This week's pick:

Showing posts with label Batman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batman. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2011

DAMIAN WAYNE by Francesco Francavilla

Click on the image for THE WHOLE STORY
Damian Wayne... Tweeting

Click on the image.
That's all I have to say :D


Artwork © 2011 Francesco Francavilla

Monday, September 26, 2011


THIS is what I would love to do at DC, if ever given the chance.

; a crime series set in Gotham city. Not a superhero book. It would be a mix of the Batman Animated Series, Year One, Gotham Central, and The Wire. This would be a more street-level book with the emphasis on the Batman solving actual crimes, instead of fighting super-villains all the time.


EDIT: Jordie scrapped my crappy font, and replaced it with a much nicer, and pulpier looking title.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Batman VS Catwoman

One last DC piece to round out the event for me.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

BATMAN's ROGUES by Mr. Hawthorne

You can see the process post for this piece on my blog.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I've been a big fan of Gene Colan since I first saw one of his Daredevil issues. He had a way of making figures seem heroic and dynamic and I could pick up on that even then. I've followed his work off and on over the years but it's only during the past few years that I've really understood just how great an artist he is. He is a true original and will be missed.

RIP Gene Colan

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

BATMAN by Francesco Francavilla

Alfred Hitchcock
Click on it for larger SIZE!!! ;)

For ketchup week I wanted to tackle a couple of subjects again. The first is Batman.
You can see more of this BATMAN 1935 concept here:
and more design work here.
Just a little thing I am working on in my spare time :)

I got another piece for Ketchup week in the work - stay tuned!


Artwork © 2011 Francesco Francavilla

Friday, November 5, 2010


Batman is just perfect for this kinda stuff. I could do this all day. Thanks to Mitch for such a great idea for this week.


Thursday, November 4, 2010


You guys went way more minimal than I could, but here's my attempt.
I just posted a second one. I'll probably do more before the weeks over!
I've posted one more, it's the Hulk!
this was an awesome choice, Mitch. So much fun!
Thanks for looking.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Batman & Power Man and Iron Fist & Zorro by Evan Shaner

EDIT: Last one, I promise.
EDIT: As a lot of the guys are proving, designing these is too much fun to just do one. So here's a minimalist take on Power Man and Iron Fist.When Mitch first brought up the idea of experimenting with going minimalist this week, this is the first thing that sprang to mind for me. I remember as a kid from watching Batman: The Animated Series that one of the most startling things about Batman was his eyes, whenever they put him in silhouette his eyes practically glowed, and ever since that's been a big part of what I think about Batman.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

BATMAN by Evan Shaner

I thought I'd try drawing Bruce for once, I always liked the way Frank Robbins drew him. I liked the way he drew Batman too for that matter. Frank Robbins did one of my favorite issues of Detective Comics, wherein this happens.

I don't draw Batman nearly enough, but after working on this, my new favorite is Alfred.

BATMAN by Ron Salas

I kinda disappeared for a while there. Digging everyone's takes on Batman.

Like many people, Batman's my favourite character. I think for many people, if there has to be one character they have to draw, it's Batman.

Monday, April 26, 2010

BATMAN by tom fowler

been a little while.

batman's a character i've always had a lot of trouble with. i tried about three other drawings before chucking them in favour of the only way batman ever seems to make sense to me: a violent, vengeful sociopath.

BATMAN by Steve Bryant

I haven't Twarted in a while—some personal issues and the Kickstarter campaign for my book, Athena Voltaire, have had me scrambling. Thankfully, it looks like everything is settling down.

Big thanks to Declan for his Twart choice—I hope to catch up on the Twarts I've started but not yet finished from previous weeks...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

BATMAN by Nathan Fairbairn

Just a little marker sketch with some color slapped on in PS. One of those rare times I just start drawing with no clue where I'm going. I did this earlier in the week, thinking I'd find the time to do something more ... well, more good, honestly, for Bat week. But no. Now the week is over, so this is what you get.


I couldn't help myself. While I had PS open, I had to throw some color at Mr. Hawthorne's super Bat cover!

BATMAN by Andy Kuhn

It's impossible for me draw Batman too many times.
He's probably the most iconic, and the most resilient to interpretation
of any character in mainstream comics. I love him!
Unfortunately this week I only had time to do
the black and red piece at the top of this post.
The drawing of Batman in the snow is one of my favorite
caped crusader drawings that I have ever done.
It wasn't done for Comic-Twart, but I include it here as an apology.
Hopefully i'll have more time next week.
Thanks for looking.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

BATMAN by Mr. Hawthorne


Batman by Mitch Breitweiser

Finally! Sorry it's been so long since I twarted. I unashamedly admit I borrowed my color scheme from the wonderful Francesco Francavilla.



Friday, April 23, 2010

BATMAN by Mitch Gerads


I've been sequestered away the last few weeks trying to meet deadlines for JOHNNY RECON #2 to debut at Springcon so I've been forced to take a few weeks off from the Twart blog.

It wasn't easy.

John Carter of Mars, Dan Dare, Johnny Quest, HAWKMAN! Then Declan went and picked Batman. Somehow I found the strength to carry on before, but the day I pass up a chance to draw Batman is the day I hang it all up.

So thanks, Declan, for pulling me out of deadline obscurity. I'll have to buy you a drink. Irish people still drink, right?


BATMAN (and Poison Ivy) by Chris Samnee

I've never made it a secret that I'd kill to work on a Bat title. I absolutely love drawing Batman.
I was lucky enough to handle art chores on a Poison Ivy short story, written by Simon Spurrier, for the Batman 80 Page Giant a while back but I've still got the itch to do more.

Excellent subject suggestion, Declan. :D

Oh, and here are the pencils for the above sketch.