Showing posts with label judaism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label judaism. Show all posts


Blood Brothers

Blood Brothers

“The blood shall be a sign for you
on the houses where you live;
and when I see the blood
I will pass over you,
and no plague will befall you
to destroy you
when I strike the land of Egypt.”
(Exodus 12:13, NASB)
The Passover in the Holy Family
By Dante Gabriel Rossetti
The Lord’s Lamb –
A Poem for Passover

Oppressed, mistreated and dismayed,
We beckon for the Maker’s aid.
Enslaved by evil tyrant’s hand,
We long to live in Promised Land.

In sorrow, bending ‘neath the load,
We sing the psalms of days of old.
Surrendered not unto our fate,
We seek the sacred Sovereign great.

Our mettle mustered, we arise
And look into Creator’s eyes.
He offers blood from purest Lamb
In power from the great I AM.

He paints the scarlet on our doors
To mark the people He restores.
When death sweeps in, as angry flood,
He rescues those beneath the blood.

Our liberty the Lord obtains,
So all may know Jehovah reigns.
And herein lies the mystery:
The holy Lamb of God is He.
c2009 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Public domain photo

Would you like to learn more about Passover?
Click here to read

Posted for a variety of prompts:
AC (“poems for Passover)
Simply Snickers (“sacred,” “sorrow” and “surrender”)
Totally Optional Prompts (“chores”)
Weekend Wordsmith (“medal” – adjusted to “mettle”)

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Power and Provision - A Poetic Paraphrase of Psalm 146

Power and Provision -
A Poetic Paraphrase of Psalm 146

Let my soul sing to the Lord,
Exalting Him in tune and word.

I adore Him, while I live,
Lifting high the praise I give.

The highest royalty can't save,
As mortal men go to the grave.

They fall and vanish, like the soil,
As nothing comes from all their toil.

But happy are the ones who trust
The great Jehovah, who is just.

Creator of all things that are:
The sky, the sea, the earth, the star.

Our Maker's caring is displayed
With freedom, food, and other aid.

He opens up the eyes born blind
And lifts the humble; He is kind.

The orphan, outcast, left alone
Can find in Him a loving home.

But those who set out to destroy,
He blocks and frustrates every ploy.

The Lord is King forevermore,
May generations Him adore.

Praise the Lord forever.

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