"The exception clause in the TU legislation cannot be applied to our current General Secretary, this has been confirmed by legal advice that also prompted the suggested amendment to ensure that future general secretaries would be able to benefit from the clause. There will be a General Secretary election in 2023, the process has been agreed by NEC and starts in December with the advert going out. The process was freely shared with NEC, not under confidential cover."
General Secretary Election Procedure
1. Post is advertised via TUC and GFTU networks as well as to staff and members.
2. Applicants are sent an application form and an information pack, including this procedure.
3. Applicants are shortlisted by an employers’ sub-committee of the National Executive Committee (NEC), consisting of 5 members of the NEC, including the Chair and Vice Chair nominated as employers rep to JNC.
4. Shortlisted applicants are interviewed by the employers’ sub-committee to determine which of them would be able to meet Napo’s requirements, thus producing a list of “electable” candidates. This list, together with a statement from each of the electable candidates, of no more than 500 words, is then sent to NEC co-reps and to branches/sections.
5. A meeting of the NEC will consider the list of electable candidates. Each of them shall be invited to attend that NEC where they will be asked pre-submitted questions. Each candidate will be asked the same questions and will then be given the opportunity to make a statement in support of their application for candidature. The NEC will then decide which (if any) candidate it wishes to nominate for election.
6. Four online hustings events will be arranged following the NEC, these will be Chaired by members of the National Officers Group and the arrangements will be supported by the relevant Link Official for the region group and by the Office Ops Mgr for Cafcass. The hustings meetings will follow the same format for fairness:
Each candidate will make a speech for no more than 10 minutes. Following this the same questions (pre-submitted by members to the hustings Chair) will be put to each candidate with no more than 5 minutes allowed for each answer. For accessibility the hustings will continue for no more than 90 minutes.
The hustings will be as follows:
a. The North – Northumbria, Durham Tees Valley, East Coast, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, Cumbria and Lancashire, Cheshire Greater Manchester and Merseyside branches.
b. Midlands, Wales and the South West – Napo Cymru, East Midlands, Staffs West Midlands, Mercia, South South Western, Western branches
c. South East and London – East Anglia, Thames Valley, Hampshire Isle of Wight, Kent Surrey Sussex, Essex, The Four Shires, London and Northern Ireland Branches
d. Family Court Section
7. Branch meetings will then consider the list of electable candidates. The candidates will not be able to attend branch meetings. Branches will have the benefit of a report from their NEC Representative who will have attended the NEC, reports from members who attended the hustings, and the candidates’ own statements. Branches will then be able to nominate one of the electable candidates.
8. The final list of nominated candidates will be put to a postal ballot of all full members. In the event of there being only one nominated candidate that person will be elected unopposed without recourse to a ballot.
2023 General Secretary Election Timetable
16 December Advert Published
13 January Return Date for Applications
18 January NEC Employers Sub Committee Shortlisting
23-27 January NEC Employers Sub Committee Interviews
30 January List of electable candidates sent to NEC and Branches
30 January – 3 February Special NEC (online) for candidate interview and nomination process
6-10 February Hustings Week
13 February – 3 March Branch meetings to consider nominations
3 March Branch nominations deadline
8 March Ballot Commences
30 March Ballot Closes
31 March Result Announced
30 June Last day of current GS contract
1. Post is advertised via TUC and GFTU networks as well as to staff and members.
2. Applicants are sent an application form and an information pack, including this procedure.
3. Applicants are shortlisted by an employers’ sub-committee of the National Executive Committee (NEC), consisting of 5 members of the NEC, including the Chair and Vice Chair nominated as employers rep to JNC.
4. Shortlisted applicants are interviewed by the employers’ sub-committee to determine which of them would be able to meet Napo’s requirements, thus producing a list of “electable” candidates. This list, together with a statement from each of the electable candidates, of no more than 500 words, is then sent to NEC co-reps and to branches/sections.
5. A meeting of the NEC will consider the list of electable candidates. Each of them shall be invited to attend that NEC where they will be asked pre-submitted questions. Each candidate will be asked the same questions and will then be given the opportunity to make a statement in support of their application for candidature. The NEC will then decide which (if any) candidate it wishes to nominate for election.
6. Four online hustings events will be arranged following the NEC, these will be Chaired by members of the National Officers Group and the arrangements will be supported by the relevant Link Official for the region group and by the Office Ops Mgr for Cafcass. The hustings meetings will follow the same format for fairness:
Each candidate will make a speech for no more than 10 minutes. Following this the same questions (pre-submitted by members to the hustings Chair) will be put to each candidate with no more than 5 minutes allowed for each answer. For accessibility the hustings will continue for no more than 90 minutes.
The hustings will be as follows:
a. The North – Northumbria, Durham Tees Valley, East Coast, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, Cumbria and Lancashire, Cheshire Greater Manchester and Merseyside branches.
b. Midlands, Wales and the South West – Napo Cymru, East Midlands, Staffs West Midlands, Mercia, South South Western, Western branches
c. South East and London – East Anglia, Thames Valley, Hampshire Isle of Wight, Kent Surrey Sussex, Essex, The Four Shires, London and Northern Ireland Branches
d. Family Court Section
7. Branch meetings will then consider the list of electable candidates. The candidates will not be able to attend branch meetings. Branches will have the benefit of a report from their NEC Representative who will have attended the NEC, reports from members who attended the hustings, and the candidates’ own statements. Branches will then be able to nominate one of the electable candidates.
8. The final list of nominated candidates will be put to a postal ballot of all full members. In the event of there being only one nominated candidate that person will be elected unopposed without recourse to a ballot.
2023 General Secretary Election Timetable
16 December Advert Published
13 January Return Date for Applications
18 January NEC Employers Sub Committee Shortlisting
23-27 January NEC Employers Sub Committee Interviews
30 January List of electable candidates sent to NEC and Branches
30 January – 3 February Special NEC (online) for candidate interview and nomination process
6-10 February Hustings Week
13 February – 3 March Branch meetings to consider nominations
3 March Branch nominations deadline
8 March Ballot Commences
30 March Ballot Closes
31 March Result Announced
30 June Last day of current GS contract