May 18, 2014

May IHSWeekend

This weekend I did some gardening and enjoyed the lovely weather we have over here. Amazing how weeds grow when they are neglected for some time because of a painful back! They seem to take advantage of the situation, as soon as possible.
And I finished the third corner of the Moss Garden. Fortunately stitching is no problem anymore.

Thank you very much for your lovely comments on previous posts.

May 14, 2014

Moss Garden and 'Randjes'

I am feeling much better now and I am stitching again!
During the rainy days we had last weekend I stitched another bunch of azalea's of the Moss Garden. When this corner is finished I only have the right top corner left to do and some of the crystals. And after that I am going to start the Nymphs Garden. When I'd start that one now I am afraid Moss Garden will be neglected. But Nymphs really can shout ...

And I caught up with all the borders of 'Randje per Week'.

Pilou and Cato in their own baskets on the table while DD is studying.

May 4, 2014

Drayton Hall: first section of diamonds

Because there is something painfully wrong with some muscles in my right hip and upper leg, especially during the very long and dark nights, I can't do much stitching at the moment. But fortunately sewing all these diamonds together for Di Ford's Drayton Hall quilt is possible. So I'll keep busy with the diamonds till physiotherapy and frequent exercises do their miracle and ease the pain. This would be very welcome after two weeks of wakefull nights. There are still three sections of diamonds left to do, but I really hope I won't have to finish them all .....

These beautiful flowers I got from a neighbour for taking care of their cat during their vacation! Much too much, because it is a very sweet cat and not much work at all.