7.1 What does the model look like now?
Since Youth Offending Services (YOS) were set up in 1998, Probation has played an integral part as a statutory partner in local services. This has included the secondment of probation staff to work in local Youth Offending Teams (YOT). These staff contribute to the multiagency work of the teams and in particular to the transfer of YOS cases to NPS or CRC at the age of 18. The NPS has responsibility for the Probation contribution to more than 150 local YOS. Currently the shape of this contribution varies across the NPS, specifically in the numbers and grades of staff, whether these are directly seconded staff or staff recruited by the YOT but paid for by Probation, and whether additional funding or other support is provided. There are also variations in the focus of work which seconded staff undertake.
The proposals for YOS focus on harmonising staffing and working models, to ensure that these reflect both the needs of local services and best practice. The resources provided to YOS need to be reviewed to ensure a level of consistency and value for money. The proposals take into account changes in the profile of youth offending and in sentencing policy over recent years which have resulted in an estimated fall of 60% in the volume of cases managed by YOS. The Ministry of Justice is currently undertaking a review of Youth Justice which may have an impact on these proposals.
7.2 What do we want the future model to look like?
7.2 What do we want the future model to look like?
We will continue to support YOS work to fulfil our statutory responsibility. We are committed to the multi-agency focus in work with young offenders and to a continued fall in youth offending. We will continue to build and maintain positive links between Probation and YOS which benefit young offenders and the community. We will ensure an equitable use of resources across different YOS. We want seconded Probation staff to contribute their specialist skills effectively in the most appropriate cases.
7.3 End state proposals
There are three proposals for YOS work.
7.3.1 National Framework
Subject to the outcome of the Review of Youth Justice, we will agree an NPS framework which confirms the NPS responsibility towards YOS work. The framework will mean clear expectations of secondment arrangements for both YOS and NPS. It will ensure a consistent approach to YOS which meets statutory requirements.
7.3.2 Resource model
The framework will include a resource model based on the current workload of each YOS, with the contribution being in the form of seconded members of staff rather than financial. Seconded staff will be band 4 POs. In YOS where the resource model requires an additional member of staff to be seconded, there is scope for us to negotiate with the YJB about whether the additional resource should be a band 3 PSO, as is currently the situation in some YOS. This will apply in some of the larger YOS.
We expect that it will be easier for the NPS to monitor staffing cost than financial contributions. We will second staff for a period of three years to ensure that they retain their Probation skills and that the development opportunities offered by secondments are open to a greater number of OMs.
We expect that it will be easier for the NPS to monitor staffing cost than financial contributions. We will second staff for a period of three years to ensure that they retain their Probation skills and that the development opportunities offered by secondments are open to a greater number of OMs.
As a result of this rationalisation of the resource model, we anticipate that there will be an overall reduction in numbers of staff seconded to YOS and therefore in cost.
7.3.3 Standard workload
Seconded OMs will work with high risk offenders and those offenders who will transfer to the NPS when they are 18. The expected size of caseload for a full time seconded OM will be 25 cases, this takes into account the complexity of and level of intervention required with YOS cases which are high risk and/or transferring to the NPS. Where YOS caseloads are particularly low this may mean that the seconded OM does not work full time in the YOS.
7.4 Impact on service delivery
We will need to negotiate with the YJB, and also with individual local authorities to agree the resource model and transition arrangements. In some areas we expect there will be a reduction in probation contribution and we will need to agree arrangements to manage this transition carefully to minimise the impact on local services. Other areas are likely to see an increase in provision and planning will also be needed to make best use of the additional staff.
Agreeing the focus of the seconded OMs’ work means that they will make effective use of their risk assessment and intervention skills. It should also mean good quality risk management and a smooth transfer to the NPS for relevant cases.
OMs who have undertaken a secondment will be able to contribute to an increase in understanding and practice in work with young adults in the NPS.
OMs who have undertaken a secondment will be able to contribute to an increase in understanding and practice in work with young adults in the NPS.
We will need to agree with the YJB an arrangement for providing performance data so we can ensure that OMs are managing the correct cases and that transfer of young adults to the Probation adult services has improved.
The progress of the Youth Justice review may affect the timescale for putting these proposals into effect.
7.5 Impact on staff
These changes will provide OMs with a valuable development opportunity to be seconded to the YOT for a set period during their career, using their probation skills in a multi-agency setting to work with the most challenging young offenders whilst maintaining their NPS links.
We recognise that it will be important to support them in maintaining their knowledge and training in NPS work to ensure that they can remain flexible and mobile members of staff and so that they can continue to contribute to good practice in the light of their experience in youth justice.
We are aware that some staff who have been seconded to YOS for extended periods may have specific training needs on returning to the NPS. We will take this into account in planning the arrangements for their return.
7.6 Conclusion
7.6 Conclusion
We believe that E3 provides an opportunity for the NPS to agree an updated framework for the NPS contribution to YOS, which makes the best use of probation qualified staff and contributes to public protection.
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