Showing posts with label Bail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bail. Show all posts

Friday, 7 October 2016

Scotland Leading on Tagging

This from the BBC Scotland website:- 

Proposals to increase use of electronic tags in Scotland

The Scottish government is proposing a radical extension of the ways electronic tags can be used on offenders, BBC Scotland has learned. Sobriety tags, GPS tracking and tagging as an alternative to remand would be used in Scotland for the first time. Sobriety tags, which respond to the ethanol levels in a person's sweat, are among the pilots to be announced. They would be used as an alternative to prison for those who offend under the influence of alcohol. The changes will require new regulations and legislation.

Under the proposals, other pilots will be announced in the next couple of months. All the proposals have been recommended by the expert working group on electronic monitoring, which was created by the Scottish government two years ago.

Tagging has been available in Scotland for almost 15 years and used predominantly to confine offenders to their homes overnight as an alternative to prison or under early release from jail - referred to as Home Detention Curfew. There are currently more than 1,000 offenders tagged in Scotland. But under the proposals, in future, tagging will be used as an alternative to remand in prison and as a condition of bail. And GPS tracking will be used for the first time to monitor certain offenders' movements.

Another option is "voluntary" electronic monitoring for offenders willing to work with agencies to try to stop shoplifting, housebreaking and gang involvement. The report also calls for monitoring alongside social work support.

Robert Johnson has been tagged more than once. On one occasion he was sent to Barlinnie prison for drugs offences and released early on Home Detention Curfew. Now 35, he says he has grown up and that he has not offended for more than two years. He says that being tagged gave him the time and opportunity to re-connect with friends. He has now started up a cafĂ© with some of them.

"When I was in prison I was ashamed and embarrassed and I didn't want my children to see me there in a place like that. Every dad wants to be superman to their children and I didn't want them to see me there, to see me exposed. Being at home with a tag and being able to spend time with my family and start looking at education and work, and being with my children, money can't buy something like that."

He added: "In prison you're left in your cell for 23 hours a day locked up with not a lot to do and the chances are if you do do something it's not going to be something worthwhile. On Home Detention Curfew you can be home with your family and your children and start rebuilding your life."

Justice Secretary Michael Matheson said he wanted Scotland to look to the system used in the Netherlands which focuses on outcomes and support. He hopes the extension of tagging will form part of extensive changes to the whole penal system.

"Rather than just deciding on what kind of electronic monitoring they're going to use, they work out what they're trying to achieve first of all and then look at whether electronic monitoring would help to achieve that aim," he said.

"And it could be different types. It could be GPS or the radio system which we have at the present time. We want to focus on outcomes. "The report highlights that we could use electronic monitoring in a much more effective way, for example, for individuals remanded into custody."

Angela Smith, service director at G4S Monitoring Technologies & Services in Scotland, said the new system would mean that the numbers of offenders tagged across the country in the future could be "unlimited".

"This is not a soft option. It is a restriction placed not only on offenders but also on their families," she said. "But it does allow them to stay with their families and maintain their jobs and keep relationships together."

In England and Wales electronic monitoring has faced some controversy with a number of high-profile cases in which tagged offenders have been caught committing further crimes. In 2010 a man wearing an electronic tag in Manchester was left dead in his flat for weeks before his body was found.

Stirling University criminologist Hannah Graham said: "England and Wales have had some issues and scandals with their uses of electronic monitoring, whereas Scotland's approach has stayed fairly simple, stable and small in scale. "The expert group's recommendations imply Scotland will take a more European approach, learning from the Dutch and Scandinavians as leading examples of how to use electronic monitoring well. There's evidence to suggest this is a better and bolder direction for us to pursue. But it's difficult to predict how much the use of tagging will increase because this depends on whether these recommended changes are embraced by decision-makers such as sheriffs, some of whom barely use it currently."

She added: "There's an acute need to reduce Scotland's disproportionately high prison population - making better use of electronic monitoring within community sentences offers one way of trying to do this."

