Sunday, April 22, 2018

Put in the reps

I was able to put in another week where I eeked out 70 plus miles, finishing it off with a 17 plus miler today with Greg and Jen.  TZ asked if I felt like I was getting stronger and I replied that I really was not sure.  It is good that I am getting in the mileage, but I am not sure it translates into me getting stronger or faster.  Certainly, it is helpful to get me better prepared for a longer race but I can’t see it necessarily translating into a faster mile or 5k at this point.  Some days the runs come easy, some days they sort of slog on. 

But I recognize the need for some level of consistency. 

TZ and I recently had our 22nd anniversary.  Some friends asked if we did anything special or if we got each other any special gifts.  While we certainly recognized the day and what it represented, and toasted each other with a beverage, the day itself was pretty similar to most days.  We worked, with exercised, we connected with each other, we did stuff to support the family, we made dinner, we walked the dogs …

So I replied that it was another day where we “put in the reps.”  My friend scoffed and asked if that was what I put in the card.  

Putting in the reps ain’t necessarily made for Hollywood and might not be romantic, but it is necessary.  You show up, you do the work, you build on it and inch the ball forward.  Marriages, relationships, work efforts and running.  Put in the reps.  Some days you might seem to go nowhere or even backwards.  But with efforts over time, you build something. 

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