Friday, August 14, 2015

Friday 14AUG2015

AM – 12.5 miles.  Hot.

And that pretty much shows that I am out of Pikes to go all into Leadville.

Goal now is to unload the legs … probably one more 10-12 mile run this weekend and then a 8-6-4-2 drop over Listened to the Elevation Trail podcast with Nick Clark.  It is always a pleasure to listen or talk with Nick as he is pleasant, humble, knowledgeable and thoughtful.   He is competitive, gives back to the sport, He and the crew cover the gambit of the business of ultrarunning, Nick’s dealing with aging and his recovery after the Grand Slam from a few years ago.

Fun (NSFW) stuff for folks newly moving to CO.  Technically I am a newbie even though I have been here since 96 (and 88 before that for a stint).

Hopeful that Nick P does well this weekend at the FatDog 120.  Wait a second.  He is supposed to pace me next week from Outward Bound to the Finish.  Is he going to be able to manage that one week after a 120 mile race?  New goal ala Bob … work to drop my pacer.

Hey – apparently cavemen did do carbs.  Note – they probably did not get it by eating Pirate Booty.


  1. Great to see how transparent you've been in the decision process regarding Pike vs. Leadville vs. have a good attitude and appear to be making good choices.

    Also enjoyed your comments about Nick Clark (I also just listened to that podcast while out on Lime Creek Trails.) In 2012, while in Leadville for pacing duties, I attended Brandon's party as a stranger (other than via internet.) When I walked in, the first person to welcome me and seem truly interested in visiting was...Nick Clark. Really enjoyed that visit and that whole gathering has really been a true highlight of my "ultrarunning" career!

    Enjoy your sharpening for Leadville, then get up there and kill it!

    1. He is just a genuine nice guy, fierce competitor, and practical in his perspectives. Thanks for kind words!

  2. GZ: You're making the right call with PPM. In watching the video and your body language, I detected a little shame over not doing PPM. You have nothing to be ashamed of (if indeed you're feeling shame). You had a great Triple Crown and you need to get your legs ready for Leadville.

    1. I am not sure it is shame. I think I will just miss the race. Win, lose or draw there, it has been a great event for me for the last decade. Missing out on it, while the right choice for me at this point, does not eliminate that missing of it.

      But if I am a bit ashamed of it, I am okay with that as well. But I am good with the decision too.

    2. When you cross the finish line at Leadville, it'll all be worth it and you will be so glad you did this. I definitely can understand what you're going through right now with skipping PPM as I'm going through a tough deal knowing I won't be lining up for Leadville. It's hard. I'm already excited about next year. I will be sure to cheer you on when I see you out there next Saturday/Sunday.

    3. You should feel tons of shame, can't believe you're bailing! My pacing fee just doubled to two beers! Luckily for you I think PBR at the Scarlet is still only $2.

      At least I'll get to crush Ewing (out of shape) and Fuller (crossfit???) on the mountain.

  3. JT - the goal is to get there before closing time.

  4. You could retire to Florida with your left turn signal on permanently wearing those sunglasses. Rest up and have a good 100.

    1. Footfeathers - great work with that interview this week. Even better than the winningest 100 mile guy IMO.

      And yeah, I realize how ridiculous those specs are. They are rock solid for me running though. Function over fashion is clearly the mantra at this point in my life.

    2. Thanks.
      Those are your running glasses? I thought you were taking up arch welding. :-)

    3. Yeah, I ran in them for all the burro races. I picked them up for the Scout trip to the Bahamas but I have come to enjoy running with them. Goes well with the gray in my chest hair.

  5. Oh, and wait 'til next week's show. Holy crap.

    1. Looking forward to what topics you get into.