Mike Nellis, Emeritus professor of law at Strathclyde University, previously worked as a social worker with young offenders. He told the BBC's Good Morning Scotland radio programme that tagging should be used in conjunction with other services. "The technology by itself is very limited if you're trying to change any type of behaviour. Certainly, if we're talking about people with alcohol problems, they have to have the services to help them deal with their alcohol problems."

He added: "Some people are given a sense of self-discipline by having to wear the alcohol monitoring device or indeed any other form of electronic monitoring devices, and I think part of the art of using electronic devices wisely and well is to help people to understand that this is something that they can use to assist them on their journey of desistance."

Scottish Conservative justice secretary spokesman Douglas Ross said there was a place for electronic tagging but he could not accept the "creeping expansion" replacing custodial sentences for serious criminals. He said: "We saw in recent weeks how some rapists have been escaping jail and instead handed community sentences. That's an indication that, when the Scottish government insists on an alternative form of punishment, it inevitably gets used on the wrong people. In order to retain public confidence in tagging, this expansion will have to be monitored exceptionally closely."

Scottish Labour's justice spokeswoman Claire Baker said Scotland has one of the highest prison populations in Europe and called for credible and robust alternatives.

"However, for tagging to work both the courts and the general public must have confidence in it as an alternative," she added. "Without that we will still see people sent to prison on remand or for short sentences. Therefore the Scottish Government must ensure that electronic tagging is fully resourced and monitored, yet with cuts to the budgets of the police, our courts, and local authorities, this will be challenging."


The full report can be found here.

Executive Summary 

Although there has been considerable geographical variation it its use, electronic monitoring (EM) has been nationally available in Scotland since 2002, largely as a standalone measure, using radio frequency (RF) technology to enforce home confinement in the context of various legally specified orders. It has been delivered by a private sector service provider contracted to central government. Within the parameters originally set for it, EM has been delivered to a high standard, but it has not been used strategically to meet judicial, penal and social work goals. Crucially, only in some instances has its use been integrated with other criminal justice interventions. This lack of integration is anomalous when compared with EM use in mainland Europe, where EM is usually embedded in the work of probation services. The Scottish Government‘s desire for greater integration of EM and support services, both statutory and third sector, aimed at prevention, rehabilitation and desistance, was the starting point for review of and public consultation about EM in 2013. The present Working Group emerged from this review and consultation. 

Consideration of the potential of two emerging EM technologies – satellite tracking using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and trans-dermal alcohol monitoring (TAM) – also underpinned the review. The Working Group reflected further on this, settling on the view that it is the penal, judicial and social work goals which technology can be used to achieve, rather than the technology itself. It was accepted that while the existing RF-based home confinement still served a useful penal purpose, it had not been used as flexibly or as creatively as it could have been. GPS technology offers new possibilities for monitoring movement-in-general (not just presence in a single place as RF does), as well as the creation and oversight of exclusion and inclusion zones, of variable size, to restrict movement and offer greater degrees of protection to victims of crime than are usually available in existing forms of community supervision. Trans-dermal alcohol monitoring can support and enforce prohibitions on alcohol use rather than monitoring locations and schedules, although it can also be combined with those. 

The Working Group sought to envision a new strategy for EM-use in Scotland, utilising existing and new technologies and grounded in the needs, interests and aspirations of various agencies and organisations involved in the criminal justice process, including victims of crime. This envisioning was guided by a review of international research evidence on EM specially commissioned by the Scottish Government, and by the findings of an EU funded comparative research project on EM in which Scotland took part. Because EM (in all its forms) is itself a digital technology, some cues were taken from Scotland‘s existing 1Digital Strategy for Justice. In deliberating on the just, proportionate and effective use of EM the Working Group drew on the Council of Europe‘s (2014) ―ethical Recommendation‖ on EM, which is strongly, but not exclusively, grounded in the potential of EM to reduce the inappropriate use of imprisonment. The Working Group similarly emphasised EM‘s potential as a form of control to support the Scottish Government‘s desire to reduce the use of short custodial sentences, to strengthen rehabilitative and re-integrative measures and to offer hitherto unavailable forms of protection to victims of crime. 

