Showing posts with label Beaded Dragonfly Tile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beaded Dragonfly Tile. Show all posts

March 4, 2013

Beaded Dragonfly Tile finished


The Beaded Dragonfly Tile is finished!
And Chatelaine published a picture of the fourth design of the series: the Beaded Peacock Tile. I added this one to my wishlist, together with the butterfly and orchids tile. It is always good to have some wishes.

February 26, 2013

Sixteen tiny dragonflies


An update of Chatelaine's Beaded Dragonfly Tile. I added all the sixteen over one dragonflies, the backstitches around the waterlilies and some grasses. The golden line is the outer border. Between this and the black line I still have to stitch some more waterlilies. And of course a lot of beads!

During the vacation I also finished the first of the new Little House Needleworks series of ornaments: Little Sheep Virtues. It is a bit oversized for the 'tree' but I'm sure I'll find a solution for this problem later.

The leg became a chicken indeed. The one of the Arne & Carlos Easter book of last year. It isn't finished yet, so I'll post a picture of it later.

Thank you very much for all your lovely comments.

February 19, 2013

February IHSW

During the February International Hermit and Stitch Weekend I added a lot of waterlilies to the Beaded Dragonfly Tile. I still have to add the backstitches to complete them.

Because it is vacation in the northern part of The Netherlands I have more time for some odd and neglected projects. This is one of them.

DD finished her granny square cushion last weekend. The small squares are the front side. I am very proud of her, because of her persistence and engagement. Yesterday she managed to squeeze it in her suitcase and took it with her to her students room. She had to minimize the number of clothes and towels and other stuff for this week. She'll be back on Friday to get a new load.

February 14, 2013

Four beaded dragonflies


The centre of Chatelaine's Beaded Dragonfly Tile is finished. Around this part there is a border with waterlilies and after that another border. But I am not sure if I will continue stitching this project or switch to another one. The last part of the Fire Lilies is waiting to be stitched.
As is the first sheep of the Little House Needleworks series about sheep and virtues.
And I coudn't resist to take advantage of Chatelaine's Piggybank discount and joined the Moss Garden Mandala...
Loads of things to do! Next week is vacation over here :o)

February 9, 2013

Beads and more beads

This is the centre part of Chatelaine's Beaded Dragonfly Tile. Because of all the beads I am stitching this one on 28 count linen instead of the usual 32 count. And the beads fit perfect in long rows.