Showing posts with label Chateau Hexagon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chateau Hexagon. Show all posts

November 4, 2014

My Chateau Hexagon

I finished the top of my Chateau Hexagon! The lord of the manor is having a walk, so all the fields are visible. @ Betty: The Chateau is designed by Lynette Anderson and I got it as a BOM with the buttons.

Today DD traveled by train to Bruges for three days. She is going to visit a school for children with special educational needs there, Spermalie, for her master theses. She is doing the international master 'Communication and deafblindness'. Says a very proud mom.

October 26, 2014

The lord of the manor is home

Last week I've been busy with one of my neglected projects: 'Chateau Hexagon', Lynette Anderson's last button club. Today I finished the last part, the castle. When all parts were spread on the floor and I was assembling the rectangles for the outer border the lord of the manor came home. Fortunately this time I had a camera in my room.

November 15, 2013

Chateau Hexagon again

All six parts of Chateau Hexagon assembled. It is a bit bumpy because I didn't iron the seams.
The next part will fill the empty space in the center of the four parts on top. I can't imagine what this will be, so I am really looking forward to receive part 7 at the end of this month.

October 23, 2013

A lot of Chateau Hexagon

Yesterday I finished part 5 of Lynette Anderson's Button BOM Chateau Hexagon. Now I'll have to wait till part 6 arrives somewhere next week.


A warm welcome to my new followers. Thank you for your interest in my blog. 
And also thanks a lot for your lovely comments.

October 10, 2013

Chateau Hexagon

Last week I got these beautiful cream background fabrics from my friend Anne Marieke. The fabrics are a belated birthday present! We planned to go shopping together, but because of a lot of things happening in both our lives we had to postpone this event many times. So Anne Marieke choose some lovely fabrics and sent them by mail. Thank you very much, Anne Marieke!
They match perfectly with Lynette Anderson's Evening Mist fabrics.

This is what I already did of part 1 of Chateau Hexagon, the latest button BOM by Lynette Anderson.

Welcome to my new followers. And thanks for all your lovely comments.