Showing posts with label Red Thread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red Thread. Show all posts

June 11, 2011

Summer Knotgarden framed

On Thursday I went to the framer's to collect these pieces:

Chatelaine's Summer Knotgarden,

Chatelaine's Autumn Watergarden

and Bent Creek's Red Thread which is stitched by DD.

My plan was to post these photo's yesterday, but after a phonecall I had to hurry to my mother. She has fallen over while she was working in the garden and has a gigantic bruise on her leg. Because she couldn't walk on it there had to be someone in the house to take care. The GP came in the afternoon and fortunately it is only a bruise and there is nothing broken. One of my brothers also came and will take care of her for a couple of days. Poor mom: we even had to cancel her birthday party on Sunday. Friday was her 85th birthday, not quite as she had in mind. But we'll organize a big party for her when she feels better later this summer!