Thursday, September 19, 2013

Shadid Lewis Follows In Allah's Footsteps

More devastating material from Radical Moderate Productions. If you enjoyed the last couple of videos from RMP, don't miss this one. Make sure to watch for the big ending.


Baron Eddie said...

Oh yes, Quran 3:54 and 8:30 that Muslims erroneously translate the word "khyeir Al-Makreen" to "best planner!" But any Arabic speaking person know that
is wrong and the real meaning is "Best deceiver"

ومكروا ومكر الله والله خير الماكرين

Thanks Anthony Rogers for this post

Unknown said...
The above link saya a lot about who the real muslims are- simply following in the footsteps of their prophet. Shame on you for doing this to a defenceless woman.

Unknown said...

Shadid Lewis in his debate with Bob Siegal quoted Deuteronomy 18:20-22. Lets look at Deuteronomy 18:18-22 to see how it relates to Muhammad.
18 I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. 19 I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name (YHWH)
According to this verse the true prophet must speak in YHWH’s name but since Muhammad NEVER spoke in this name this verse disqualifies him from being a true prophet. It should be remembered that neither Allah nor any other name for deity found in the Quran corresponds with the name YHWH. For example the Torah never says “call him YHWH or call him Rahman”. Because unlike Allah, YHWH can NEVER be replaced by any other name.
Muslim criteria for determining the authenticity of the Bible is this: If a verse agrees with the teachings of Muhammad then it is authentic, If it contradicts what he taught then it is corrupt. No objective evidence is offered to show why certain verses are considered authentic and others are not. This criteria begs the question as it simply assumes that Muhammad was a true prophet. If Muslims want us to believe that Muhammad was a prophet like Moses then they must show that they both at least taught the same doctrines. Muslims cannot simply ignore the huge discrepancies that exist between the teachings of Moses and Muhammad and just claim that the two are alike because they were both shepherds!
According to this verse the true prophet must speak in YHWH’s name but since Muhammad NEVER spoke in this name this verse disqualifies him from being the prophet predicted here. It should be remembered that neither Allah nor any other name for deity found in the Quran can correspond to the name YHWH. For example the Torah never says “call him YHWH or call him Rahman”. Because unlike Allah, YHWH can NEVER be replaced by any other name.
In fact if the Torah is as untrustworthy, errant, contradictory, unscientific, unreliable, blasphemous, perverted, interpolated, fabricated, altered, distorted, corrupted and degraded as many Muslims claim it is, then how were they able to determine with such certainty what Moses was like? They simply pick and choose and assume as authentic those verses they think will help make Muhammad look like a prophet.
If the Torah is as corrupt as it has to be for Islam to be true then no can know for sure what Moses was like. This would then render any comparison between Muhammad and Moses worthless.
20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name (YHWH) anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.”
Since no name in the Quran corresponds with YHWH, Muhammad spoke in the name of “other gods” (Allah, Al Azim, Al Kabir etc, not to mention Satan) for which the penalty prescribed by this verse is death. And since Muhammad’s teachings are irreconcilably at odds with those of the Torah he could hardly have been commanded by YHWH.
21 You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by YHWH?” 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of YHWH does not take place or come true, that is a message YHWH has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed.
Fulfilment of prophecy is the criteria of a true prophet according to verse 22. The Meccans and Jews however never recognised any fulfilled prophecies as coming from Muhammad. They consistently rejected him as a miracle-less prophet. In addition the criteria by which Muhammad himself wanted to be judged by was NOT the one given in this verse, instead he wanted to be judged by a different criteria i.e. “produce a surah like it”. But even if Muhammad had performed miracles Deuteronomy 18:18-22 still disqualifies him as no amount of miracles and fulfilled prophecies could make him a true prophet if he did not speak in YHWH’s name.

Anonymous said...

The faulty logic of Shadid is interesting to me. As a former cultist myself, I recognize this kind of deflection. Just because Christians do not recognize passages as being about Muhammad, that doesn't mean Muslims don't make the claim. Also, just because Muhammad isn't in the bible (and he isn't) that does not mean Muhammad wasn't referring to the Bible when he speaks about "the people of the book". Unless Shadid wants to say the "injeel" is a book that existed during Muhammads lifetime, in which case we have to ask: where did Muhammad get a copy and who all had it?

Mr. Lewis is a very animated speaker. But his rationale lacks insight.

carol_7 said...

Does Shadid think that the Dead Sea Scrolls show that the Old Testament isn't the Old Testament?

Anthony Rogers said...

Hi Carol,

With Shadid it would appear that the answer to your question all depends on what position he is defending or arguing against. His views change from debate to debate.