The new strategy, which will continue to be based on a nationally commissioned and contracted monitoring service, requires legislative change. It will make available all three EM technologies – RF, GPS and TAM – to sentencers and criminal justice agencies. There is an expectation of greatly reduced geographical variation in EM‘s future use. No assumption has been made – as some countries do - about the greater severity and intrusiveness of GPS tracking over RF-home confinement. The appeal of intensive GPS monitoring for high-risk sex offenders is intuitively clear, but not all such individuals may warrant its use: RF-home confinement has already worked effectively in a multi-agency public protection arrangement (MAPPA) context, and could continue to do so. GPS technology may also be used with lower risk individuals and ―voluntary consent‖ models of GPS tracking have been used (in England and Wales), and are not without merit. For some individuals, including young people, both RF and GPS can have preventative and protective functions which empower them to resist adverse peer pressure. 

In summary, the more strategic use of EM envisaged by the Working Group has three aspects: 

1. To use EM in more integrated ways, alongside a range of supportive measures, to help prevent and reduce further offending and promote desistance among people with convictions 
2. To enhance the protection and security of victims of crime in ways that other community interventions are unable to do 
3. By offering a greater degree of control in the community, to make the use of electronic monitoring more appealing to sentencers as an alternative to custody, in particular short-term sentences and remand. 

The Working Group strongly endorses an individualised rather than a categoric approach to the use of EM, based on a rounded risk-needs assessment, and a clear sense of the goals to which EM may, or may not, contribute. Proportionality is always an important consideration in any EM-intervention but this does not reside in the technology itself; rather, it resides in the intensity and duration of the schedules and requirements it is used to enforce, and the nature of the other supportive measures with which it may, or may not, be combined. Different intensities of EM and variable combinations with other measures can be used at different points on the sentencing tariff, to meet different goals for different individuals. The variety of new ―community uses‖ of EM and specific legal frameworks in which it should in future be used are listed in Recommendations 5 and 7. The Group commends further consideration of the still underused ―movement restriction orders‖ in a youth justice context. 

EM is a versatile form of control which can be imposed either as punishment or to support rehabilitative purposes. The use of EM as a standalone punishment should remain a legitimate sentencing option. However, in its various forms EM should now become integrated with measures with a proven track record of preventing and reducing further offending which assist individuals to desist from crime. Some research evidence shows that EM has a crime reduction effect in itself, for the duration of the monitoring period, but that if longer term desistance is required it must be combined with measures which help individuals to change their behaviour. In individual cases, EM should be used, by judicial and penal authorities, in a goaloriented and person-centred way, tailored to achieve specific purposes, including the protection of victims of crime. 

Against the background of a persistently high remand population, the new EM strategy should reconsider the use of monitoring at the pre-trial stage, using both RF and GPS technology as appropriate. Exclusion and inclusion zones enabled by the latter offer new possibilities for meeting the goals of bail. Whilst standalone use of EM at the pre-trial stage is wholly legitimate, experience suggests that bail support would be required in some instances to assist with compliance. The Working Group suggests that both forms of EM be considered for non-compliance with bail related offences, supervised bail, bail undertakings and investigative liberation. 

EM is already available to penal as well as judicial authorities in Scotland, in the form of Home Detention Curfew (HDC) and Parole licence. This should continue, with all forms of EM available – RF, GPS and TAM – according to a risk-needs assessment. In addition EM could in future be utilised within the prison estate, to test those prisoners on the margins of acceptable risk, in order to facilitate work placement, home leave, female community custody units and community access from closed establishments. Given perennial public anxiety about all forms of prisoner release, the use of EM in this context could be an important means of increasing public confidence. 

