Showing posts with label dental health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dental health. Show all posts


Mind Draft – Going Against My Grain

Mind Draft –
Going Against My Grain

My head is agonizing. Stop.
Oh, cerebellum’s poised to pop.
Both ears exceedingly do toll,
As spasms rack me scalp to sole.

Relief does dally, tempt, and taunt –
A million menaces me haunt.
But brain’s bane blast bids me beyond
Where misery brings bolder bond.

I dare not trust my own two eyes,
A-blinded by such compromise.
Lo, cold is hot, and heat is chill,
As nothing aims to fit the bill.

I pray for death and wait to stand,
To gain my ground and upper hand.
Elusive comfort spins the clock,
And my mortality may mock.

What wonders whirl for blessed souls
Who walk without such fiery coals?
What gems appear when swells shall cease?
I’ll carry them in every crease.
c2018 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Public Domain Photo

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.


A feud with food

Because sometimes a few favorite foods can be a pain in the neck … or the head … or the …

A feud with food 

Sensations dark the palate draws,
So tantalizing, yet to harm.
Oh, tempting taste buds, eager jaws,
How do you work your lethal charm?
While morning dawns, without just cause,
Each ray of sun brings red alarm.

Beyond the borders of good sense,
Do I delight in foods taboo.
Off-limits, illness to commence,
For all the pains they put me through.
Rebelling at my own expense,
Go gobble, and it’s déjà vu.

My head does pound, as triggers fire.
Yow, now my vision, it may flash.
While I still struggle to respire,
Engaging neurons wildly clash.
Guns loaded, how things go haywire.
Still of my will I taste such trash.

c2016 by Linda Ann Nickerson

This poem was posted in response to these prompts:

31 Days of Poetry and Writing: Write about some truth which suddenly became crystal clear to you. (25)
Daily Post: “border” (7)
Five-Minute Friday: "eat"
OctPoWriMo: “red” – with “dark,” “tantalizing,” “sensations,” “tempting,” and “taste buds” – HARRISHAM RHYME (25)
Write 31 Days Challenge: When is a time that you have been super excited about something? (25)


Reclining Lady with a Fan
by Eleuterio Pagliani
Vintage/public domain
31 Days logo – created by this user,
including public domain artwork.

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.


K is for The Kiss of Cure

British Cavalier poet Thomas Carew (1595-1622), growing up as one of 11 children in his family, became famous for his witty and often risqué metric poetry, often penned for the pleasure of the royal court.

The Kiss of Cure
or: The Tooth-Ache Cured by a Kiss
By Thomas Carew

Fate’s now grown merciful to men,
    Turning disease to bliss;
For had not kind rheum vext me then,
    I might not Celia kiss.
Physicians, you are now my scorn,
    For I have found a way
To cure diseases, when forlorn
    By your dull art, which may
Patch up a body for a time,
    But can restore to health
No more than chemists can sublime
    True gold, the Indies' wealth.
That angel sure that used to move
    The pool men so admired,
Hath to her lip, the seat of love,
    As to his heaven, retired.

Last year’s A to Z post: Keep on Kidding

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. You are also invited to join this writer's fan page, as well as the Chicago Etiquette Examiner, Madison Holidays Examiner, Equestrian Examiner and Madison Equestrian Examiner on Facebook.

The Cavalier’s Kiss
By Frederic Soulacroix
19th Century
Public Domain/Wikipedia Commons
Favorite Classic Poems
Adapted from ClipArt ETC
