
Showing posts with the label seminarians

Cardinal Nichol’s Checklist for Priestly Formation

What is required for the proper formation of priests in the Archdiocese of Westminster? When writing the job description for the new Pastoral Director at Allen Hall Seminary in Chelsea, what was on the checklist for the Cardinal? Well, looking at the appointee, Fr Philip Dyer-Perry it appears the check list included: Support for legal abortion, condemnation of pro-life clergy Support for LGBT issues Support for BLM Liturgy abuse on a scale not seen since 1970 I have heard from a number of Westminster clergy over the last couple of weeks concerned about the appointment which one priest described to me as “wrong in every way”. This really is a head scratcher, what is Cardinal Nichols thinking? Some clergy have speculated that this appointment is about moving a problematic priest away from the people. This is the kind of strategy which got the Cardinal in trouble with the IICSA . One priest said that he was being put there for his benefit more than for the students but seminary does not e...

CM takes on the Lavender Mafia

Have you seen this Vortex yet? It forms part of series running at Church Militant at the moment about the crisis in our priesthood. It is hugely brave, as it takes a stand against one of the great modernist issues; that of the misguided, newly lauded rectitude of homosexuality which is now to be seen as "normal" and "equal". Sadly, there's little doubt in my mind that Voris' assertion regarding clergy suffering with SSA is correct. And it is just as bad here in the UK as it is in the USA. One only has to recall the Vatican's directive regarding admitting men with homosexual tendancies to Holy Orders, given in 2005 ( see here ). This document teaches the Church's position clearly: From the time of the Second Vatican Council until today, various Documents of the Magisterium, and especially the  Catechism of the Catholic Church , have confirmed the teaching of the Church on homosexuality. The  Catechism  distinguishes between homosexual ac...