Showing posts with label simply snickers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label simply snickers. Show all posts


A Look at the Book

A Look at the Book

Folio Fortissimo

The secret stored within the leaves
Of sacred pages, she receives.
For sweetest sorrow, it may seem,
May brighten yet the darkest dream.
And with this promise, she may snooze
For now she knows she cannot lose.
c2010 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Interior with a Woman Reading
By Carl Holsoe
19th Century
Posted for a variety of prompts:
Meme Express (Sunday invitation to Simply Snickers)
Simply Snickers (“seam”/”seem,” “secret,” “snooze” and “sweet”)
Sunday Scribblings (“the book that changed everything”)

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.

The Poser

La Petite Reveuse
By Jean-Francois Gilles Colson
18th Century

The Poser

Without a murmur, if you please,

The artist’s palette she’ll appease.


To read the most creative mind,

The child may reflect mankind.


When by the shutter does she sit,

No vanity do we admit.


Will we regard, respect, or tease?

Or simply utter: “Sit. Say cheese”?

c2010 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Posted for a variety of prompts:
Easy Street Prompts (“say cheese”)
Meme Express (Sunday Invitation to Simply Snickers)
One Single Impression (“murmur”)
Simply Snickers (“read,” “reflect” and “regard”)

Blasting Through

Blasting Through

Poisoned Darts and Digging for Hearts -
A Rhyming Shot at the Valentine’s Plot

Chalking up hearts or just gathering gold
May dictate we dig deeper than we behold.
We shoulder our shovels and wait for the bell –
With pure paranoia, we theorize hell.

Perhaps we need power tools, plugged in to roar,
Instead of a balcony tryst to abhor.
And yet, we persist with a frenzied request
To race rocky romance and hope for the rest.

Does Cupid still grin, as he draws back his bow,
Or might the wee archer aim further below?
What ethics remain for the purest in heart
When victimized sorely by his poisoned dart?

To many, the meaning of Valentine tune:
The following day cannot dawn all too soon.
Copyrighted by Linda Ann Nickerson

Posted for a variety of prompts:
Easy Street Prompts (“chalking hearts”)
Meme Express (Sunday Invitation to Simply Snickers)
One Single Impression (“gold”)
Saturday Scribes (“paranoia,” “theory,” “shovel” “power tools”)
Simply Snickers (“request,” “rest/wrest” “rocky”)
Sunday Scribblings (“ethics” or “ethical”)
Theme Thursday (“bell”)
Weekend Wordsmith (“balcony”)

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts!  Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.

Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink.

Blowing the Curve

Blowing the Curve

Parents of teens, who are learning to drive, know firsthand the cost of commitment, the price tag of trust and the truth of teachable moments. Sometimes those driving lessons may be quite expensive, as we discovered not long ago.

A simple crunch with a concrete curb can spell a trip to the body shop.

Still, driving lessons are life lessons, and the bridges we cross are inevitable rites of passage for young adults … and their parents. Curiously, many adolescents do seem to experience a metamorphosis into humanity, right around the time when they receive their drivers’ licenses and begin seeking access to the family car.

Squealing Tires and Heart’s Desires

A failure to communicate
May prove prophetic, far too late.
Consuming milestones of fate
And wasting wounds of woe – but wait!

My first young driver grabbed the wheel
With over-anxious teenage zeal.
As passenger, I did appeal
And wondered at the scene surreal.

My pilot’s confidence grew strong
Each journey, as we rode along.
Considering I could be wrong,
I sighed and watched her steer to song.

But vague impression, most absurd –
One frosty moment, it occurred.
Her young hands slipped, and vision blurred.
She crashed, but I said not a word.

I held my speech and fumed within,
But counted blessings, ever thin.
Still grateful, lest what could have been,
I paid the bill to my chagrin.

At last, I saw upon that hour,
As family funds this did devour,
We could not tuck her in a tower.
For parents must equip, empower.

The call may come, armed with a test,
As willful ones watch, unimpressed.
Yet could it be, though youth may jest:
Perhaps, indeed, Mama knows best.

Posted for a variety of prompts:
Easy Street Prompts (“Mama knows best”)
Heads or Tails (“call”)
Meme Express (Sunday invitation to Simply Snickers)
One Single Impression (“blowing the curve”)
Saturday Scribes (“failure to communicate,” “consuming,” “wounds,” “prophet”)
Simply Snickers (“wait,” “watch” and “willful”) 
Sunday Scribblings (“milestone”)
Theme Thursday (“I felt an impression”)

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers poetry prompts. Or, look into The Meme Express for blogging prompts.

All A-flurry

All A-flurry

Photo copyrighted by Nickers and Ink

Playing It Cool

The fairest fillies on the farm

May with the frost take no alarm.

They find it fine –

Design divine -

To laugh at winter’s chilly charm.

Posted for a variety of prompts:

Meme Express (Invitation to Simply Snickers)

Monday Poetry Train (poem/s)

Simply Snickers (“fair,” “fine” and “frost”)

Weekend Wordsmith (“laugh”)

Photo prompts:

Camera Critters (photo/s)

Odd Shots (photo/s – odd shots)

Scenic Sunday (photo/s)

Sunday Stills (photo/s)

Thursday Challenge (photo/s)

Watery Wednesday (photo/s)

Wordless Wednesday (photo/s)

Poem - Unlimited energy, unbound promise and untapped potential, all wrapped up in a young Arabian horse.
By Linda Ann Nickerson

When Mary went to Bethlehem, She rode atop an ass, but then, The trail was arduous and coarse; Perhaps she traveled on a horse.
By Linda Ann Nickerson

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.

Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink.

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