
Showing posts with the label Vortex

Resistance—Do something Practical

Whether you agree with Michael Voris or not, he is someone who speaks from love of the faith. He is also doing stuff. Sure he might not be doing it in a "nice" way, but being nice hasn't got us very far up to now, has it? Father Hunwicke made some interesting points about lay power in this recent blog post . After the recent, very, very, dodgy remarks made by ++Vincent, a friend of mine in discussion suggested the best way forward was for all of us to write to our bishops demanding clarification on the Archbishop's apparent, blatant contradiction of the faith . I certainly took his advice, and wrote to my own bishop. Today, Michael Voris makes some interesting points about these ongoing issues: In the meantime faithful Catholics need to take control and simply do an end run around a terrified episcopacy who continue to deprive us of the teachings of the Faith, in all their glory. Many people who come into the Church these days or who deepen in their faith d...

More Pieces of the Puzzle- Fr. Rosica

Further to the revelations regarding Fr. Thomas Rosica's legal threat to a Catholic Blogger , here are some more details to consider. I have written and posted this because I believe this is very important. It is important because it reveals a very dangerous agenda in the light of the forthcoming Synod - which is what many people have suspected - namely that what Rosica and his fellow travellers are planning is a change in doctrine and morals (and not "mere pastoral practice"). If that is so, then this needs to go global. Wikipedia on the Fr Thomas Rosica affair (emphasis mine): "In the document issued from Folger, Rubinoff LLP, Domet is accused of having made false and defamatory statements about Rosica. David Domet has been critical of the outspoken and progressive positions of Fr. Thomas Rosica on church affairs. If a lawsuit does come to fruition, it would be an unprecedented action for a Vatican official to bring litigious action against a private ci...