Showing posts with label Autumn at HRH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Autumn at HRH. Show all posts

September 11, 2013

A finish and a new start

It's done! Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow is finished!

And I started stitching Chatelaine's Moss Garden. It really is fun to use all these lovely different and variegated threads again. Compared with this the Needle Point Silks of HRH were a bit boring.

September 4, 2013

The last block

It is very quiet in the house now university colleges have started again and DD has returned to her student's room in Groningen. But I'll get used to it, just like every time.
In the meantime I am still stitching Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow. As you can see I reached the last block and another finish is within sight.

In between I knitted a pair of socks called "Harry's ronde". The pattern on top are footprints of one of the Maine Coon cats of the owners of Wolhalla, a great web shop for yarn and all kind of knitting and crochet things. You can find the free pattern on the website when you click 'kadootjes'. DD took this pair of socks with her to wear on chilly evenings. They are made of new wool and bamboo yarn and feel very soft and comfortable.

Welcome to my new followers! And thanks for all your lovely comments.

August 26, 2013

Autunm at HRH top ornament

During the last week of my summer vacation I finished the top ornament of Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow. And I also stitched a part of block 2.

Thank you very much for your kind comments and birthday wishes. Also thanks in the name of DD for the lovely comments on the little chickens.

August 12, 2013

Autumn at HRH update

It has been a very long time since I posted an update. DD and DH were at home having vacation, so we have been busy with a lot of other things. But, despite of the hot weather, I managed to stitch some more of Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow. Block 5 and block 4 are finished and also half of block 3. And now it is much cooler over here stitching goes twice as fast.

Friday was my birthday. Another year added to a long row... ;o)
I got this soft alpaca wool to knit a Forest Path stole with lace 'fern', 'birch leaves' and 'lily of the valley' squares. And the 'Missy Mo' crystal figurine from Swarovski's Lovlots series to add to my collection.

DD made these cute little crochet chickens for me. And mum gave me a big box of chocolates and a gift certificate to buy a book of my choice. From friends and family I got lovely flowers and cards.

Thank you very much for your kind comments on previous posts.

July 22, 2013


We have very high temperatures over here and we'll keep this warm weather for at least the end of the week. So I decided not to start the more complicated Moss Garden Mandala, but do some easy stitching on Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow. Last week I finished block 6 and during the IHSWeekend I stitched a part of block 5.

While she was playing in the garden Pilou found this huge frog. It seems to think: "If I can't see her she doesn't see me too."
I brought it to a nearby ditch to continue it's search for a prince/princess and live happily ever after.

Thank you for your lovely compliments on my Sparkling Peacock finish and previous posts.

January 21, 2013

January IHSW

Welcome to my new followers. I am always surprised to see new 'faces' again and feel honoured you are interested in my blog. And also thanks for all your lovely comments on my Fairy Garden finish. So many comments! Overwhelming!

During the January IHSWeekend (thanks for hosting this event for another year Joyce!) I finished block 7 of Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow. I saw the announcement of another part in the series 'Spring at Hawk Run Hollow' which is very appealing.

For a change I got Autumn Knotgarden on the frame again. I still have to finish the fourth of the series of the Knotgarden seasons and have it framed for the Knotgarden wall.Yesterday I stitched the blackwork between the scrolls and the specialty stitches in the ginger scrolls. And I also have the first Knotgarden kitted up in a pile of stash.
@Jennifer - I counted my finished Chatelaines and there are 18 by now!

December 4, 2012

Four blocks done


I added some ghosts and bats and a witch with a black cat to Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow.
My black (and ginger) cat Pilou doesn't seem to understand the idea of the cauldron....

Today the postman brought me the package with the kit for the Hydrangea Autumn Fog Mandala I ordered at ECC. It contains a lot of lovely coloured silks and beads!
But first I am going to stitch the next part of Chatelaine's Fire Lily Garden.

Thank you very much for your kind comments on the previous post!

November 24, 2012

Back from the framer


Today I got Spring Knotgarden back from the framer. It has the same colour and size of frame as Summer Knotgarden.
Here is a picture of my Knotgarden wall in the practice room.

Autumn Knotgarden still has to be finished and added to the collection. In January 2013 Isa and I are starting a SAL to stitch Autumn Knotgarden to a finish. I am really looking forward to this SAL.
Herbularius also came back frome the framer.

And I stitched a lot of Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow. My cold hasn't gone completely yet, so I'll have to stitch some more to cure it... It looks like I'm using any kind of excuse I can think of to have more stitching time ;o)  But I'm feeling much better already.

Thank you very much for your good wishes and lovely comments. They are much appreciated.

November 19, 2012

November IHSW

Last week I had a nasty cold which I tried to cure with lots of stitching. Till now this treatment didn't work out as I hoped so it will be necessary to continue.
I stitched the giant turkey during the IHSWeekend.

November 12, 2012

Fire Lily Garden part 4


Yesterday I finished part 4 of Chatelaine's Fire Lily Garden. Now I'll have to wait till December 1th when the next part will be released. Though I have plenty of other Chatelaines to stitch I felt it was time for a break. So I dug Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow out of a pile of stash. I thought I had already stitched a part of block 12. But this turned out to be only a part of the outlines...

Yesterday evening I stitched a horse with spaghetti-legs and a headless charioteer. And a part of a house.