This week's pick:

Showing posts with label Frankenstein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frankenstein. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

KETCHUP by tom fowler

with luck i'll be able to fill a few more in here in the next little while, but until then...


missing frankenstein week literally caused me physical pain. this particular piece will be pulling double duty both twart and and my contribution to comics alliance and the CBLDF's charity auction.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Always liked Frankenstein since I first read the book as a kid. As a result, I could never really accept the James Whale version of the character. Is my drawing really a faithful depiction Frankenstein's monster, though? You be the judge.


Wow. I've been away for a few weeks (again!) and am stunned by the work generated by my fellow Twartists—I'm sorry for being quiet on the list and on the blog since a few weeks prior to SDCC, but continue to be amazed and inspired by everything you guys draw and paint (posted to the list and posted to the blog). You guys are my heroes.

Okay, on to this week's Twart...Andy's edict was simple:

"please feel free to interpret shelley's monster in any setting past, present, or future, or do a drawing of any character inspired by the original, from frankenstein jr, to the franken-hooker! i guess my point is, go nutty! good luck, and may god have mercy on your souls."

Like a bunch of these guys, I have a soft spot for the big guy—especially as portrayed by Boris Karloff. But I have even more affection for James Whale's 1935 sequel, The Bride of Frankenstein.

Big thanks to Andy for picking such a cool topic!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Frankenstein's Monster is my favorite of the classic monsters, and much like the doctor who put him together I strung together bits and pieces of my favorite renditions of the creature.

You can see the black and white sketch over at my blog.

Another great pick Andy!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


It seemed to me that we needed
a little horror action up in this piece....
that's why I picked Frankenstein's Monster.
I had much fun drawing it, I hope you like it.
Thanks for looking.

Frankenstein by Mitch Breitweiser

Great pick. Wish I had time to do a whole scene, but alas, all I can twart is this paint sketch.



Friday, August 6, 2010

FRANKENSTEIN by Mr. Hawthorne

Great pick, Andy :)

Making of this piece over at my blog.



I just HAD to twart this week. A couple of years ago i did a graphic novel adaptation of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, so am well versed in both the story and the character of Frankenstein's monster. No bolts in the temple, no square head and no electricity!

This one got out of hand; started out as a basic drawing; felt i'd blacked in too many areas so went back in with white ink, but had no clean brush handy so just used my fingers. 'Things got a little out of control', like the tag-line to a bad 80s action comedy.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

FRANKENSTEIN by Chris Samnee

Frankenstein sad. Chris tired.


I read Frankenstein for the first time about two years ago (having pretended to read it at school - sorry Mrs Brown), and it's properly brilliant. Full of fantastic imagery, terrific atmosphere, all that good stuff. This is one of my favourite moments (which isn't really in the book): the creature heads for the ship where Victor is trapped.

Anyway - hope ya like it!


Monday, August 2, 2010

FRANKENSTEIN by Mitch Gerads

"I don't think those pitchforks and torches are gonna do ya much good."



FRANKENSTEIN by Francesco Francavilla

Frankenstein - WP Edition
(click on the above image for a bigger view)

First of all, HUGE thanks to Andy for picking one of my favorite characters EVER!

I have drawn this guy (and related iconography) so many times (I lost the count) and never grow tired of it :)
As matter of fact I am planning something more "elaborated" (time permitting), but for now here's a quick brush&ink portrait of Karloff's iconic incarnation of the monster I did this morning.

Hope you guys enjoy it. :)

Edit: added a WP edition with a couple of old Frankies into it (2005 circa).
