Showing posts with label Vienna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vienna. Show all posts

Blankets - Stash Scrapping

All blankets in our house belong to the dogs.  Vienna especially loves the people blankets.  I mean dog blankets are fine but if you have a blanket she must join in. 
I did get an opportunity to use a giant doily punch to create this background.  I also used up some old rub ons for the title.  Very proud of that I have so many old rub ons if I find some that still work I'm excited.

Thank you for stopping by today to take a look.  Have a Great One.

Vienna GOOD DOG - scrapbook page

Here she is.  Can you tell I have food in my hand as I'm taking this.  She avoids the camera always so to get a good picture there must be food involved.

Cute Quick layout made with just scraps(mostly Studio Calico) and washi. 

Thank you for stopping by.

Best Friends - Scrappy Saturday

The puppies love sitting in the Sun everyday we move their bed in front of the open door and they watch the neighborhood as they sunbath.  Layout background created with scraps and a stencil.  Then I mad some tags and inked and stamped them added my journaling to 2 of them.   The My Day was already on the photo as I took a screen shot from one of Emily's snapchat posts.
Hopefully everyone is having a sunshiney day as well!  Hugs.

Scrappy Saturday- Puppy Pool Time

These puppies hate water.  So Pool Time is not really a thing to them.  We have moved baths outside though for the summer.  No need to have water all over the house  when they can run around outside.
The layout is done using an old paper pad from K&Co.  I took it apart and made a bunch of base pages that I can just add photos and a title and whatever else I want.   Love this for quick scrapping especially this time of year when I need a little break from Craft Fairing but not too long a break.

Hope everyone is enjoying our late summer days.  Thanks for stopping by.

Say Cheese - Layout

Here they are the most photogenic puppies ever!  HA well Vienna only will accept photos if Gracie is with her otherwise she will turn away from the camera or even just leave the room.  They are just the cutest I love scrapping them because who could resist those faces?
I used up a bunch of my project life pieces for this quick layout1  Thank you for taking a look!  Happy Wednesday!

Gracie In Her Element

OK so I know I'm behind on posting about Gracies progress.  Mostly because well it's the Holiday Season and we've been running around to concerts and events and shopping etc.

Gracie has made herself at home and Vienna has excepted that.  They now get up every morning and run together to the yard it's a race to see who gets downstairs first.  Gracie doesn't make the turn well though on the wood floor at the bottom, so I'm sure there will be a Christmas tree accident in our future. 

We are still working on Potty Training; Grace has days where she forget she just can't pee in a chair or mommy's bed, she needs to go outside.  Our unusually warm weather has been a blessing though, even if I have mud everywhere.  Mostly because the rug I bought to put by the back door is one of Graces favorite potty spots and it's in the wash more than it's on the floor.

We did get her a crate for when we're not home and she's starting to get she's not in there that long(it's great nap time) and she gets treats when she goes in.  Soon she'll be like her big sister Vienna and run in there when I put my shoes on, even if I'm just going to get the mail.  The crates are set up across from each other so they can see the other throughout the day and I think she's stopped howling the entire time we're gone.  I'm sure Vienna is grateful for this... 

Grace did get a hold of some Styrofoam recently and chew it up.  I assume she ate some since she had some problems going potty for a day or two.  I'm still finding it, she got it in her crate and apparently has a Styrofoam stash hidden somewhere.  I haven't been able to find it.
She is a chewer but that's the puppy in her.  She chews on us, Vienna, the shoes at the front door if she is sunning(when we have sun), herself, the side of the garbage bag on the tall can in the kitchen,  the Christmas presents under the tree, tissues from the garbage,  the doggy bed, and all of the toys which she collects in the bed so there is barely any room for Vienna.  It's fun though she creates play time everyday and pretty much involves everyone in it.  Gracies rule of the day would be EVERYONE PLAYS WITH ME.....  Maybe this is because she hasn't discovered belly rubs....  Viennas rule of the day would be EVERYONE RUBS MY BELLY or FIX THESE BLANKETS SO THERE IS A TUNNEL....

We've been doing lots of new things though.  Going in the car can be fun - We went to get our nails clipped where she did great and she and Vienna shared and ice cream after, plush they got Christmas collar covers.   We also went to the Petco and shopped for food and treats.  For some crazy reason Mommy was looking at doggie diapers, although they did not come home with us YET.   

The garage can be fun(unless no one realizes we're exploring and we're stuck out in the dark for awhile) - She loves to explore and if a car door is open she will go in and sit down. 

Walks can be fun - She has finally gotten the hang of the evening walk although she still needs a harness since she pulls so much.  But she can go potty on a leash now.

This week she will meet her Aunts Mia and Brie we are so excited for them to come.  More friends to play with.

Thanks again for stopping by hope your week is going well. 


