Showing posts with label Cato. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cato. Show all posts

April 17, 2015

A new start

Because of the spring weather I decided it was time for a new start in spring colours. So I started another HAED, Ching-Chou Kuik's 'Dragonfly three'. It is a Quick Stitch chart, much smaller than the Forest Door. Of which I stitched the top half of the door already.

And another picture of Pilou and Cato.

Thank you very much for your lovely comments on the previous post. I am feeling much better now.
Cato only plays with the beans. We find bean mummy's in almost every corner and hidden between the cushions of the couch. Second best to play are sprouts! Also mummy's ...

March 24, 2015

Two eyes and a big nose

During the last weeks I had some kind of nasty flu, like many people. Fortunately I had just enough energy left to stitch. So I stitched a huge nose on my HAED Forest Door project.
... Hoping this one doesn't start sneezing!...

Cato with her favorite toy: a butter bean!

And playing with Pilou.

May 14, 2014

Moss Garden and 'Randjes'

I am feeling much better now and I am stitching again!
During the rainy days we had last weekend I stitched another bunch of azalea's of the Moss Garden. When this corner is finished I only have the right top corner left to do and some of the crystals. And after that I am going to start the Nymphs Garden. When I'd start that one now I am afraid Moss Garden will be neglected. But Nymphs really can shout ...

And I caught up with all the borders of 'Randje per Week'.

Pilou and Cato in their own baskets on the table while DD is studying.

April 9, 2014

Mountmellick part 1

This is part 1 of the Quiltmania Di Ford mystery Mountmellick. I finished it yesterday and I am looking forward to continue with the border of part 2 later today. But first I have to do some chores in the house...

Yesterday DD and I also visited mom. We were surprised to see how much better she is feeling now. She subscribed to join a trip on a tourist motor-boat on the Frisian lakes in May! And she started making her daily walks around the home again and goes to the coffee in the lounge in the mornings.

Thank you very much for your visits and lovely comments.

March 12, 2014

Moss Garden corner

It has been quiet on my blog for some time. One of the reasons is we (my younger sister and I) are worried about mom, who isn't feeling well for some weeks now. Yesterday I went to visit mom and organized some arrangements in the old people's house she lives in. I also asked the GP for a consultation to talk about what we can do to make mom feel better soon. He suggested some blood tests and reduce one of the medications. Now we hope this will help and give a clue.

In between I managed to finish a corner of the Moss Garden. On the photograph I discovered I've forgotten the grasses on the left side. But these can be added later.

And I knitted a pair of socks for DD.

Cato is feeling very at home now and snatches Pilou's favorite sleeping place. Of course Pilou is not very happy with this. The girls still play together, but Pilou is keeping more distance and trying to find a new balance. It'll need some more time to settle down again.

February 23, 2014

February IHSWeekend

This IHSWeekend I finished the bottom part of Chatelaine's Moss Garden. The stones around the pond are back stitched with Gloriana 'Cobblestone'. Now I've gathered the threads for the azalea bushes on the left side of this part. They are more purple-pink compared to the ones I've stitched already.

Pilou and Cato started chasing each other through the bedrooms today. They still keep some distance and seldom touch each other, but they are getting along very well already. Pilou thought she had a hiding place on top of DD's wardrobe, outside of reach of Cato. But after a while Cato managed to get on top as well!

We are very glad the little ladies like each other so much after such a short time. Tomorrow it is two weeks ago we got Cato from the shelter.

February 21, 2014

Cato and Pilou

The introductions are going well as you can see. Cato is a bit over-enthusiastic sometimes and then gets a correctional growl from Pilou. She is shy and needs some more time to get used to her new friend. But this afternoon both took a nap in my attic room. Caper isn't interested in Cato at all after some observations. And Cato thinks he is some kind of alien and keeps aloof.

I managed to stitch another part of the Moss Garden. And also stitched some 'Randje per Week' borders. And made some progress on Chateau Hexagon. I'll post pictures of these projects next week.

Welcome to my new followers. Thank you for your interest in my blog. And also thank you for your lovely comments. They are much appreciated.

February 10, 2014


Today we went to the animal shelter to fetch Cato.
She is gorgeous! Still a bit shy, but very friendly and playful. They guess she is about one year old now, younger and smaller then we thought she would be. But that is no problem for a friend for Pilou. We are going to introduce them to each other very carefully to avoid stressful situations as much as possible. And hope they will accept and like each other within some weeks.

February 6, 2014

Azalea bushes and trees

This is the first of the eight azalea bushes in different colours. I am really looking forward to see how the others will be. So if it is quiet over here for some time you know I'm stitching.

And this is my furry assistant Pilou. She is a bit over enthusiastic catching the threads and gets stuck in the fabric with her hairy paws. So she had to be banished to the other side of the table.

Last Friday we went to an animal shelter in Almelo to see if they had a friend for Pilou. We found a very friendly three colored (calico) young female cat we named Cato. She is sterilized, vaccinated an chipped yesterday. We can fetch her in a couple of days, when she is recovering well.