these things hurt. Or maybe I've just been doing it wrong?
3) You will HAVE to eat more than you have thus far in your longer efforts. Period. Plan out a regimented fueling strategy to follow from the start and stick to it. Finishing will be almost completely dependent on your ability to get as close to 200-300cal/hr as possible down the hatch (and have it stay down).
4) Nick touched on it, but from the very beginning go at what feels to be a stupid, awkwardly slow pace for the first 60ish miles. You'll be so happy you did, later.
5) Stay in the moment. Be prepared to adjust expectations on the fly. Tiered goals are key to staying in the game mentally.
But, seriously, I'm a massive novice at this stuff. Heck, Tim L has finished as many 100s just this summer as I have in my entire life!
*There actually is some magic. The magic is that you can be feeling phenomenally shitty--even at some point shockingly and discouragingly early in the day--and if you just keep plugging away, things will eventually turn around. It's true. That experience is the revelation of running 100 miles. Don't give up.

Off to Leadville now for a few days of celebration.  Catch you on the other side.  Live it and make your teeth sweat.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wednesday 19AUG2015

All the rocks were animals. Mickey Mouse was probably the craziest. There were giraffes and elephants. I saw a black koala.”  Congrats to to Anna and Missy on a sick ass feat.

Great back and forth with Footfeathers regarding LT splits in the comments from yesterday. A few folks wrote me with some spilt considerations:

Case 1
Mayqueen in 1:51ish
Fish Hatch 3:35
TLakes 6:14
Winfield 9:09
TLakes 12:11
Fish Hatch:  15:30
Mayqueen : 18:19
Finish: 21:04

Case 2
MQ – 1:58
TL – 6:26
W – 9:23
TL – 12:43
MQ – 18:40
F – 21:53

Case 3
MQ – 2:20
TL – 7:34
W – 11:02
TL – 14:38
MQ – 21:55
F – 24:44

I really have NO IDEA.  Well, no that is not true.  I have an idea.  But I don’t have a really good guess.  I have a wild ass gues. I am guessing a bit at splits based on data from other folks, a hunch on my abilities and so that I can give the crew a clue as to where to be when.  But it is a total WAG.

I am in that part of the taper where now you wonder about EVERY. DAMN. TICK. IN. YOUR. BODY.  Actually that is not a taper thing.  That is just a race thing.  It could be before a half mile race.  You wonder if that little crank you got into the inside of your back when you lifted your backpack is suddenly going to cause your whole race to go to crap.  Of course with a hundred you could suddenly feel it at mile 68.  Or 86.  I forget.  I am sure I will feel it.  You go for a jog and everything feels great but you go through the system checks and wonder if you don’t feel good enough.  Total overthinking it.  And then there are the weird dreams I start to have.  Like this:

I am sure there is nothing I can do about it either.

Great piece by Adam Feerst on crewing for Leadville

Remember Beck Weathers?  He was the guy that came back from the dead on Everest in Krakauer’s Into Thin Air.  Interesting interview with him.

Nice longer piece on Coburn and the steeple.

4.3 miles.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Tuesday 18AUG2015

So of course there is the Leadville preview.

David authors a basics on hill climbing article.


No running today.  I feel awesome.

The Animas reopened today.  The tag line in the video “all cleaned up!” is sort of comical.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Monday 17AUG2015

“Me and you, I want some real tears, you better sing it with me.  Don’t make me cry, because I promised I wouldn’t do this.”

Yeah, I missed that concert last night – and will tonight too.  I figured an outdoor concert between Pikes and Leadville in Colorado probably would not be the best for me in terms of recovery.  Of course, now I don’t really need that recovery the same way as I have not done Pikes, but it is probably not the best prescription for this old man.

Todd has a great post on his running of the Pearl Street Mile.  I really admire what Todd has done with himself in regards to his running these distances.

It is always interesting for me to read Pikes reports from other folks, particularly people that are new to the race (like Wyatt), but I enjoy the veterans as well (like Brandon).  While Pikes is a simple race (it is an up, it is a down, it is long, it is fast and it has altitude, it is not easy).

I did a little more poking around on Strava to see if anyone else who posts Strava data from the race went off course like Wacker did.  You can see this from the Flyby data.  Of course you can’t see what folks don’t post.  But Wacker is the only one I can see taking that route.


