Catholic School Denounces Catechism of the Catholic Church
Canada: land of tolerance, acceptance and liberalism. Unless you're Catholic. At a November 11, 2020 meeting of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), three trustees shouted down a reading of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, condemned the Catechism's words as "dangerous", and warned the delegate to stop reading the Catechism. Trustees publicly shouted down the Church's official teaching on homosexual acts, contained in paragraph 2357 of the Catechism. Cardinal Collins surely has a duty to speak with these trustees and explain what the Church teaches on this issue. The fact that the Church's moral teaching appears unacceptable to the culture of this school shows just how poorly we have done in passing on the teachings of Jesus. It must be the priority of those commissioned with teaching the faith to address this terrible imbalance and speak out against a liberalism which seeks to shut down every voice which presents a challenge to its false ...