Showing posts with label Snowbound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snowbound. Show all posts

December 31, 2010

Snowbound top

Finished!!! The whole top of the Snowbound quilt is completed on the last day of the year. DD did some counting last week: there are 1237 squares of 4 cm each in this quilt, all Thimbleberries fabrics leftovers.
Cleo thought the pile of fabrics would be a comfortable place for a nap.

Julius is doing well. This morning he was waiting for me in the kitchen and asked for tinned catfood. He walks around in the house like a puppet-on-a-string because of the suit he has to wear and because of the stitches in his skin. He looks very funny and Casper seem to think he is a kind of alien and is scared of him. This mostly is the other way round, so I do hope Julius will notice the change and enjoy. Thanks again for all the well wishes and the pats and ear rubs. He loved it and sends you his most friendly purrs!
Happy New Year

December 30, 2010

Update Julius

Thank you for all your lovely comments and well wishes, also on behalf of Julius.
I did take him home yesterday and he is recovering slowly. Yesterday evening he felt sick, but he did drink a lot of water when he was at home again, too much I assume. He started to feel better when he got rid of it again.
This morning he was very alert and he also did want to eat some small portions of fluid high-energy recovery catfood. He is talking to me again and going to his favorite places to sleep. He does sleep most of the time, but that is normal behavior for an old cat, especially after surgery.
Recovery will take some more time, I presume. But with cats you never know.

I have finished the borders of the Snowbound quilt by now and will start sewing them on the centre part after a cup of tea. I do hope to finish the quilt top tomorrow and will post a picture then.

December 24, 2010

My ornament tree

With four empty 'branches' waiting for their ornaments. I will try to finish these next week.
At the moment I am patching the borders of the Snowbound quilt. Most of the squares I have cut some weeks ago are transformed to rows of three. I am going to make a layout on the floor this afternoon and then sew them into borders whenever I have some time. I will keep the door of the practice room closed so Casper can't make slidings through all the pieces. He loves to make slidings and because of his furr covered Persian feet he also is very good in it!

Merry Christmas to all of you and your dear ones.

November 13, 2010

Snowbound centre finished

Yesterday evening I finished the centre of the Sbowbound quilt. Anne Sutton of Bunny Hill Designs was so kind to send the last block by mail in November on request. I made a caleidoscope of it because I don't want to spoil the secret. I'll post the last block after it is released on December 5th. Now I have to cut about 400 squares to complete the borders.

I have also ordered two quilt kits with lovely blocks of Terri Degenkolb and Natalie Lymer to support this project:

November 6, 2010

Snowbound block #11

This is block #11 of the Bunny Hill Snowbound quilt project already. Still one block to go and another year of monthly patterns has passed. Very fast; it feels like I've started this project last week or so.

October 29, 2010


I joined the ten snowman blocks with the scrappy blocks together. Still two snowmen to go and three scrappy blocks. And a scrappy border in which I am going to continue the light colours of the snowman blocks. I am thinking about adding three rows of scrappy squares around the whole centre part.

Julius has been to the vet's this afternoon to have the bandage removed. The vet is very content; the wound is dry and clean and Julius is doing very well. He even has gained some weight! On Wednesday the stitches will be removed and the lab results will be there as well.

Thank you for all the good wishes for a quick recovery.

October 27, 2010

Snowbound block #10

Thank you for all the lovely comments on my last post. And also thanks to all the visitors who have decided to follow my blog. Today I noticed there are 73 followers now! Thank you very much for your interest in my stitching and other topics.

I have finished block #10 of the Bunny Hills Snowbound quilt. The snowlady is still missing a heart or something else on her necklace, but in my stash I couldn'd find something that would fit. So she'll have to wait a little while. I decided to make two of the scrappy blocks and complete another row before the next block will be published.

Julius is doing very well considering the circumstances. His major problem is the lovely suit he is wearing: he thinks he can't bend his legs when he walks! He looks like some kind of mechanical toy when he moves around in the house.