May 11, 2013

A sunny day in the garden


On the sunny spring days of last weeks we allowed Pilou and Donald to discover the back garden.
Surprisingly Donald was very confident and went for a long walk as soon he was outside. Pilou frequently came back to check if the door was still open and was frightened by all kind of noises.

The boys enjoyed the sun and the sand!
The stones mark the places where we burried Julius and Cleo...

Pilou started chasing all kind of things when she felt more comfortable in the garden. We thought a jay was a bit ambitious, but she decided to go for it.


I also stitched some more of the Sparkling Peacock Mandala. This part is finished by now, exept for the large crystals.
And last week the postman brought the kit for the Japanese Moss Garden Mandala I ordered from ECC. After a long time mom finally sold the old house and gave all her children and grandchildren a part of the money. I decided the Moss Garden would be a good remembrance to the old house and it's lovely garden filled with adventures and promises.

May 4, 2013

Peacock feathers


This Sparkling Peacock Mandala is very very addicting!
I didn't add the beads on the feathers yet.

May 1, 2013

Purple peacocks


The fourth pair of peacocks is finished. And now I am stitching the feathers in the corners.