
Showing posts with the label Mercy

Error & Fiction in Amoris Laetitia Pushed by L'Osservatore Romano!

The English Weekly Edition of L'Osservatore Romano publishes an article attacking dissenters of Amoris laetitia , saying Pope Francis supports the Kasper proposal (explicitly rejected at the two Synods). By anyone's standards this would seem quite extraordinary, but it is also printing verifiable error! This paragraph (below) is completely ridiculous as well as being verifiably false. What an extraordinary thing for L'Osservatore to print?! This question has been addressed before, by Jesus Christ. It was also addressed in Familiaris Consortio  (no. 84) which upheld the Church’s perennial practice of “not admitting to Eucharistic Communion divorced persons who have remarried,” unless they “take upon themselves the duty to live in complete continence.” Pope St. John Paul II actually emphasises the permanence of the discipline by insisting that it is “based on Sacred Scripture” (84). In 1994, after a number of bishops and theologians had put forward certain p...

Bishop Mark Davies on Mercy & Pope Francis

The Rt. Rvd.  Mark Davies, 11th  Bishop of Shrewsbury. On Saturday afternoon, Pope Francis proceeded with the presentation of the official Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy,  Misericordiae Vultus  (The Face of Mercy) , set to begin December 8. The purpose of this special Jubilee year is to highlight Christian teaching on God’s mercy that the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective…opening our hearts to the hope of being loved forever despite our sinfulness. The wonderful Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury Diocese has struck while the iron is hot, with this brilliant Pastoral Letter , in which he does just that. I have reproduced the text below in red, along with my own thoughts on it in black. My dear brother and sisters, I write to you on this Divine Mercy Sunday with the happy news that Pope Francis formally announces today a “Holy Year of Mercy” to begin on 8 th  December 2015 under the patronage of Mary...