Showing posts with label honor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label honor. Show all posts


Yesterday’s Yummies

When lured into lunch in a crunch,
It’s better to follow your hunch.
Don’t give in and toss out a punch,
Or one might get her shorts in a bunch.

I met a friend, long overdue,
To share a bite or three or two.
The conversation took a turn.
(You’d be surprised what one can learn.)

The fishing started with hors d'oeuvres
And quickly grated on my nerves.
She trawled, but I refused the bait.
I pushed the food ‘round on my plate.

Undaunted and without regret,
Back trolling, she did dump her net.
She popped and bobbed, as if for sport.
This chum of old, I failed to thwart.

The waitress brought the check at last.
I lured my angling friend out fast.
The lunch was tasty. We went Dutch.
The conversation? Not so much.
c2018 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Theme art – adapted from public domain image
Still from The Women, 1939

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.

May-Glow Maniac

One need not be in politics
To practice down-and-dirty tricks.

A cranium may grow obscene
When one fixed on himself is keen.
Look how he swells;
The tales he tells,
While seeking others to demean.

To gain all glory he’ll embark.
He operates without benchmark.
No conduct clue,
He’s much ado –
We think he might glow in the dark.

No pound of flesh will satisfy,
Nor does he still his battle cry.
By him’s outdone.
To this one rules do not apply.

His self-strong shell is compromised,
Though he to date is unchastised.
Enough! Enough!
Let’s call his bluff.
A blowhard’s trust is ill-advised.
c2018 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Theme art – adapted from public domain image
Still from North by Northwest, 1959

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.


Assing for Trouble

Alas, an ass did take his ease
To beg the question, if you please.
Despite her fears,
She was all ears.
Here ends their similarities.

He dared not look her in the eye.
Perhaps she’d pick another guy.
The scene evolved,
And he resolved:
To burrow in her heart he’d try.

He wasn’t one to drag his feet,
To bide his time or be discreet.
This stubborn hack
Did double back;
Took Jenny far from Easy Street.

Perhaps she saw right through his tricks.
But methinks she was out for kicks.
c2018 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Theme art – adapted from public domain image
Still from A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1935

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.