Footage from the PPM … you can almost know the result from this by looking how Alex manages the turn around versus the 2 that got there ahead of him:


I’ve got to run 100 miles in one day. It’s just not normal, or really even that smart.  I will not go out on a limb and thus put him down for the win this go around.  But no CR, regardless of what his pacer said on Elevation Trail. 

Gonna dig into this longer interview with Max K later tonight.

The general LT plan.  I was asked by a friend where my head was on Leadville.  Here is where my head is at:  It is a day of effort and issue management.  No drama.  Nothing special.  There is things that can make it an incredibly wonderful day and there are things that could make it really bad.  Most of that is how I set up my head space about it and managing how I execute in response to effort and issues as they present themselves.  I am gonna enjoy the gifts I have, the wonderful summer I have had, the life I enjoy, the fact that I live in a time of incredible peace that I can worry about 100 milers versus shooting or being shot by Nazis.  I probably won't take the creed of "I commit that I won't quit" because frankly - I know there is a time when not only that I will quit, but I need to do that because of the commitments I have to higher order considerations over a HS rally cry.  But I will honor those around me and the effort I have put into this thing by making that choice only when I really need to.  Left, right, repeat.  After all it is just running.  It is wonderful that I get to do this.  I will look to capitalize on that and make my teeth sweat as I climb the Powerline.

Evening 3.4 miles.  Decidedly slow just to feel that in a bit.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sunday 15AUG2015

So Wacker went off course in his second place run at PPA.  As an observer of digital data and not the actual race, and realizing GPS tracks can be wrong … I still conclude that is probably a DQ …


I sort of thought the same thing with all that went down at PB last year.  Admittedly I am not wholly consistent on this:  for the guy who is a mid back of the packer that is not winning an age group award, I am less concerned. 

It sounds sort of like #GOM because it is probable that Wacker lost the race because of his going off course mishap.  Still, he ran about two tenths shorter than the rest of the field.   At some point, you just respect what the RD decides, but I think I would have DQ’d Wacker, Krar and Killian. 

So I am probably setting myself up for going off course and a DQ at Leadville and having to live through that karma.

It sort of looks like – that he took the wrong turn at the A Frame.  This has been a pretty common spot historically for people to get confused (if this is the spot in question he went off course) (I think even Carpenter talks about taking that wrong turn to start in his first year), but it has been pretty aggressively marked in recent years (again, if this the spot he went off).

AM – 6.3 miles. Yeah, it is good that I did not do Pikes this weekend.  My legs are a bit thrashed still from the last three weeks, and so I need to back off big time this week to get them right.  Maybe not thrashed but fatigued.  I got 60 on this week and that is probably a bit too much – but most of it came on little shorter runs.  I got counsel from a friend, LT veteran and all around smart guy that there was no need for me to do an 8-6-4-2 taper this week – and he is right.  I am not going to do anything to move fitness forward this week.  In fact, I will probably lose some fitness and that is okay.  I need to unload fatigue.  Besides – I expect to get at least a 100 miles next week!

So feeling that I know that while I have a tinge of regret to not race Pikes this weekend, it is far over ruled by knowing it was necessary to get ready for next week.  And given the carnage I am seeing in the results (hot?!), I am glad I let it go.  A run down there today would have wrecked me even more.  Thanks Jack Speedy Burro for imposing that wisdom!

Good to see local Nichols get the win at Pikes after playing bridesmaid a few times.

154.5 miles on the month, with 22.43 hours, 12425 of vertical.  On the year I am at 2431.8 miles, 338.56 hours and 172, 495 of vertical.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Saturday 15AUG2015

To all my friends racing this weekend … PPA, PPM, Fatdog, XC in Boulder or that nutty ass bike race in Leadville … good luck.  Luck as they say is where preparation meets opportunity.  We all realize the “game” nature of these folly filled adventures, and win, lose or draw – it really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of it all.  But we have assigned some level importance to these things, and so if it is worth doing, do what you need to do to do it well (I mean – heck, you have made the efforts to make it so over the last 9 months at least).  I’d call out specific folks who I think are going to break through or over perform but they most assuredly would duck that and probably would not appreciate the spotlight.   We are blessed to live in a time of relative peace where we can worry about these things, so do your damnest to make your teeth sweat and your hair bleed.   

