This week's pick:

Showing posts with label Zorro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zorro. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Minimalist (?)

You be the judge.
Refraining from going the easy route with these things and actually trying to put some thought can be tough.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Batman & Power Man and Iron Fist & Zorro by Evan Shaner

EDIT: Last one, I promise.
EDIT: As a lot of the guys are proving, designing these is too much fun to just do one. So here's a minimalist take on Power Man and Iron Fist.When Mitch first brought up the idea of experimenting with going minimalist this week, this is the first thing that sprang to mind for me. I remember as a kid from watching Batman: The Animated Series that one of the most startling things about Batman was his eyes, whenever they put him in silhouette his eyes practically glowed, and ever since that's been a big part of what I think about Batman.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Zorro - Urban Barbarian

Sorry I'm a bit late on this but everyone looks like they're having so much fun I had to chime in. Better late than never, right...? I hope so. Anyways, thanks again for inviting me into your talented fold!

This is my cartoony version of a character that I enjoyed on television and because of Alex Toth's iconic illustrated tales. I really enjoyed both for different reasons! One as a child and the other as an envious artist!

Zorro- Patrick Stiles

I'm humbled to be a Twart, especially after seeing the great contributions from the artists here. Thanks for the invite, Chris! Thanks to Mitches Breitweiser and Gerads for their encouragement.

About my own contribution: I've never inked digitally before, and I likely won't for future Twarts- not until I get the hang of it. I'm posting my preliminary sketches since they possess a quality that the digital final is lacking. I aim to redeem myself next week (if the Twarts will keep me around). Thanks to all!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Zorro by Ramón Pérez

first off, a big thanks to chris samnee for letting me be a part of the comic twarts. i am in great company and it's going to be a challenge to keep up! which i like :)

i thought i'd take a different approach to my zorro piece as, not only are all the renditions ridiculously awesome, i wanted to capture that feel of our masked hero sweeping through the scene. it's one element i really enjoyed in a lot of the old zorro serials and even the new movies. a blur of a cape, the flash of a sword.... you get the picture.

hope you like.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Zorro by Nathan Fairbairn

Thanks to Chris Samnee for asking me to join this fine collective. I'm not sure what I'm doing here, honestly -- a colorist in the midst of you graphite and ink monsters. Maybe I'm like the average dude who's put in a photo of the world's tallest man just for scale. Even if that's the case, I'm just pleased and honored to be here and hope my own humble drawing of Don Diego de la Vega and his faithful mute manservant, Bernardo, doesn't lower the tone too much.

Zorro by Ron Salas

Look at me bringing up the rear.
I'm almost embarrassed to post this seeing the awesome work by everybody else here but since I finally got time to finish this today I figured I might as well put it up.

I'll do better next time.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ZORRO by tom fowler

like some of my fellow twartterers, i wasn't totally satisfied with my first go at this...

so i did a second:

i had loads of fun doing these, either way, and i'm looking forward to what's next!

EDIT: some of us here on twarttington lane have been having trouble getting the comments section to work for us. which makes it difficult for us to say thank you or call andy a jerk...

if there's anyone out there who's encountered and overcome this "select profile" style comment problem, please enlighten us in, well, the comments.

and thank you all.

...except andy.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ZORRO by Mitch Gerads

To be included on this blog is an honor in itself. Thanks to Mitch Breitweiser for the awesome character suggestion this week!


ZORRO by Evan Shaner

Monday, January 18, 2010

ZORRO by Francesco Francavilla

Zorro by Francesco Francavilla

I have been drawing about 300 pages on Zorro so far so I felt I couldn't pass on a Zorro jam ;)
To take the famous 2 birds with one stone, here's a page fresh from the oven (started to work on it earlier today) that you will find in #20 :)
Does 2 panels count for 2 Zorros? ;)

Glad to be part of this cool group of artists and thanks Chris for inviting me :)
This is gonna be fun!


ZORRO by Steve Bryant

ZORRO(s) by Declan Shalvey

Hello there. When Zorro was suggested, this little layout popped into my head. I've said it many times; "A good composition makes up for shoddy drawing". For me, at least. I was liking it 'til i saw all the below (and more impressive) pieces go online today, so to make up for it i just whipped up another little doodle. Which i think i much prefer actually.

ZORRO by Chris Samnee

This blog has really gotten off on the right foot, eh? Great work so far, gents. Can't wait to see everyone else's contributions.

ZORRO by Mr. Hawthorne

I did two. Sorry.


Zorro by Andy Kuhn

If you want to see the ridiculous number of
roughs I went through, just so I wouldn't
be shamed by these guys, CLICK HERE.

Zorro by Dan McDaid

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Zorro by Mitch Breitweiser

I jumped the gun a little bit. Couldn't wait until Monday to get my Zorro on.

