December 22, 2014

The Forest Door

After a long time of deliberation I treated myself on a second stitching frame. The idea was it would be more easy to switch between projects when they had a frame of their own.
So when the new frame arrived on Saturday I got my very neglected HAED project 'The Forest Door' out of its hiding place. And started gathering the threads which - of course - are spread over a lot of other projects during at least two years.
And started stitching... and stitching... and stitching....

Thank you very much for your visits and lovely comments.
Merry Christmas
to all of you

December 12, 2014


The trees and clouds on the left top side are almost finished.
This weekend my plan is to stitch a part of the first waterlily.

December 8, 2014

A forest

During the weekend I stitched a forest, some clouds and a nymph. I was afraid it would have been too much stitching, but with regular breaks the muscles of my neck and back did approve it.

Thank you very much for you lovely comments!