The initial results of PPA are up.  Looks like the race was made above treeline as Wacker was over 2 minutes (1:32:27 to 1:34:47) )ahead at the A-frame, but took second at the summit to Miyahara by nearly three minutes (2:15:42 to 2:18:36).  It will be interesting to say how that played out.  Did Wacker go out too hard?  Or did he just struggle more at the higher altitude?  Or did he crack once he was passed? 

Looks like Dobson got the win in 2:40, and was a winner by over 20 minutes. 

AM –  10.3 miles.  Yup, that pretty much locks down that PPM won’t happen.  Grenade hole from last week.

I found myself falling into the internet trap last night of getting worked up over an issue that I should not.  Basically someone took a pic of a somewhat famous local runner at a restaurant bar.  It was a shot of their back and the poster said he was shy.  Someone else decided to weigh in and call the person a DB.  It just pissed me off.  Even if the guy had not been friendly to the person calling him a DB, I really didn’t think it was called for to bring it all to FB.  I should know better to get involved but I challenged the person on it, as I thought it was a CS move.  Maybe I am doing the same CS thing here?  I just need to tune that crap out and move on …

Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday 14AUG2015

AM – 12.5 miles.  Hot.

And that pretty much shows that I am out of Pikes to go all into Leadville.

Goal now is to unload the legs … probably one more 10-12 mile run this weekend and then a 8-6-4-2 drop over Listened to the Elevation Trail podcast with Nick Clark.  It is always a pleasure to listen or talk with Nick as he is pleasant, humble, knowledgeable and thoughtful.   He is competitive, gives back to the sport, He and the crew cover the gambit of the business of ultrarunning, Nick’s dealing with aging and his recovery after the Grand Slam from a few years ago.

Fun (NSFW) stuff for folks newly moving to CO.  Technically I am a newbie even though I have been here since 96 (and 88 before that for a stint).

Hopeful that Nick P does well this weekend at the FatDog 120.  Wait a second.  He is supposed to pace me next week from Outward Bound to the Finish.  Is he going to be able to manage that one week after a 120 mile race?  New goal ala Bob … work to drop my pacer.

Hey – apparently cavemen did do carbs.  Note – they probably did not get it by eating Pirate Booty.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Thursday 13AUG2015

AM – 4.1 miles before heading into the office for more all day meetings.  Yeah, I am pretty sure I am not doing Pikes.

The part of the entire drug talk that drives me crazy is that you look at a list like this and you need to assume some one or two or three are doping.

Other reasons why it is hard to be a fan of the sport of T&F is the crap show from USATF.

Nearly everyone in CO has been watching the Animas river EPA mess up to some degree.  Elevation Trail posted some links that pretty much are getting to the question if Silverton ought to be or will become a Superfund site, and, the tie back to ultras being if that kills Hardrock.  Of course whether the race lives on is a trivial matter in the broader picture of what is going on there, particularly since some are questioning if this whole thing was a setup by the EPA to get the area to be a Superfund site.

Thought about a jog in the evening but was fried at the end of the long work day.  I ate raspberries from the yard instead.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wednesday 12AUG2015 Boom Day Splits consideration

Winning is a function of who shows up. 

I heard a great story about this once from a WCAP athlete. He won a local breast cancer awareness 5k in 16 minutes.  His grandmother was happy that he beat some ten thousand people.   A few months later he ran the 5k in the Olympic Trials, posting a 13 minute something and probably 10th or higher.  His grandmother told him that was not such a great race.

Winning is a function of who shows up.  Almost any runner knows this.  One week you are on top of the world because you won your local 5k but the next week you run the Bolder Boulder and finish 250th with a 10k PR.  Good on ya for your win, but keep perspective of where you really are in the performance pecking order. 

As I have eyeballed results from burro races past, this perspective is pretty clear to me.  The Fairplay race was won this year in the fastest time in probably a decade (5:22) but far from the record (3:44) or many of the winning times in the 80s (sub 4:30).  My Leadville race performances have been nearly exactly the same when Jack and I have won (3:42, 3:42 and 3:43) but apparently the race was won by Sobal in 2:30. 

So hey, those folks showed up then and not this year and I am glad to have got the wins, but I recognize that these performances are far from what it took to win the race in years past.  There are some questions related to course changes, burro pack saddle weight and probably most importantly the degradation of the upper roads leading to Mosquito Pass.  Hal clearly states they have rotted away to a point where the donks just won’t run them anymore.  That is probably not the only reason why the times are slower (if you can get a donkey to run UP across American Flats you are gonna break 5), but it seems to be a contributing factor.

