Showing posts with label finance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label finance. Show all posts



Fools may scurry, as best friends worry.

What respite does a victim need,
When he advice no more will heed?
He pads the bill
To have his fill,
Yet wonders why he can’t succeed.

No getaway, no time to flee.
The sages say, “Just let him be.”
True values hold
Much more than gold.
And pearls purloined are mere debris.

Perchance it takes a pound of pluck
To rouse a rebel rogue, who’s stuck.
No shady deal
May horrors heal.
And easy money seals a schmuck.
c2017 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Adapted by this user from vintage artwork.

This poem was posted in response to these prompts:
April A to Z Blog Challenge
National Poetry Writing Month / NaPoWriMo
Meme Express: “easy money”
One-Liner Wednesday: “best friends” – See subtitle.
Three Word Wednesday: “pluck,” “rebel,” and “shady”
#atozchallenge #napowrimo #SoCS #BeWoW #1linerWeds

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.


Stopping Shoe Shopping

I’d rather chuckle than simply buckle.

My shoe collection needs a buff.
Girls never seem to have enough.
I’d love to go the extra mile,
Kick off the season, step in style.

The choice today is mighty fine.
It’s hard sometimes to toe the line.
Behold the sandals, clogs, and flats –
I’ll skip the matching handbags, hats.

Those pretty slippers, mocs, and mules,
Oh, how to stay within the rules!
Alas, I know that I must stop,
The other shoe is sure to drop.

My footwear flies me far and wide,
Attending meetings multiplied.
They race through corridor and street,
Or anywhere I must beat feet.

No loafer, I have miles to stroll.
Would be a shame to scuff my sole.
My sneakers have put up a fight,
But shoestring budget ties us tight.

Still, shopping’s not yet stopped, kaput –
The shoe is on the other foot.
His brand-new boxes still arrive,
Bright pairs that seldom see test drive.

I hope they charge not by the inch,
Although I aim not to be Grinch.
And I don’t mean to drive a wedge,
So pass the polish on the ledge.

I’ll brush and scrub and smooth and shine
To make old favorites mighty fine.
My Yankee hands can pinch a buck.
Just keep me from the shop. Good luck.
c2017 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Adapted by this user from vintage artwork.

This poem was posted in response to these prompts:
April A to Z Blog Challenge
National Poetry Writing Month / NaPoWriMo
Meme Express: “kick off”
Six-Word Saturday: See subtitle.

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.


Tax against the wall

All present and accounted for? Maybe.

Tax Against the Wall

How can fiscals fly so fast?
Documenting, I’m aghast.
Confident? Put down that pen.
Push to shove? It’s “when” again.
Help! By papers I’m harassed.

Tax prep time! I have to focus;
Need a little hocus-pocus.
Easy money? That’s a joke.
Busted! Now I think I’m broke.
My accountant’s gonna choke.

Pounding buttons, hand to plow.
Look at me, subtracting now.
Number-crunching confidante?
Maybe I am part-savant.
Finished, but I don’t know how.
c2017 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Adapted by this user from public domain artwork.

This poem was posted in response to these prompts:

Meme Express: “easy money”
Simply Snickers: “confidante” and “confident”
Six Word Saturday: See subtitle.

Feel free to follow on Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.