Raina Updated - Now Gracie

 So it's been a few days since Raina/Gracie came home.  There have been a few bumps and a lot of fun, goofy times with both dogs.  Gracie got her new name Sunday night after much debate.  She seems to be taking to it well.  She is somewhat getting the idea of potty training.  The little cough is pretty much gone now except when she drinks water.  Vienna realized on the second full day that Gracie was here to stay.  Right about the time we realized if we praised Gracie before she finished going potty she would stand up and continue going down her legs.  EEEP lesson learned.  After a couple of bath times everyone likes each other again.  Well no one likes the bath but one it's over we were all happy.  Gracie is always happy she just keeps away from Vienna when she is crabby with her. 
Gracie is learning to fit in  and still looking to the older dog for guidance or to be a pillow.  She is definitely our comic relief.  She gets the Zoomies in the late afternoon early evening.  I try to get her outside because she is just learning the stairs and tends to fall down a couple when she is going too fast but when she figured them out she was so excited we couldn't catch her.  She's wacky if she's zooming around and sneezes she falls over.  It barely stops her though.  She's trying to learn how to kiss.  So far it's just nose jabs but that's ok, Vienna gives us plenty as usual.
As you can see she has made herself comfortable and moved into the dog bed and blankets.  We catch her sleeping in the oddest positions.  She also barks a little in her sleep.  She did finally bark for real yesterday out loud while both puppies were sunning themselves in the front door.  Oh my Vienna and I both jumped she has such a crazy squeaky loud bark.  How sweet is that little sleeping face?   She is hard to resist even for Vienna........

Raina Comes Home - The Beginning

Welcome to our Family Raina.  We have been looking for another little love bug to add to our family for the last few months.  My friend Cathy let me know about Sweet Raina and the Second City Canine Rescue.  We immediately contacted them, applied, and arranged to meet Raina and introduce Vienna to her at the next rescue event. 

Saturday morning came, we were so excited everyone piled in the car and went over to Elk Grove to meet this precious girl.  I will say the event was very busy with lots of happy doggies looking for their furever homes.  Raina and Vienna seemed to get along and were equally curious about the puppies and big dogs.  Raina loved the girls she curled up in Emily's lap as soon as she sat down on the floor.  Just needing a place to relax.  We learned about Raina's past.  She's a 3yr old girl that had recently had puppies and was in a rescue in KY where she was adopted by a family but returned.  She was then brought up here by SCCR.   She had a little Kennel Cough when she got here but had just finished up her anti-bio-tics when we met her.  After hanging out with her a bit we returned home to wait for a call to see if our Family would be chosen to adopt Raina.

We had a couple of hours so I was constantly questioned how much more time.  Finally the call came that Raina had chosen us from the other family's that had visited with her that day.  We were so excited we just had to finish up the paper work, donation and then the home visit.  So back in the car we went to get all the technical stuff accomplished and set up a home visit.  Getting to see her again was great it had calmed down a bit at the event.

The home visit was set up for later that day so we scurried back home to wait for Raina and Tracy to come see us.  I unfortunately had to rush off to work but the rest of the family was there. I heard all about how she came in and she and Vienna went straight to playing.  How there was a little accident in the house but all went well and Tracy said her goodbyes to Raina and we had a new puppy. 

Everyone attempted to walk over to visit me at work, unfortunately Raina wasn't sure what a walk was so it was half a carry and half a walk with a little bit of a sit.  Then she got a new color and harness picked out and we began introducing her to her new furever home.   Lots of pictures were taken and lots of snuggling this shy, sweet, loving little dog. 

When I got home and walked in you could see she wasn't quite sure what to do but then she just watched Vienna and tried to follow along.  Vienna jumped up on me so Raina jumped up on Vienna's back.  Vienna then tells her what to do so she tries again.  She is a funny little puppy she runs but falls down a lot and is totally intimidated by the stairs, she just looks up them.  She jumps up on the furniture and most of the time hits her mark.  Sometimes she doesn't but she won't give up.  She doesn't really seem to recognize her name, so we have a short window to rename her.  One thing everyone can love about her is if you pet her she is totally yours, she just melts into you and will stay there forever.

So begins her new life more pictures coming soon.

Fun On Fathers Day!

 Dave wanted to play games with the Family and have Pizza From Waynes!  He had a perfect Father's Day and Everyone Participated!   Even Vienna in a little game of Headbanz!

Brrrr She's a Cold Pup!

She wears her little Chevron Sweater to take Abbi to school in the morning and pick her up in the afternoon.  Soooo CUTE!

Say Hello Vienna!

She is so pretty!  Emily took this and she had some liver treats in her hand so V sat still patiently waiting to be rewarded.

Yup We've Thwarted Her Escape Attempts

Last week someone got out of the backyard and wandered the neighborhood for a few minutes while I was out watering.   It was very scary and Abbi and I were totally freaked out.  So Dave went around the yard and closed up any holes a little dog might figure a way to fit through.  As you can see she has found one of her avenues blocked.  Hmmmm this will require some more Doxie ingenuity........