This year at Leadville the lead three teams (Hal/Boogie, Justin/Yukon, Jack/me) were frustrated at some point as we came off the pass back to town.  The donks did very little running (this was also true on the upper stretches of California Gulch), and Hal was convinced it was because of the road and the impact it had on the donks hooves.  I know that Jack and I had run that down before (in fact pretty well last year) and so I was curious to compare our splits on that.  Hal also mentioned that we hit the base of the pass (essentially where a lot of spectators come up from Leadville) slow.  He asked me the run time when we got there and I said “50 minutes ish.”  He thought it was slow by about 10 minutes. So that was another thing I wanted to compare.

Here are the splits from Leadville from our wins in 2012, 2014 and 2015,  First this year.

and 2012

2015 – Veener: 35:15 Base: 49:30 Pass: 1:51  Base: 2:37 Bend at Cali: 3:13 Fin: 3:43
2014 – Veener: 36:40 Base: 52:25 Pass: 1:55  Base: 2:33 Bend at Cali: 3:14 Fin: 3:42
2012 – Veener: 38:50 Base: 54:15:25 Pass: 1:57  Base: 2:35 Bend at Cali: 3:12 Fin: 3:42

So the take aways from that – we actually got up faster to almost all the significant check points than in RECENT past years.  I chalk this up to Justin pushing the pace with Yukon and Hal looking to keep it honest through out.  We in fact got up to the pass faster by at least four minutes over RECENT history.  And while Hal thought 40 minutes was a good time to get to the base of Mosquito, we got there in about 50 this year and that was faster than 2012 and 14.  Certainly if he and Tom S were running sub 3, this was a much faster split.

But then we came down the road significantly slower.  While we were four minutes ahead (at least) were were at least 2 minutes behind other recent years.   It took 38 minutes to get down to the base in 12 and 14, but this year it took 45. 

After that, things are pretty much the same.  We obviously got to California Gulch comparatively well (36 minutes this year versus 41 last year and 37 in 2012) and it seems we are pretty good in getting down in about a half an hour from the bend in the gulch.

All that tells me that – yeah, we came off the pass pretty slow this year.

I’ll do a comparison of the Fairplay course in an upcoming post (soon).  Interesting on that, the win in 2014 was about 50 minutes slower than the winning times this past year and in 2012 – and Hal’s win in 2014.  I’ll just note in those quicker years it has taken about 2:55-3:00 to get to Mosquito Pass.

It would be awesome to have splits on these races from when some of those REALLY fast times got thrown down.  But all that lives in the pre-GPS-Strava-FKT world.

A little TC press.  These pix from Joe Z show how we spread out from Hal to Justin to me and Jack.  This is at about three and a quarter miles.  It ain’t a huge spread, but you can probably gather it is enough for me to worry that we were losing contact.

I’ll say I am 98% certain that I won’t do Pikes this weekend.  Lot of reasons for that but … If I were to do the race, I thought a 4:40 would be what I was capable of, with a 2:55/1:45 being right on what I was thinking.  I think that effort would be solid, but it would probably bury me for Leadville - particularly with the load in the legs that I am carrying from the last 3-4 weeks.  I can't see that I'd PR, with a sub 4:30 - I just think to do that I'd need a 2:50 and a 1:40 and based on the climbs I have done, I am skeptical that I could get to that.  In fact, I have not broken 3 on the climb in the last few years.  Given I’d push to bury myself for a result that would be solid but come up short and leave me wrecked … it almost seems like an easy choice.

In light of that I will probably drop to 50 miles this week and really unload next week with a typical 6-5-4-xxx sort of drop with Friday off. 

4.1 miles from the office at lunch.  This was one of those where it was an all day meeting and I had to do the “sorry, I need to step out for lunch” and did the quick change in the car, and trying to stop sweating before coming back in (after changing back).  There is drop in my soreness from the weekend’s events but I can feel that more lingering fatigue around the knees and stuff.  That should unload in the next few days.

