- Daily Post: “curve”
- Five Minute Friday: “pass”
- Meme Express: “yield” and “yell”
- One-Minute Writer: “beliefs”
- Simply Snickers: “yell” and “yonder”
vintage image
Poetry, humor and more. Inspirational and informative items. Unless otherwise noted, all items posted here are written and copyrighted by Linda Ann Nickerson. All rights reserved.
"But let all who take refuge in You be glad. Let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your Name may rejoice in You." (Psalm 51:11)
A Glimmer of Grace:
Kyrielles of Blessings' Bells
He welcomes me to an empty chair,
As wings unseen glide with us there.
My drought is drenched with simple prayer.
A glimmer of grace is greater than gold.
Fierce fury flies, and guilt departs,
Along with the accuser’s darts,
I’m rescued by the Prince of hearts.
A glimmer of grace is greater than gold.
The angels whisper, “Free at last.”
My winter’s tale has lost its blast,
For love divine is unsurpassed.
A glimmer of grace is greater than gold.
His mercy leaves no room for doubt.
My darkest memories, cast out.
Lord, make me evermore devout.
A glimmer of grace is greater than gold.
With thankful heart, no longer torn,
I rise to meet the purest morn.
Clothed in His light, may truth adorn.
A glimmer of grace is greater than gold.
c2008 by Linda Ann Nickerson
Posted for a variety of prompts:
Easy Street Prompts (“an empty chair”)
Matter of Fact Monday (“angels”)
Meme Express (“Sunday Invitation”)
One Single Impression (“welcoming”)
Seek the Lord Sunday (“the drought”)
Simply Snickers (“glide,” “glimmer,” “gold” and “grace”)
Slice of Life Sunday (“Writer’s Choice”)
Sunday Scribblings (“winter’s tale”)
Three Word Wednesday (“fury,” “guilt,” and “thankful”)
Totally Optional Prompts (kyrielles)
Weekend Wordsmith (“leaves”)
Writer’s Island (“memories)
Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.
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