This week's pick:

Showing posts with label GROO The Wanderer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GROO The Wanderer. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

GROO by Ron Salas

Here's a belated quick Groo.
I've never read the book but it looks fun. I wish I had a better week health-wise during the past week because I really would've liked to spend more time doing a proper piece.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

GROO THE WANDERER by tom fowler

by this point people probably know how much i HATE posting pencils, but with my big boy job coming down to the wire i'm kind of running on empty at the moment.

since it's my week, though, i felt like i needed to get something up. so here's a bit of a preview. i promise i'll get some paint on it as soon as things clear out.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

GROO THE WANDERER by Francesco Francavilla

Click on the image for BIGGER GROO!!!
GROO The Wanderer

A quick tribute to Sergio Aragones' iconic creation :)
Thanks, Tom, for picking such a fun subject for this week.


Artwork © 2011 Francesco Francavilla