Evening – a light rain into the setting sun and twilight.  Gorgeous.  4.2 miles.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday 11AUG2015

News stuff … you should just read this stuff.  I like this read on HIIT today though, mostly because it has stuff about crossfit, lions and antelopes in it.  But if not that, check out the current Leadman standings:  it’s a close race!!  Guess what guy is in just out of the top 10 and that I think can kick some ass to get on the podium?

AM – 7 miles with the BHS crew.  The summer program is wrapping up and the kids are seeing the fruits of their labor.  There will be an interesting contrast when actual practice starts next week and there are those who show up for the first time.

Boom Days results below.  I have taken a bit more interest in the history in pack burro racing and some questions related to results are sort of hard to answer:  how has the course changed in Fairplay over the years?  How much nicer was the road up to Mosquito Pass in 1988?  Who has won the Triple Crown and with what races in what order and in what years?  When did the pack weight requirement change from 25 lbs to 33.5?  When did it become so that the mini donks did not have to meet the weight requirement?   It is murky stuff at best.  If I had unlimited time it would be my research pet project.  I am doing a little of it in the background, including reaching out to some old timers for some input.


Afternoon – 4.3 miles.

It seems that this sort of thing never gets old.  I am trying to figure out which one is D-bo.  Love the call out to Inside Trail. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Monday 10AUG2015

Afternoon - 7 miles and I felt surprisingly good. A touch of soreness but not the deeper set of fatigue that I was expecting.


When I signed up for PPM and Leadville, I realized I was putting together a pair of events that was potentially a recipe for disaster for one or both events. But I was pretty confident that I could pull this off. While I knew this could end up in a focus on just completing these events, I wanted to compete as well. However when I signed up, I had no thought that Jack and I would have a dream three weeks of racing in the Triple Crown of Pack Burro Racing and secure wins in Fairplay, Buena Vista and Leadville. In other words - it was not in the plan to have over 60 miles of racing in the mountains of Colorado with an animal in the three weeks before these events.

As this possibility became more a reality over the last couple of weeks, I started to strongly contemplating drop my entry from the PPM. Part of me feels I will be recovered to handle this amazing event (the PPM) "without issue" but part of me knows better. Racing a mountain marathon with nearly 8k of up and down a week before a hundred miler in the mountains was never a great idea, but doing it after these incredible three weeks is probably loading the roulette pistol with more than blanks. I have a fearful respect of what the LT100 will toss at me - and in the same regard - I don't want that to be an event about completion (even though it may come to that) - I want to compete with the best I can bring that day. I will make a decision on this in the next day or two. I look forward to the rash of crap I will get from friends either way (no really, I look forward to it).

I posted those two paragraphs (nearly exactly the same) on FB.  Rob T – who is never one to mince words seems to have put it best:  I think you're a big dummy if you do PPM and a wuss if you choose PPM over Pb. You'll run PPM way too hard even if you say you're going to do it easy and what's the point of that. It's a race.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Sunday 09AUG2015 Boom Days

Jack and I lined up for our fourth run at Leadville today, and our third chance to take the Triple Crown of Pack Burro Racing.  We came up short in securing the TC in 2012 and 2014.  But today, the third time at this game, it was truly a charm … as we crossed the finish line first.

I generally try to approach burro racing as an activity in which I need to free myself from expectations.  Anything can happen in a burro race.  They can go fast.  They can go slow.  They can not go at all.  You may win or you may be out there for 10 hours for a 20 mile course.  These runs in the mountains are hard.  I mean – for the average person reading this blog – maybe not because we have redefined normal for ourselves but running from a town at 10000 feet to a 13+k pass and back is hard.  Doing it with a burro is harder.   If you have expectations other than controlling your mindset and emotions to enjoy the ridiculousness of the event and the day in the mountains, you are likely to be upset that your expectations were not met.

With this thought that doing these runs with a burro is difficult – winning any of these races is even more difficult.  There are at least a handful of people every week that want to see that result play well for them.  Securing a win is a special combination of preparation, execution and darn old luck (and my old friend Marty used to say “luck is where preparation meets opportunity.”)

Winning three?  It is almost unthinkable.  Winning three with an 18 year old burro?  Forget about it. 