Compliance with and enforcement of monitoring requirements must vary both according to the nature of the violation and the purpose of the order. Where rehabilitative goals are being pursued, the response to a violation of an EM requirement must take account of the progress made towards those wider goals. A two tier approach for responding to violations, standardised and intensive, reflecting the above distinction, will be made available to sheriffs. Overall, evidence suggests that monitored people and their families can find the experience onerous but still to be preferred to imprisonment. Some evidence acknowledges that stand-alone EM can create undue stress and strain for co-residents which more integrated approaches may be able to reduce. As in other areas of community supervision, the ―user voice‖ – in this instance, both monitored individuals and co-residents - can be an important source of insight into what makes a judicial or penal requirement legitimate and feasible to complete. Creative, evidence-based ways of incentivising compliance should be developed. 

The implementation of the new EM strategy must build on the work begun in the Working Group to increase knowledge and capacity of how EM could and should be used. This has included the creation of a cross-sector champion‘s group whose members have developed a deeper understanding of EM‘s potential, although this does not preclude the need for additional training across all relevant agencies. CJSW Standards and IT systems have been revised to facilitate the potential of EM to contribute to the goals of supervision. More fundamentally, a communication strategy has been devised and agreed by all partners to better engage stakeholders in debate about future uses of EM, and to promote a common understanding of the goals that can be achieved with it. The Working Group seeks to change how EM has traditionally been considered and used in Scotland: this task must continue beyond the life of the Working Group itself. This report is not the ―final word‖ on the future of EM in Scotland, and beyond its specific proposals and Recommendations, it also aspires to stimulate further thinking among key stakeholders – especially sentencers, police, prison service, criminal justice social workers, youth justice social workers, third sector, victim advocacy organisations - as to how good practice with EM can be taken forward. In response to both this report and the Ministerial recommendations which will follow from it, the Working Group recommends that, each stakeholder group should be encouraged to develop formal ―statement of intent‖ regarding EMs future use. 

The EM in Scotland Working Group commends this report to Scottish Ministers and urges that early action be taken against the recommendations in a manner which is both ambitious and inclusive of all partners required to move the agenda forward at pace.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


I thought readers might be interested in some snippets from the latest (12th March) MoJ/Noms Senior Leaders Bulletin:- 

HMCTS provision of Court Orders to NPS

There are currently a variety of practices in place nationally for HMCTS to provide Court orders or Notifications of sentences at Magistrates court to probation, depending upon locally agreed practice.

A National process has now been agreed to enable prompt, electronic notification of the details of sentence to NPS. An electronic copy of the Court order or Notification of the order of the Court will be automatically sent direct from Libra to functional mailboxes set up within NPS. This electronic process will replace all existing local procedures.

• Libra will generate a court order/ notification of order of the court to be sent to 7 NPS Divisional mail boxes.
• These will then automatically forward to the appropriate NPS court functional mail box by using the OU code (code of the sentencing court).
• NPS Court SPOs will have a process in place to monitor the local and Divisional mailboxes on a daily basis
• On receipt of the court order/notification, NPS administration staff will check NDelius to confirm where the case was allocated to. NPS administration staff will then send the court order/notification on to the NPS or CRC office holding the case in line with PI 05/2014 Case allocations.

Functuality is due to be available from 23rd March 2015.

Prisons and Probation Ombudsman publishes thematic report on prison suicides in 2013/14

Learning from PPO Investigations: self-inflicted deaths of prisoners – 2013/14

'There is no simple answer to why the number of prisoners committing suicide rose so sharply last year, but the rise was unacceptable', said Nigel Newcomen, the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman (PPO) when he published a thematic study on 10th March on the lessons to be learned from investigations into self-inflicted deaths of prisoners in 2013/14.

The lessons that need to be learned are:

• staff working in prison receptions should actively identify known risk factors for suicide and self-harm and not simply act on a prisoner’s presentation;
• relationship breakdown and violent offences against family members are known risk factors for suicide and being subject to a restraining order can be a sign of increased vulnerability;
• all new arrivals should promptly receive an induction to provide information to help them meet their basic needs in prison;
• mental health referrals need to be made and acted on promptly and there should be continuity of care from the community;
• prisoners are most at risk in the first month of custody; 
• the cumulative impact on potential suicide of restrictions, punishments, IEP levels and access to work needs to be considered; 
• prisoners on open ACCT documents should only be segregated in exceptional circumstances; • suicide prevention procedures should focus on the prisoner as an individual and the processes must be correctly implemented;
• increased risk of suicide and self-harm should be considered when a prisoner is a suspected victim of bullying; and
• effective and confident emergency response saves lives. 
This document is available on the PPO website at Please cascade to all relevant staff.

