September 23, 2011

Herbularius part 1

Still without beads and crystals, but I hope I can add some of them later today.
This weekend there won't be much stitching time, because DD has her birthday party on Saturday. Wednesday was her 20th birthday. When I look at her I realize how time flies!

September 19, 2011

September IHSW

And of course I've stitched more of Herbularius part 1 during this month's International Hermit and Stitch Weekend.

September 15, 2011

A new start

And of course it is Chatelaine's Herbularius, the Medevial Cloister Herb Garden! The new kit was irresistible, as most of the ECC kits are. I wonder why my Hummingbird kit is still untouched... Like most of my Chatelaines I am stitching Herbularius on antique white 32 count linen.

Because she was feeling queer after a change in her heart medication, mom and I went to her GP last Tuesday. After a check up the GP told us not to worry because everything is alright. Mom just has to get used to the new medication and all the changes in her life. He'd like to see us again in November. Now mom is trying to stuff as much things as possible out of the old house into her new place. I've moved several loads of boxes already! So much memories... We'll have to store some boxes in our attic too I guess.
In spring DD decided being a teacher isn't what she wants to be in future. Last week she started to study Pedagogical Sciences in Groningen, because she does have a strong affinity with children and the way they develop. Groningen is an hour by train, but in future she'll go searching for a room and move out.
I've also started working again after a long summer break. This means less stitching time and less blogging time I'm afraid. But this weekend I am going to enjoy another IHSW! Joyce provided a very cute button as you can see in my sidebar. You will get all the information you need when you click it. Of course I will be stitching Herbularius this weekend!

September 10, 2011

Upper left corner

This is the upper left corner of Chatelaine's Spring Knotgarden. The other corners have different coloured flowers, just like the flowers in part 2. But these will have to wait for some time because yesterday my Herbularius kit arrived. I can't wait to get started!

Welcome to all my new followers. Thank you for your lovely comments.

September 7, 2011

Autumn Knotgarden part 2

Part 2 of Chatelaine's Autumn Knotgarden is finished! Only two colours are used for the cross stitches and loads of grey beads. About 160 beads in each scroll! The next part will be uploaded on the first day of November, so this project will be covered up in a dish towel and go to sleep for two months. Unfortunately I got a bad skein of Silk'n Colours 'gingersnap', one with zebra pattern and not dyed through and through. But lucky me found some leftovers of it from MM1 'Amber & Aquamarine' and Anne Marieke was so kind to send me the other half of this shared skein. Thank you very much, Anne Marieke! This will be sufficient to complete Autumn Knotgarden.
Now Spring Knotgarden is calling.
And my kit for Herbularius is on the way!

September 3, 2011

Happy Dance!

After two days of sewing the floral print borders are attached to the top and the Thimbleberries 3's Company quilt is finished! Now the whole thing has to be basted and quilted some time in future. For now it will become a part of the huge pile. I wonder if any of my Dutch readers have experiences with long arm quilting machines doing this part of the process. I am seriously considering to give it a try and put out this part of the job.