And that was the mindset I found myself grappling with in the week leading up to the race.  I found my thoughts focused on winning the Leadville race.  I wanted to pretty badly.  Not just because I would enjoy that win, but because I felt it was appropriate to recognize the amazing animal Jack, his owners and all the people who supported me through these endeavors over the years.  I felt that not winning was almost letting them down.  But I knew that having such an expectation was an almost certain recipe for disaster.  In fact, I went into the Leadville race in 2013 after losing Fairplay to Hal Walter and Full Tilt Boogie by a length in the final stretches on Front Street.  I wanted to win very badly and almost felt I deserved it.  And we ended up in 7th that day in a very frustrating day for me. 

I found my head on the days leading up to the race thinking of what I would say if I did cross that line first.  When these thoughts came up, I would immediately find myself angrily quenching them and internally shouting “NO ACCEPTANCE SPEECHES.”    Instead I wrapped my mind around the idea that I would do what I could to keep Jack and I in the race for as long as we could and if a chance came up, we would look to seize the day.  And then maybe, just maybe we’d get through the run with a W.  But I did not want to expect it.  I wanted to hope for it, but not take it for granted. 

So of course I contemplated strategy.   I figured there could be a handful of us in the mix at least until the climb / drop to the base of Mosquito Pass.  I figured Hal and Boogie, Justin and Yukon to be in the mix.  I was less sure about Patrick Sweeney and Alice.  Patrick is a faster runner but I was not sure what success he would have would have with Alice.  In past years, John Vincent and his minis would start strong as well.   And I was thinking this could also be a race where Carner and Ellroy had a break thru. 

This race was also different than Fairplay and Buena Vista where we played the “short looks” to our advantage. By that I mean in both of those races there are places where your donkey can’t see far ahead on the trail because it is vegetated single or twin track.  When a donkey sees another donkey on the trail ahead, they are often motivated to get to that donkey.  When they don’t see that donkey they lose that motivation.  In the prior two weeks we had snuck far enough ahead of Justin and Yukon that we went “out of sight, out of mind.”  In Leadville, there is little such terrain like this and in fact the long stretch down California Gulch provides a lot of long looks.  Escaping out of sight was going to be a tall order.

The Leadville race also jumps on the uphill portion immediately, unlike Fairplay that gives you about a half dozen miles of relatively flat to separate things out before you start the grind.  And finally, as Leadville has an open course and a women’s course, men who would otherwise do a shorter option are obliged to go the 22 mile course.  This brings in racers you would normally face.

I thought over strategy and then talked it over a bit with Bob, and we concluded the same obvious thing and the very thing that had secured the win for Jack in Leadville in 2012 and 14:  there would have to be a break made at California Gulch.  California Gulch is an old mining gulch in Leadville is a mix of broken down jeep road, and then asphalt road back into town – all downhill.  Jack has hit a stride in both of this place in both his wins with me that other burros have not be able to maintain.  I frankly did not feel that we’d get away from anyone on the climb to Mosquito, the climb back out of the ditch below it, and so it would require that we kept contact for 17 miles before seeing if we could escape at last.

And that is exactly how it played out.

As I expected Justin got out with Yukon quick.  It felt hard for me and give we did a seven something in the first mile climbing a hill at 10000 feet – well, it was hard.  I looked ahead and saw Justin and Yukon, Hal and Boogie looking casual as we made the three something mile up to the Veener mine.  It seemed too easy for them as I felt I was struggling to keep some basic contact but I kept telling myself that while we could not win the race in this portion – we could most certainly lose it if we lost contact.  We played the “taffy game” where we’d stretch out and then bunch up.  I sat in third with Jack – not so much by choice but as it seemed the other two teams were dictating the race well and Jack was content to sit back based on what they did. 

While the outcome of the race was not entirely clear at this point, one thing was clear:  we had separated ourselves very early in this race and it was going to be the three of us unless some error tripped one of us up.  And that punches were going to be thrown all day long.

Much of burro racing is a mental exercise where you are looking to find a way to motivate your burro away from the pack you are with – regardless if that is the lead pack or some chase pack.  You (not the burro) think if you can get a little ahead you will secure that position.  Maybe if you get a little farther ahead you will get even farther ahead!  And so you make that ten foot break, only to be eaten up by a donkey peloton.  On the flip side, you watch those breaks and simultaneously worry about needing to cover it and knowing that the team will come back because, well, they do almost all the time.  Except when they don’t.