Offenders Sentenced to Less than 12 Months Custody

Following the implementation of the Offender Rehabilitation Act 2014, all offenders sentenced to less than 12 months custody will, for the first time, be subject to a period of post-release licence from the point of release. Furthermore, this post-release licence will be supplemented by a further consecutive period of Post-Sentence Supervision that will take the overall period of supervision in the community up to 12 months. As such, all offenders sentenced to less than 12 months custody who are assessed as High RoSH and/or having an RSR score greater than 6.89% must have a full OASys assessment and Initial Sentence Plan within 4 weeks of the date of sentence.

PQF Learner in NPS or CRC (Cohort 3)

Applicants to become a PQF learner in the NPS or CRC as part of Cohort 3 (starting in May 2015) will hear their results this week. The overall standard of applications was high.

The new qualification pathway for probation needs to be ready to be launched in April 2016.

To develop the pathway a board and project group have been established: the Probation Qualification Review Project is now underway and the Board meets regularly. Both have a combination of NOMS, NPS and CRC representation and anyone who would like to join the virtual Reference Group to review drafts and ideas is welcome to contact...

New E-learning - The Basics of Custodial Screening & Resettlement Plans

From the 8th December 2014, the OASys application was changed to incorporate the new Basic Custody Screening (BCS) form that is part of the new Through the Gate (TTG) Delivery Model.

From May 2015, Community Rehabilitation Company staff will begin to complete the BCS part 2 on prisoners for all receptions into custody who will have received a BCS part 1, which will have been completed by prison staff.

It is likely that CRC staff working in prisons completing BCST Part 2 will have had no previous experience of OASys and access will be limited by role based access (RBACS) to the BCST function on OASys.

As it is a contractual requirement of CRCs to complete BCST Part 2, learning has been developed for CRC staff who will not be OASys Assessor or OASys Case Administrator trained, but who will be required to complete the Basic Custody Screening (BCS) Tool Part 2 or administer the BCS Part 2 process.

The course will be available to learners on the Justice Partnership Academy and Justice Academy from April 7th 2015.

Pre-course reading of all of the BCS Guidance documents is required prior to completing the e-learning.

By the end of this course learners will be able to:
  • Gather username and password required to log into the OASys application from both Quantum and OMNI infrastructure 
  • Describe the support process for practice queries, functionality queries and when the application does not work as expected 
  • Navigate around the OASys system correctly 
  • Navigate to the ‘Pending BCS (Part 2) View’ and correctly use the view to administer the BCS process. 
  • State the difference between an OASys assessment and a BCS. 
  • State the timings for BCS Part 1 and BCS Part 2 
  • Complete BCS Part 2 resettlement plan 
  • Complete BCS Part 2 Pre-release activity 
  • Understand how to enter in resettlement activity at any point during the custodial sentence 
  • Print BCS 
  • Describe the context of the BCS as a part of the Through the Gate delivery model
  • Describe the offender management process 
  • Administer the functions that will enable the BCS process.
Completion of this learning will provide good assurance that CRC staff have the requisite skills and knowledge to be granted access to the OASys platform.

NPS Bail Information Officer Training

Following the implementation of Transforming Rehabilitation, local training on bail information was no longer available. As a result, there was a need for us to provide national training in this area for NPS Court staff.

From March 27th a newly developed e-learning course – Bail Information Officer Training will be available on the NPS Faculty page on the Justice Academy:

Before undertaking the course, there is a pre course requirement for staff to have undertaken one shadow visit to Court with a Bail Information Officer (BIO) or to have previous experience of working as a BIO.

This new course is mandatory for all new NPS court staff and it will provide learners with the core knowledge and skills to enable identification of appropriate bail cases, completion of bail enquiries and creation of bail reports to a sufficient standard.

