July 22, 2013


We have very high temperatures over here and we'll keep this warm weather for at least the end of the week. So I decided not to start the more complicated Moss Garden Mandala, but do some easy stitching on Autumn at Hawk Run Hollow. Last week I finished block 6 and during the IHSWeekend I stitched a part of block 5.

While she was playing in the garden Pilou found this huge frog. It seems to think: "If I can't see her she doesn't see me too."
I brought it to a nearby ditch to continue it's search for a prince/princess and live happily ever after.

Thank you for your lovely compliments on my Sparkling Peacock finish and previous posts.

July 15, 2013

A sparkling finish

Today I attached the last of the beads and the crystals to Chatelaine's Sparkling Peacock Mandala. Now I have an empty set of scroll rods to start the Moss Garden!

And our furry friends are waiting for someone to open the door to the garden.

July 2, 2013

Some sheep

Last couple of weeks have been very busy. But I managed to stitch a flock of sheep in between all the other things I had to do. These are sheep from the Little House Needleworks 'Little Sheep Virtues' series.

While DD is waiting for the result of her preliminary exams she knitted a butterfly. The pattern is from the newest book of Arne & Carlos "Knit and Crochet Garden". DD is not fully content about the colors and she has planned to knit another butterfly during the next weeks.

Welcome to my new followers and thank you for your lovely comments.