
Fair Game

Fair Game

Have you ever known anyone 
who seemed unappealing 
for snatching and stealing 
the highest position at the workplace glass ceiling?

Out of Bounds –
A Limericked View on One Who’d Outdo

A woman who yearned for great fame
Refused to make honor her aim.
She reached for prime time,
On others to climb,
And so she was left with the blame.

‘Tis true that success was a stretch,
Beyond what her talent might fetch.
Still, nose in the air,
In pride, unaware,
Superfluous speeches she’d sketch.

For monuments built out of place
Contribute, not fame, but disgrace.
And trophies to self
In dust on the shelf
Do little to help one save face.
c2010 by Linda Ann Nickerson 

Photo: public domain

Posted for a variety of prompts:
Mad Kane Limericks (“A woman who yearned for great fame…”)
One Single Impression (“monument”)
Theme Thursday (“stretch”)
Weekend Wordsmith (“face”)