Pope Enigma
Pope Francis seems to be an enigma to some people. Many journalists who are no friends of the Catholic Church praise him and claim he is likely to change Church Doctrine on Christian Marriage because of some of his remarks to journalists - which are then selectively quoted (especially the "Who am I to judge" remark). But he also says that he is a faithful son of the Church. His faithfulness and orthodoxy were reiterated to me by Cardinal Pell when I met him at Buckfast earlier this month for the foundation Mass and celebrations for the School of The Annunciation. Those who are campaigning to change the Church's teaching on Marriage, Homosexuality, Abortion and Contraception perhaps need to be aware of the following: 1. Letter of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, to the Carmelite Nuns of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires (June 22, 2010) asking for their prayers and sacrifices against the Argentinian Same Sex "Marriage" Law ...