And Hal had every intent of throwing haymaker after haymaker to get away with Boogie.  On the climb to the Veener mine he got as much as 40 yards ahead, but then would have a slight hiccup that would allow Justin, Yukon, Jack and I to catch up.  Or he’d break again and Yukon would get the spirit to sprint them back in.  This in turn would motivate Jack to up his pace a touch (but never a gallop) to roll them up to some respectable distance.  It almost seemed to me that Hal and Boogie could run away from us at will when they wanted and Hal was looking for any slip up from us to do so.

My goal again was just to keep in contact.  I could feel my mental stress but I would occasionally remind myself to a smile by thinking – this is the plan, this is where you want to be, this is okay, you and Jack are still in it, just keep contact.    But over and over I felt that Justin and Yukon and Jack and I were out of the race when Hal would build what appeared to be a big enough break that we could not cover.

But we did each time.  Again, I lost faith in what Jack could do, and over and over he taught me otherwise.  Someday I may learn.

Hal built one of those leads heading up to the Pass and he and Yukon were the first up there.  Justin and I and our donkey circled in opposite directions at about the same time.  Hal had take a break for some water and so we were all together again.  Naturally the human racers all think after the long slog and mostly walk up the pace that we are not going to crush the rest of the race down, but with the road up to the pass being loose rock and shale on a rutted and sloped road, the donkey are content to just walk it.  Hal and Justin to leading their donkeys and Jack and I maintained contact – again in third. 

There are essentially two climbs out of the base of the pass, one back up to the Veener mine, and then one over the hill to California Gulch.  These are both hard because the donkey are not super interested in running fast up.  After clutching to Hal and Justin’s teams for a dozen plus miles I felt that we were going to slip out of it at any moment.  Jack maintained good contact to the check point but then balked at the climb to the top of the gulch.  He just outright stopped.  And so did Yukon.  Where we had moments where Hal and Boogie had built some distance previously, we were able to cover it with some motion.  But now, with us NOT moving, each second had Hal and Boogie getting farther and farther away.  They had built a lead far surpassing anything they had before for the day – easily 200 yards, if not more.  And Jack was not moving.  I tried all the typical tricks but he looked at me and it felt like he was saying, “yeah, this is it.  This is what you are gonna get.”

I muttered … “well I guess that is it.” 

And then Jack decided to run. 

And he ran up the hill at a steady hard clip until we rolled up Boogie and Hal.  It was almost unbelievable.  I heard Justin yell as we started the climb as he took a spill.  I thought he and Yukon were out of it, but they came barreling up to the top of the hill at a break neck speed too.   Hal and Boogie’s big break that we all had thought would have secured the race had been covered.  Hal almost laughed but quipped, “well I guess we all get to test our break neck speed in a half mile.”  It was clear that the race was going to come down to the descent down California Gulch – or the last four and so mile miles. 

The top going of the Gulch is rough, and again the donks seemed less than enthused to run it.  Jack suddenly felt okay to take lead on some of the good lines but we were not ahead at all.  We made the turn to where the culvert appears and the path smooths a touch.  Jack seemed to find a bit of a stride and I could hear we suddenly had a few yards.  And then a few more.  I did not count this as a significant break because I expected both teams to come roaring past us any moment.

But then 10 yards was 20, and we then doubled that and then again.  And I could feel the excitement that the plan was actually coming together.  It became a question now as to whether we could get far enough ahead that we’d be out of sight of our chasers and have enough time on the last push up the Avenue to not have an outright sprint finish.  We started roll up women racers and Jack seemed to be using these teams as targets to move his pace on.  We were never super speedy but his trot was constant and unwavering.  We continued to build distance and soon on my looks on the long stretches back, I could not see our pursuers. 

The last push up the Avenue is always hard.  Jack (and most burros) seem to have no idea of a finish line.  They rather stop at the bottom of the hill before climbing back up to Sixth Street where there is all sorts of commotion on people, noise and machines.  We covered it at a walk, but we had built enough of a lead that it was enough for the win. 

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It was pretty overwhelming. 

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Most of all I felt … supported.  By Jack.  By Bill.  By Brad and his family.  By Justin and Yukon (who took 2nd in ever TC race this year and I am sure I could not have won Leadville without).  By Hal.  By Dave C.  By the community of burro racers.  By the people who create, direct, oversee and volunteer for this races.  By my family, and in particular – this woman. 

Really – can I have a more magical summer?

Thank you all.  More to come on what’s happened and what’s next.  Live it. 

(all pix courtesy of John Brisnehan)