July 30, 2010

Snowbound #7

Another specimen added to the dragonfly collection. DD discovered this beauty yesterday, but she had to chase it for a long time before she could catch it on a photo. She has so much patience!

Block seven of the Snowbound quilt is finished. Now I am patching three scrappy blocks to comlpete the third row.

July 29, 2010

Some crochet for a change

Some weeks ago I discovered a book with lovely crochet creatures in this webshop. It was irresistible! And in another webshop I ordered the recommended cotton yarn. This arrived very fast, so I started crocheting a hen. One day later this was the result.

July 27, 2010

A blue fairy

Here she is: the bluebell fairy.

And the rose fairy has had a wings make-over, because I mixed up a grey bead with a golden one.

Thanks for visiting and for your lovely comments.

July 26, 2010


I planned to upload the photo's of the new room first, but got the bluebell fairy on top. I only have to add a lot of backstitches and beads before this fairy is finished too.

Some photo's of my new room. This is the left side when you go inside.

And this is the right side.

Today I got net curtains and a rail system to put up my Chatelaine collection. I have ordered a big table and four chairs, but will have to wait some more weeks for them to arrive.
This week we'll go shopping for some more shelves on the left side of the bookcase.

Now I am going to spend the other half of the evening stitching the fairy.

July 21, 2010

A Fairy

This is the Rose fairy I think. I couldn't trace the name of this one on the message boards. The others are Grass and Fern, Bluebell and Wisteria fairies as far as I could find with some help of Anne Marieke. She is also stitching the Fairy Flower Garden, but got a bit sidetracked.
Pauline, more pictures of this Chatelaine mandala you can find here in 'WIP pictures'.

For the sleeves I used the darkest avocado green of the materials list. And for the eyes I used the darkest brown of the hair. Only the pupils are done with a tiny black stitch.

July 17, 2010

Part of the border

Inbetween sweeping away the dust and dirt of the rebuilding and searching for furnishing for the new room I managed to stitch another part of the Rose Garden Mandala.

DD took a photo of another damselfly in the garden. We both wonder if this could be an albino.

Yesterday I got the Fairy Flower Garden out of the cupboard: the pink fairy kept shouting at me and is very pleased she is going to be stitched.

July 12, 2010

Rose Garden again

Another gate added to the Rose Garden and a start of the outer border.

It is still very hot over here, but when I write this post we have a thunderstorm. The plants in the garden are very pleased with the rain. And the birds and other animals too. I hope the temperatures will go down afterwards. The heat slows me down and I still have a lot of cleaning to be done after the rebuilding.

One happy animal in the rain. This little toad is as big as my fingernail!

July 10, 2010

A blackbird in the garden

It is very hot outside: 32 degrees this afternoon! Even this blackbird is gasping for breath.
At first sight we thought he had fainted. Poor thing; he can't take off his black jacket.
But later he was taking a refreshing bath in a bowl of water, so he will be feeling better now.

July 9, 2010

Frosty part 3

Finished! Now I'll have to wait till September for the next part to be released.

The master bedroom is also finished and everything has been replaced. It is very clean and tidy now! We went looking for net curtains and found a beautiful fabric in an off-white colour. We also ordered new ones for the living and the master bedroom to replace the old and dirty lamella's. This morning DD and I have been searching for a table and chairs and I think we found a nice set.
There still has a lot of cleaning to be done: everything is covered with dust. Now I have summer vacation till September which means plenty of time to clean up. And work on various stitching projects of course.

DD caught another wonderful dragonfly on a photo.

She managed to get very close to it; all the veins in the wings are visible.

If you'd like to see more of DD's photo's, have a look here: http://nl.fotoalbum.eu/lyan

July 3, 2010

Frosty part 3: first corner

Yesterday we did remove all the old wallpaper. Some parts were very hard to rip off; even water with a special solvent didn't work as it was supposed to do.
And after that I started stitching Frosty Knotgarden, in the mean time watching the Dutch buys win the footbal match. This is the first corner of part 3, with beads and crystals.

Today DH is going to hang the walls with new paper. My only job is to bring the old carpet and a lot of other stuf in a little trailer to the waste disposal site. And bring many cold drinks to DH.

DD took some more beautiful pictures in the backgarden.

She is still chasing dragonflies and damselflies.

Thank you very much for the encouraging comments.

July 2, 2010


These little hairy creatures are called 'beesies'. They are freebees from the grocery shop during the World Cup footbal. Now they are waiting for the Dutch team to play this afternoon, hoping they will win the match today.

Yesterday I did remove all the old floor covering in the master bedroom. A very dusty and dirty job, because parts of the foam had turned into some kind of brown powder and other parts were stuck on the concrete floor. Today I have to tear off the wallpaper. With temperatures of 35 degrees Celsius over here this is going to be quite a job.

When the wallpaper job is done I am going to stitch a bit on Frosty Fnotgarden. Part 3 was released yesterday and I could not resist it! So don't worry: there will be some stitching done this week!