By the end of this course learners will be able to:

• Reference legislation relating to bail
• Explain key tasks of your role and how to prioritize
• List potential grounds for refusal of bail
• Understand the issues involved in gathering and verifying bail information
• Complete a bail report to a satisfactory standard
• Make a well-considered proposal to court including bail conditions where required. 

There is a pass/fail test at end of learning package but staff are able to repeat the learning until a pass is achieved.

The new learning is intended to help to reduce remands in custody for defendants suitable for bail, increase referrals to bail accommodation services and improve the quality of information provided to the Court. 

Monday, 4 October 2010

What's Ken Up To?

The next few weeks are going to be quite significant for the Criminal Justice System for all sorts of reasons. No doubt Ken Clarke, the new Justice Secretary, will not want to disappoint his many fans when he makes a keynote speech to the Conservative Party conference on Tuesday. Now I quite like Ken. He strikes me as a decent, honest politician not particularly prone to bullshit and not always 'on message'. His Daily Mail interview some weeks ago signalled his direction of travel in terms of trying to get prison numbers down but somewhat alarmingly I think I'm right in saying that, since taking office, he's not mentioned the probation service once. As a prelude to his speech and in an interview with the Guardian on Saturday 2nd October it's reported that:-

'Backed up by sympathetic allies among the Lib Dems, Clarke has been talking about a "rehabilitation revolution" in the justice system. Plans include widespread restorative justice, diverting drug addicts and the mentally ill out of jail, and a sentencing overhaul. The result could be thousands of people convicted of minor crimes being given community alternatives to prison.' 

Now that all sounds very promising to me, but of course begs lots of questions. Funnily enough it's 'rehabilitation' that has been so effectively hampered in the 'new style' bureaucratised probation service and in fact is last in the list of NOMS priorities. For political reasons the emphasis was shifted to protecting the public and enforcing court orders ages ago. Do I hear a wheel turning?

The mention of plans for 'widespread restorative justice' is very good news and long overdue in my view. Of course probation have been pioneers in this field for years with early experiments in mediation schemes, but it won't please everyone because it's not about punishment or coercion. It has to be a process not lightly entered into and very carefully orchestrated by well trained and skilled facilitators. It won't be cheap to fund, but has real potential for changing behaviour, helping victims and saving society much money and heartache in the future. 

Diverting drug addicts and the mentally ill from prison has to be a very laudable aim, but as we all know is nothing but that if the community facilities are simply not available to deal with these two groups adequately. As a PO on the front line, I can tell you they are not. That's why they're in prison Ken.

A 'sentencing overhaul' sounds ominous to me and I can already sense our magistrate friends taking a deep breath. It's sort of code for basically restricting the sentencing powers of predominately Magistrates Courts. Previous governments have been down this path before and ended up not just irritating a lot of magistrates, but also invoking the Law of Unintended Consequences. Ken has already stated that he wants thousands of people currently remanded in custody pending plea or sentence, to be bailed instead. That is an interesting aim. How is he going to do that, given the current Bail Act already clearly states that there is a presumption of bail being granted, unless certain exceptions apply?

Since probation hostels were prevented from taking all but the riskiest bailees some time ago, we've had three years mixed experience of the national Bail Accommodation and Support Scheme (BASS), since April run by a 'third sector' contractor. Additionally, there's been the option of Electronic Tagging for some considerable time, run by private sector contractors. Of course magistrates already have wide scope to add any number of other conditions to bail, such as residence, non contact, exclusion zones, police reporting etc etc, so what else has he got up his sleeve? A new Bail Act that seeks to further reduce the scope for magistrates to remand in custody? Surely not? 

Like many others, I'm very concerned about Ken Clarke's plans for the future of summary justice and in particular the court closures to save a measly £30million a year. Then there's the back door move towards reducing the Lay Bench in favour of professional District Judges. I really do not see how the cause of justice is going to be better served in this way, or indeed provided at lower cost by replacing volunteers with expensive Judges.  We await with interest to hear what Ken has to say.