Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorism. Show all posts


N is for Nightmare – Rhymed Acrostics A to Z

N is for Nightmare – Rhymed Acrostics A to Z

Now, if I could just slip into a restful sleep for one night. Ever feel that way? Sleeplessness is a nightmare indeed. 


Nevermore may I nod off.
In my dreams, the beast may scoff.
Give me rest; need forty winks.
Help! My form is filled with kinks.
Tell soft stories; banish boos.
Make my mind see merry news.
All my energies are naught.
Rest retreats as afterthought.
Eerie sights mean slumber’s shot.
c2013 by Linda Ann Nickerson

This entry was created as one of a 26-poem series for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month). You are invited to peruse the entire list! Better yet, sign up to follow or subscribe (free), so you’ll receive notices of new posts.

 Shadow of Past Times
by Peter Mauch
Vintage Art - Pub Dom
Rhymed Acrostics from A to Z
Created by this user
On CoolText

Feel free to follow on GooglePlus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.


Honoring ... Pearl Harbor Day

Honoring ... Pearl Harbor Day

Today is December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day. May we never forget those who lost their lives in the Pacific on this date in 1941.

Here's my own tribute to those brave souls.

Pearl of Great Price

A Rhymed Encore on the Start of a War

A world at war,
From shore to shore,
Its fury to unfurl.
No turning back,
The first attack,
The Harbor known as Pearl.

A bay of beads,
Themselves the seeds,
The ships below the sea.
The sunken boats
Have cast their votes,
The cost dear to be free.

The combat flyers nailed the fleet,
As kamikazes threw their heat.
The desolation was complete,
The Harbor known as Pearl.

A bay of beads,
Themselves the seeds,
The ships below the sea.
The sunken boats
Have cast their votes,
The cost dear to be free.

The battleships, the bombs laid low;
Their masts waved to the deadly foe,
As battered bulks were sunk below
The Harbor known as Pearl.

A bay of beads,
Themselves the seeds,
The ships below the sea.
The sunken boats
Still cast their votes,
The cost dear to be free.
c2009 by Linda Ann Nickerson

Vintage newspaper
public domain

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.