October 27, 2011

Herbularius: 'carduus'

Finally I finished the first of the herbs, 'carduus'. This project really is very time-consuming, but so well worth the effort.

The knitted dragon is still missing one of his hind legs. I will try to knit this later today, stuff it and give it eyes.

I also cut another block of the Civil War Chronicles quilt. But I made a mistake in measuring the size of some patches, so I had to substitute them by new ones. And this morning I discovered I turned some parts upside down when I assembled the block. The third attempt seems to be succesful till so far. Still three more month 8 blocks to go.

On Friday and Saturday my sister and I will sort out a lot of stuff from mom's old house. Two weeks from now the second hand shop will come to collect a load of stuff, at least we hope they will take a lot of things.

October 19, 2011


Yesterday DD and I discovered a lovely little shop in the city with loads of gorgeous yarn. There was an irresistible cute dragon displayed on the counter, so I bought pattern, yarn and needles and started knitting. I have finished the head already. More information about Joris de Draak and his friends you can find on this Dutch site.

These wooden cases are used to store knitting needles. Top down they did belong to beppe (my Frisian grandmother), mother-in-law, mom and mom's mother. They are still filled with bended and rusty needles. Especially mom's neeldes are bended, because my little brothers used to shove them in the carpet to make nice hooks. Winner was the one with the most acute angle. You can imagine how mom's reaction was!

I didn't forget Herbs: I only started a rotation ;o)

October 18, 2011

IHSW: beads and bicones

Welcome to my new followers! And thanks for all the lovely comments!

On Saturday we have cleaned out more cupboards in mom's old house. I still have to bring a car load of old clothes to the second-hand shop later today. We found lots of interesting stuff this visit. Among others my old braids that are cut off when I was nine years old! The curls and the colour are the same as DD's braids when she had the same age. I stored my braids in a drawer again.
Two of my brothers came to help and we had a lot of fun.

So only Sunday was left to do some hermitting and stitching. I attached all the beads and bicones on part 1 of Herbularius or 'Herbs'. As you can see I started stitching part 3 now. I will attach the beads and bicones of part 2 later.

October 14, 2011

Herbularius update

The lenghts of Eterna threads from Joyce and Abi arrived last week, so I could finish the cross stitches of Herbularius part 2. Having enough thread was very motivating!
This weekend is IHSW again! You can click on the button on the sidebar for more information. Because I will go to mom on Saturday to clean out more cupboards, for me only Sunday will be a hermit-and-stitch day. I wonder what we will find on this part of memory lane.
My eldest brother and I got a load of stuff from the attic during one of the visits to the old house. Because nobody has been there for several years it was a spider paradise. Spider cobs hanging from the roof just like a creepy film or a Halloween scene! And of course I was the one who had to go through the acces hatch by climbing an unstable stepladder. We found boxes with primary school drawings and stuffed animals. And loads of old junk and dirt.

October 10, 2011

Loose Feathers 2011

No Herbularius update but a finish. This is part #1 of the 2011 Blackbird Designs Loose Feathers Club. Part #2 should have been released in September, but will be shipped out in October Alma wrote on her blog.

On Saturday mom and I have been to the old house again to clear cupboards. There are many cupboards in the old house, all loaded with 'stuff'! Many boxes with very old photographs, so mom told many stories about her childhood in Indonesia. She lived there at the time it still was a Dutch colony. Next Saturday we are going to clear more cupboards.

Thank you for visiting and for all your lovely comments.

October 6, 2011

Herbularius problem solved!

Abi and Joyce will send parts of their Eterna 4220 skeins, so we can finish Herbularius part 2 without frogging and searching for a substitute. Thank you so much for your great help, Joyce and Abi! And also thanks for the supporting and encouraging comments. I am very pleased we could solve this problem in this way.

Because the postman brought me the package with month 8 of the Civil War Chronicles BOM, I decided is was time to finish the month 7 blocks. I made four of these blocks.

And of course my hairy helper kept an eye on what I was doing.

Then I found a box with fabric and threads of the Blackbird Designs Loose Feathers Club 2011 and started stitching. I hope the next part of three will be shipped this month.

October 2, 2011

Herbularius problem

And the problem is I shared the skein of Eterna Silks mini twist 4220 I got in my kit from ECC with my friend Anne Marieke, so we could both use this thread in part 1 and 2. Anne Marieke ordered another skein from ECC with the plan to share this one with me. A stitching friends plan with no problems we assumed, and we happily used the half skein of Eterna we both had. We thought Cindy would ship within some weeks because it is on backorder. But Cindy told us last week there are severe problems with the Eterna backorders: 'We might not ever get the Eterna'. Anne Marieke also ordered a skein from Thread Express, who hasn't shipped or acknowledged her order, and hasn't answered to an email she sent to enquire about the Eterna.

So now we do hope some of our fellow Herbularius stitchers will be so kind to send a little part of their skein to us so we can both finish part 2 with the Eterna. I dare to ask because Martina writes 'approximate usage 0.55 skein' and therefore there will be plenty left over from a whole skein. We would be very happy with some 25 centimeter lenghts. And do hope some kind stitchers will help us. We are, of course, very willing to refund the postage via PayPal.